
........ hey Tommy,

If you can't find any " floaties" for the wife during the flood. They always have the coonass floatation device, >>>>>>>>>>>> BUBBLE WRAP !!!!!
as small as my wife is all she would need is one or two bubbles off the wrap to keep her floating.lol
You two guys have me rolling on the floor with your humor....

still hoping for the best...

story I'm hearing is that the water is rising more slowly than anticipated because it's soaking into the ground...hard to believe THAT much would go in such that it would actually significantly reduce the flood level. Hope it's true.

What a spot you are in....! Hope the waters don't flood you out. Whatever happens, be safe.

Keifer, a RTV wannabe
You two guys have me rolling on the floor with your humor....

still hoping for the best...

story I'm hearing is that the water is rising more slowly than anticipated because it's soaking into the ground...hard to believe THAT much would go in such that it would actually significantly reduce the flood level. Hope it's true.

Nope, the ground in not soaking in that much my friend. The reason why, it is GOD, second, it's leaving quicker down the tube for the US Corps of Engineers has got all flood control tools OPEN. Let me tell you something, there is some water going down this Mississippi River, for should know, I live just a matter of 400 yards from it.
........ hey 'ole Tommy,
........ got a damn cooler missing now, headed your way. Good thing is got some good smoke ham sandwiches, honey bun, twinkies and cake in it. Also, got a few cold drinks too,
Root Beer. You and the Mrs. catch it and have you a good pic-a-nic >>>> But want my
cooler back.
Talked to man this morning, say there is many of aluminum boats getting loose coming down the pipe also. Might wanna keep eye out !!!!!

Keep 'em dry buddy !!!!

Also, got them bear traps set out behind the place, just in case some of them big ole boys
try to start coming in looking where they need not to be a looking >>>> Water will be over them jaws come morning . They be hid real good yea !!!!


  • Bear Traps Set 2008.jpg
    Bear Traps Set 2008.jpg
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Those bear traps make a sinister welcoming committee!!

yea them bear traps are very noticable and kinda make you think about should i go any further.lol.. if you want to let someone know they are in your area and to get out i think the perch hooks and 2lbs fishing string will get thier attention very fast.hey i'll keep an eye out for that cooler and if anyone see rusty anvil tell him i checked the frieght truck shipping company and they said they can haul my sister back down south for 4k$ but i think you can rent a barge and boat for 1,500 so just ramp her up onto a barge and take advantage of the high water .i'll have my cousins sit on the bayou and keep an eye out for her. hopefully we can get the barge as close to the house as possible for offloading her.i called the national guard the other day to see if i could get them to grab her with one of their chinooks but they said no because last time she broke 4 straps and bent the hook under the chopper.
Been reading all of this and really feel for all of you in this situation. Most of us here in Northern California have virtually no concept of the magnitude of the disaster youre enduring. Fires yes, flooding, tornados, hurricanes etc not so much. We purposely built on the top of a 1700 foot high hill. I Read your emails to my family so they can try to understand. Know we're thinking about you all and wishing you the best.
Most of us here in Northern California have virtually no concept
... and some of us down the hill from you are guilty of ignoring what is probable.

My orchard is on a hilltop, no problem. But at my home over in the Central Valley, flood stage on the other side of the levee is higher than my second story.

When New Orleans flooded we learned that our risk of flooding is highest in the nation, even higher than the probability that N.O. will go under again.

Before levees: After this one (1850) streets downtown were raised 12 ft so ground floors became basements.


Here's normal flood stage now:

Following the tragic events in New Orleans... Sacramento has been singled out as the next city in America’s that is most likely to be hit by floods.... most probably put Sacramento under 20 feet of water ...more
Flood map 2005-06 and description.

I hope you guys on the Mississippi are all ok. Please keep reporting, we're worried about you.
Living on top of a mountain I have to wonder why you fellas want to live at a lower level behind a levee? We have them all over up here as well. The local towns were disasters during Agnes so the Corps. built flood control lakes and dams as well as the levee systems. Of course we only have to deal with the water and not all them snakes and gators and other critters that come out of the swamps down there. I hope for the best for all of you and that the water does not destroy your homes and shops. Keep us posted as to what is happening.
Living on top of a mountain I have to wonder why you fellas want to live at a lower level behind a levee? We have them all over up here as well. The local towns were disasters during Agnes so the Corps. built flood control lakes and dams as well as the levee systems. Of course we only have to deal with the water and not all them snakes and gators and other critters that come out of the swamps down there. I hope for the best for all of you and that the water does not destroy your homes and shops. Keep us posted as to what is happening.

If you are calling the lower level behind the levee the section next to the river, I don't live there. My place is on the outside of the levee.
Back in the early 1900's, the town I lived in moved further away from the river.
In fact, the town moved toward where I live at today. Where I live used to be a big cotton plantation, and the old jailhouse used to be right down from me about 100 yards, which was considered way out of town back then. Also, I own and live in the last
remaining home that was built where it is at, in the turn of the century, when the old town was right next to the river. There are four other buildings that was moved back then close to me, but not built where they are at. Ours sits where it was built. The other buildings are the old
post office, general store, wood working shop, and our Masonic Building, that we Masons own and take care of !!!!! The Masonic building was the FIRST building that was moved back then.

