
it's crazy they say we are gonna flood even if they don't open the morganza so why wait ?i think they want to stress test them levees and then come back if they don't fail and say hey it worked we saved N.O but what about the rest of us that are gonna be flooded? so far they done flooded the corn fields soybean fields rice fields so that is gonna put a real impack on the prices if there will be any at all to buy.it's gonna be bad down here for a while . i pray for the guys on the levee because they won't have time to get out when it goes.i got a call from my buddy twoguns and it don't look good where he's at right now.they say we are gonna have 5+ feet of water no mater if the open or leave the morganza closed?????
Hey, prayin for you guys. I know you have been through lots of stuff before, but watch that dang water. You can hide from the wind, but the water is relentless and will find the low spots. Just from what I know of you guys from the boards, you are survivors, but always leave yourself a way out. I know you don't want to leave the farm, and I was just like you during Ike and Rita, but leave yourself an escape route. Options are always good to have.

Hang in there guys.

I just heard that they are opening the spillway. I am truly sorry Peanut. Will keep all of ya'll in my prayers. Keep the posse close- and God watch over ya'll. bordercollie
Sorry guys..... wishing it were different.....praying for your safety.....The water will pass, the cleanup/recovery will take longer.
...... for I am speaking for all the folks down here. We ALL thank you for your prayers and
kind words.
The crest has been lowered from 64.00 feet to 63.50 feet. Crest date is still 21 May.
Every little bit helps. There is much flooding still going on, and there is much going to get
flooded yet >>>>
They did open up a gate on the Morganza spillway today around two or three.

I have misplaced a pair of rubber boots up here, if you see some floating by your way,
snatch them up and will get from you when water goes down.
I seen the pictures of the water from the spillway and looks scary to me.
All that water eating away at the bottom of that spillway the whole thing could let go.
I pray that you are all safe and that spillway holds up.

watch these films >>>


and >>>>>


this will give one an idea
..... they opened up another gate today at the Morganza spillway. We were at 60.600 this morning >>> Still Rising

...... for I am speaking for all the folks down here. We ALL thank you for your prayers and
kind words.
The crest has been lowered from 64.00 feet to 63.50 feet. Crest date is still 21 May.
Every little bit helps. There is much flooding still going on, and there is much going to get
flooded yet >>>>
They did open up a gate on the Morganza spillway today around two or three.

I have misplaced a pair of rubber boots up here, if you see some floating by your way,
snatch them up and will get from you when water goes down.

my wife had to laugh the other night after i got off the phone with you and you said you lost a pair of boots and to keep an eye out for them when the float by my way.the other day we went to the spillway to ride and i took my boots off so me and a buddy could cross a pond .well when we got to the otherside i only had one boot in the back of the razor so i firgure with all that water they are flushing my boots way out into the gulf. maybe some guy up the coast will find it and be able to use one boot. there are some videos of us when we ride on youtube we go by the name of "bottom of da boot".lol

there isn't any water down here yet and i am just about finished lifting anything i have of value up to higher places right now i am just walking around trying to see if i missed anything. i got a whole stack of plates cut out and i'm bending a few in between breaks .i sure hope we don't get any water fom this well maybe a few inchs wouldn't hurt us being we are under a drought right now so a little bit of water sure wouldn't do any harm but i don't want what they say we might get one day they say 0-5 feet and the next day they say 5-10 feet so we really don't know what we are gonna get.
i know this is gonna sound racis but hey a black man said it so i guess if i repeat it it's not being racist the mayor of new orleans called it the chocolate city and it just came to mind the other night that they are flooding out alot of white people to save the city so i made the joke of saying they are flooding vanilla valley to save the chocolate city.now don't nobody go and take any of that to heart because there are alot of diferent color people being flooded it's not a racist thing it's just what has to be done and thats it.we will still be here tomorrow just as we have been here for a hundred or more years down here .we flood we rebuild a huricane comes and takes it all down and we rebuild again thats life on the bayou and life in the swamps.
I can't believe that in the middle of all this you are still doing metal work!! That can wait.... the coming water won't!!!

