Living on top of a mountain I have to wonder why you fellas want to live at a lower level behind a levee? We have them all over up here as well. The local towns were disasters during Agnes so the Corps. built flood control lakes and dams as well as the levee systems. Of course we only have to deal with the water and not all them snakes and gators and other critters that come out of the swamps down there. I hope for the best for all of you and that the water does not destroy your homes and shops. Keep us posted as to what is happening.
If you are calling the lower level behind the levee the section next to the river, I don't live there. My place is on the outside of the levee.
Back in the early 1900's, the town I lived in moved further away from the river.
In fact, the town moved toward where I live at today. Where I live used to be a big cotton plantation, and the old jailhouse used to be right down from me about 100 yards, which was considered way out of town back then. Also, I own and live in the last
remaining home that was built where it is at, in the turn of the century, when the old town was right next to the river. There are four other buildings that was moved back then close to me, but not built where they are at. Ours sits where it was built. The other buildings are the old
post office, general store, wood working shop, and our Masonic Building, that we Masons own and take care of !!!!! The Masonic building was the FIRST building that was moved back then.
Now, let me let make this statement. Years ago, the Louisiana goverment sold propery (Red and Atachafalaya flood basin property,) to folks so, so cheap, just a matter of dollars, for the sole reason of grazing cattle, hunting rights, etc, etc, and other simple reasons. NOT to build homesteads or hunting camps on. The were told NOT to build homes in the Atachafalaya flooding zone waterway. Many, many did. And there were MANY, many, political people, who took advantage of this " cheap land sale " , and purchased hundred and thousands of acres of this land. And they also, built muti-million dollar homes and hunting camps. Once others seen what was being build, they too, built homes and camps.
The knew they were told about the flooding zones of the Red and Atachafalaya floodways. The Louisiana goverment, even today, send letters quarterly during each year, reminding them of this. But still, they decide build and take advantage of this. They feel " WHY NOT", they will never open up the spillway again, they have not opened it up since 1973."
The opening of Morganza spillway, and some others decisions in the Red and Atachafalaya flood zones, in ALL POLITICAL. And of course, they are the average people, who settled in flooded areas, don't want there property flooded. I don't blame them either, but they know what they were settleing in.
Now, our friend Tommy, and myself, ( and so many others ) lives is a place where this flooding is happening because situation of Mississippi River backing up, or something to do with it. This river level has NEVER been this high ever. NEVER !!!!
If they would have opened up the Morganza spillway and other river control tools that the Corps of Engineers have down this river,much earlier, and simply let the water slowly flow on out, a little at a time, and not build up, we would not have the problems that we have. This problem is from south Louisiana all the way up north of us. But being that the mutl-million dollars homes and camps where there, they held off as long as they could. That is why the Morganza spillway has not been opened up since 1973. Like I said, it is all Political >>>
This is a no win situation for everybody.
........ two guns