Now, let me let make this statement. Years ago, the Louisiana goverment sold propery (Red and Atachafalaya flood basin property,) to folks so, so cheap, just a matter of dollars, for the sole reason of grazing cattle, hunting rights, etc, etc, and other simple reasons. NOT to build homesteads or hunting camps on. The were told NOT to build homes in the Atachafalaya flooding zone waterway. Many, many did. And there were MANY, many, political people, who took advantage of this " cheap land sale " , and purchased hundred and thousands of acres of this land. And they also, built muti-million dollar homes and hunting camps. Once others seen what was being build, they too, built homes and camps.
The knew they were told about the flooding zones of the Red and Atachafalaya floodways. The Louisiana goverment, even today, send letters quarterly during each year, reminding them of this. But still, they decide build and take advantage of this. They feel " WHY NOT", they will never open up the spillway again, they have not opened it up since 1973."

The opening of Morganza spillway, and some others decisions in the Red and Atachafalaya flood zones, in ALL POLITICAL. And of course, they are the average people, who settled in flooded areas, don't want there property flooded. I don't blame them either, but they know what they were settleing in.
Now, our friend Tommy, and myself, ( and so many others ) lives is a place where this flooding is happening because situation of Mississippi River backing up, or something to do with it. This river level has NEVER been this high ever. NEVER !!!!
If they would have opened up the Morganza spillway and other river control tools that the Corps of Engineers have down this river,much earlier, and simply let the water slowly flow on out, a little at a time, and not build up, we would not have the problems that we have. This problem is from south Louisiana all the way up north of us. But being that the mutl-million dollars homes and camps where there, they held off as long as they could. That is why the Morganza spillway has not been opened up since 1973. Like I said, it is all Political >>>
This is a no win situation for everybody.

........ two guns
Two Guns:

Very interesting post.

Years ago back up here in S.W. PA the Corp of Engineers built a series of flood control dams to protect cities downstream of several rivers prone to spring flooding caused mostly by spring rains and wintertime runoff. Pittsburgh and other cities south on the Ohio River and then the 'big muddy' were being protected. Of course they use the dams to control river levels used for barge traffic too. Same thing with properties back then. Several small towns and houses in the "flood Plain" were seized and moved or torn down. Corp of Engineers keeps a close eye that no one builds on the flood control property. People can lease the property for farming but they take a chance of getting flooded out.
the more populated a place comes the less place you have to pump the water out .they have some strict codes for subdivisions around my town because for every street you have to have a place to pump the water out to .what is a swamp one day turns into a subdivision the next .they build the houses and then make a levee around them and put a pumping station at the rear. the more populated we come the less space we have to divert the water.when i moved to schriever about 33+ years ago we was the only house on the street for years and we had a shell or gravel road for about 15 years til people started moving from the city to the country. now we have a paved road and two new pumping stations.or should i say i thought we had more than one pump . the other day i saw some parich trucks working at the pumping station at the end of the road.i thought they was making sure everything was working ok but i later found out that they was reinstalling the freakin pumps.i don't know when they took them out but they did and they said they took them out to put them in a much more needed area??? now they are bringing them back. so for a while all we had was a building with a lazy tender.for the huricane i watched over my buddys house at the end of the road.the day after the storm he called and asked how his house was and i told him everything was ok . i went to his house the next day only to find a foot of water covering his yard.the water rose til it got to about 3 feet then a parish guy showed up and turned the pumps on.the water was gone in a few hours but people lost alot of stuff.where was the guy who was supose to tend to the pump and turn it on??he was in panama city florida at his daughters house.he lives way at the front of the street where it never floods so he wasn't worried about his house or even turning the pumps on to automatic he just left town.the next time this happens i told everyone i'm cutting the freakin lock off the gate and the door and i'll start the pumps myself.i'll try to get an areal shot of my house and how close we are to the swamp or you can go to google earth and type in my adress you'll see all the swamps and wetlands that surounds me. the address is 418 isle of cuba rd schriever louisiana 70395.
here are a few pictures of my fab-tree.lol this is where i do my work at and notice the paint shop too. it came from a department store that closed down so instead of hanging cloths on i hang my stuff to paint on it.i also threw in a picture or two of my homemade plate bender made from angle iron channel iron and a few trampolene springs i got out the dump.yes this is a top notch high dollar fabrication shop here .lmao plus my firewood that i hope don't float away.


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19


By hpx4x4man at 2011-05-19
What a fab place you have:wow:

I think you are all set to do just anything you can think up:respect:

I'm impressed...hope all that stuff stays dry and you stay safe.

with those photos, it's just like being there...up close and personal...good job!