Am sure you are exhausted, I surely would be, in rearranging everything you own to higher ground... only good news is that you have had several days notice and gotten much done and are doing final preparation now.

Hope you only get the shallow amount of water the property could use...hang in there...we can hope that it'll all work out.... best news would be that you did all the preparations and were more prepared than need be...
Oh my heart weeps for you guys.

I know that you both have prepared as best you can and you have a lot more experience of it than me, but when that water starts to rise watch out for the snakes. Those buggers will be looking for dry ground too. When I worked down in La, that's a tip I got from an ol' coonass. He said that during one hurricane he ended up on his roof with his family and spent most of his time walking around with a flashlight, beating the snakes off with a big stick.

You guys be careful. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
I just found a Wikipedia article describing the situation. It has maps of expected flood areas with expected arrival dates.

I don't know what info you guys there have. This is the most detailed info I have seen from here.

One section says there is a slight chance of a new channel:
Failure of the Old River Control Structure, the Morganza Spillway, or nearby levees would likely re-route the main channel of the Mississippi down the Atchafalaya River to reach the Gulf of Mexico south of Morgan City in southern Louisiana, greatly reducing water flow to its present channel through Baton Rouge and New Orleans
I saw that and thought of Peanut and Two Guns.

Link to main Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Mississippi_River_floods

Hang in there guys. We're all concerned for you.
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..... a little something that got the govenors attention. Few days ago, they showed up
and landed the helicopters so he could take a peek at what we are going threw.

Then, he came back two days later, they were going to land the heli down again, thinking to do so in the same spot. WRONG AGAIN !!!! It was under water, and they had to find 'em a safe place to land. I was listening to the State Police radio and was kind smiling to myself thinking, " you should have had better planning" ..... This water is taking everything.
They had to plant their choppers about three miles on the outside of the levee systems...
yup still doing metal work .i got a few things i got to get out for some people.i have a welding machine in the back of my truck and 4 in my shop(my real shop is right outside my front door under a nice oak tree with my fans running). but i also have a little 30'x30' shop that i keep things in so they ain't out in the weather.with the maps it's a waiting game to see if we get or what we get so far it can be from 0' to 10'. i'm hopeing for 0'. me and the wife was talking last night about the deer and animals and thought about going get a few bags of corn to feed them with.the last big flood we had a female coy dog came up to us in the woods she was really skinny so we went home and got some food and came back sure enough she was there so we put the food in a bowl and fed her .we waited with her til almost dark and she would follow us to the road then she would disapear back into the swamp.we done that for maybe a bit over a week everyday til the water got to high to get to her. when we finally made it back to her location she was gone we called her (LADY) she looked just like a minature wolf and her fur was so ruff and coarse i had never felt fur like that other than on coons and stuff. she would eat her food and then sit with us while we threw bread and turtle pellets to the turtles . the turtles really likes us and it was so funny that when we would get to the bayou and look down it you could see small little ripples in the water coming our way from both directions and it was all turtles when they would all gather i would guess we was feeding about 30 or 40 turtles . we still tak about the turtles and lady when we walk. we stopped feeding the turtles because some kids decided it would be fun to catch them so they caught just about all of them one day and sold them to the local labatory . i told the wife we would do the same with the deer we will drop the corn and wait til they finished eating til we left just so that no body would go shoot them .wow i went from welding equipment to wild animals .lol getting back to the welding stuff i am mobile so no matter where i go i will be doing metal work .i have a 250 bobcat with a thermadyne hefty2 suitcase for fluxcore and short arc. my other mig boxs are in my shed on carts when i need them i just role them out to my tree and weld with them.i kinda took it easy yesterday because it was our 24th aniversery so me and the wife went out for dinner then came home and watched a movie.hard to believe next year is our silver aniversery. everything is pretty much up and as high as we can get it so now it's just a waiting game .