
..... Tommy does a fantastic job on his fabrication. He has fab'ed several things for some of us folks around us. Very satisfied. If everyone would take their job as serious as Tommy, there would be no problems in production at all ....

We've told him what we wanted, " SHAZAM " , it shows up just like the doctor ordered !!!!

................ two guns


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..... even the U.S. Coast Guard is feels the impact of the flood. Pic was taken about
eleven days ago, you can imagine what it looks like now >>>>

.... this location is on the Mississippi side south of Natchez


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..... we just thought we had many gators, we just quadrupled the population, or they just come out of the woodwork when the water got up high .....


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.... God bless these folks .
.... they are making flood buckets for people in need ...


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.... of all the things we are seeing during this flood, this one touches me the most.


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Dang! those poor critters just want to survive any way they can. Can't believe they could not move those tractors to higher ground.
man they should do something for all them deer .why not send in some animal people to get them off that porch and onto higher ground?i have had a few people pass the coments about going to the levee behind my house when the water comes up and shooting them a few deer.i politly told them that hey your my friend and i will do anything for you but if i see you or anyone else shooting deer or any animal stranded on a levee "may god help you" cause i am gonna defend the helpless animals not the animals trying to get and easy kill.me and the wife was talking and we both came upwith the conclusion that if the water is still high in the fall time and the animals are still stranded they should shut down hunting season in the affected areas.it's just not right to shoot something when it has noway of escape.it's just plain wrong!!!!i myself do not hunt because i and my wife just really like to shoot the animals with our cameras rather than shoot them with a gun.we are not against hunters at all and i believe that people should be able to hunt and enjoy the outdoors in anyway we see fit to but we must have some little voice in our heads that tell us "hey these animals are in need of food and dry land "they don't need to worrie about being an easy target. now on the other hand there are gonna be alot of starving animals out there now so something must be done to help them. as soon as we start to see deer on the levee we are gonna go get a few bags of corn and feed them.heck i'll spend the night with them on the levee if i have to just to keep them safe.
GATORS!!!!!! :eek:

Tractors under water!!!!! :eek: Why in the world wouldn't they have moved them? :confused:

Hang in there guys. Thanks for the updates. Continued thoughts and prayers coming your way.
man they should do something for all them deer .why not send in some animal people to get them off that porch and onto higher ground?i have had a few people pass the coments about going to the levee behind my house when the water comes up and shooting them a few deer.i politly told them that hey your my friend and i will do anything for you but if i see you or anyone else shooting deer or any animal stranded on a levee "may god help you" cause i am gonna defend the helpless animals not the animals trying to get and easy kill.me and the wife was talking and we both came upwith the conclusion that if the water is still high in the fall time and the animals are still stranded they should shut down hunting season in the affected areas.it's just not right to shoot something when it has noway of escape.it's just plain wrong!!!!i myself do not hunt because i and my wife just really like to shoot the animals with our cameras rather than shoot them with a gun.we are not against hunters at all and i believe that people should be able to hunt and enjoy the outdoors in anyway we see fit to but we must have some little voice in our heads that tell us "hey these animals are in need of food and dry land "they don't need to worrie about being an easy target. now on the other hand there are gonna be alot of starving animals out there now so something must be done to help them. as soon as we start to see deer on the levee we are gonna go get a few bags of corn and feed them.heck i'll spend the night with them on the levee if i have to just to keep them safe.
+1 Peanut. No call to shot stranded animals. you set em straight. :tiphat:

Be extra careful if you spend the night. You could be shot accidentally ....or not. :eek:
..... don't worry about the stranded animal. They are being protected by ALL >>>>

EVERYBODY here love 'em.....

Now the gators, the only way they will be shot in a situation like this, if they get to
aggressive or will not get away from a settled homestead. We try to catch 'em first
and run them down river about seven miles and release in different bayou .....


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the river has creasted today !!! THANK YOU GOD !!!!
.... now the scary part, the not knowing, the wait >>>>
the river is so high, pressure on levees. We call it " HANG-FIRE" >>>>
It just sits there, soaking into all levees. When it starts dropping, which will be next week sometime the US Corps of Engineer stated . It will be a very slow drop. I mean very, very slow !!!!
I heard that about the slow drop. Up to two months the news was reporting ...and then lots of months of cleanup for those who had homes in the flood areas. Life changing for sure. I suspect some of those folks would prefer the rapture as it was predicted to happen today rather than this hell they are living in.

Good luck all!!!!!!!
I feel sorry for the people i know how rough it is cleaning up after just a huricane.these people are gonna need alot of help.
the river has creasted today !!! THANK YOU GOD !!!!
.... now the scary part, the not knowing, the wait >>>>
the river is so high, pressure on levees. We call it " HANG-FIRE" >>>>
It just sits there, soaking into all levees. When it starts dropping, which will be next week sometime the US Corps of Engineer stated . It will be a very slow drop. I mean very, very slow !!!!

Hang in there brother! I just sent you an email.
Heads up guys.

It looks like there is new water coming at you from unseasonable wet storms in the Rockies.The reservoir managers are dumping like mad right now to prepare for unexpected heavy inflows. I don't know the details but here are a couple of news items I noticed:

Omaha, Neb. – Rapidly changing weather conditions in Montana, northern Wyoming and the western Dakotas have prompted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to make adjustments to previously announced releases. Future releases will reach record levels considerably higher than those previously announced.

“Moving water out of the reservoirs is essential,” said General McMahon. “Our release plan is based on the rain we’ve already received and that which is forecast for this weekend and the snow melt forecast. More heavy rain storms could cause major revisions.”
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) - Residents in South Dakota's community of Dakota Dunes have been told to be ready to leave their homes by Thursday and be prepared to be gone for much of the summer, as the Missouri River rises downstream of communities already flooded by record-breaking rain and bracing for unusually heavy snowmelt.
"Residents should plan to be away from their homes for as long as two months ... MORE

How is everyone doing? We worry about you when we don't see you post.
was doinf fine till i got a letter from our attorny saying he was dropping our case . he also said it deserves to be looked into.my son was detained for a probabtion violation and before you judge him he really didn't have a good reason to be in there for the first place.oneday we had a meeting at the probabtions officer and to see a shrink to determine if he had pts.the lady told my son that he needs to stop useing the fact that he was raped over 20 times by the nighbor as an excuse to get into trouble.when they showed up with my son he had red makes all over and around his neck.the marshal that escorted him there told us that one of the guards had put him in a sleeper hold til he passed out while another guard was yelling at the guy to let my son go.we didn't have time to talk to him to find out what happend so it took a few weeks for us to get all the story and it seems my son didn't provoke it at all.over the time he was detained he was pepper sprayed multiple time and locked in lockdown cells too.the shrink lady told him that she was gonna recomend that he serve his complete sentense .so when they left they stopped at a redlight and my son ran.now when we went to court they dropped all of the other cgarges and sent him to jail for a year for running from a marshall. we contacted our state representative damon baldon who also has a lawfirm and they took the case and for 5 months we thought they was working on it but the lady that took the case was fired soon after she sent a paper to see my son.we then got a letter saying baldone himself was gonna take the case.weeks went by and a few calls too and then one day they said they hired a guy just for this cae(NOT)we found out the otherday that they never filed any papers nor did they try to investigate it.they kept us hanging for 5 monthssp now we have to scramble to find another attorny but none around here want to even talk to us . the guards in this place have been raping the girls and beating up the guys for years and they never stopped them.one juvinile girl even got pregmant for one of the gurads.i'll keep youposted on any knew stuff i come across but for now i'm calling every news agency i can to get them down here.
My son, too had a legal situation and I learned several things from this experience:
  1. The right to a speedy trial has long been a joke.
  2. Lawyers are sloppy in their paperwork and depend on the leniency of the judge/court to ignore this and thus there is no penalty to the sloppy lawyer.
  3. In Texas, at least, the laws are on the net.Thus one can do research themselves and not be totally at the mercy of the lawyers and what they do/don't do.

I do have to give credit to my car insurance company, Amica, for doing EXACTLY what I thought they should do for me at every turn. Very pleased with them.

Overall, I hope you are successful in getting attention to the situation and relief from all the charges.
we called every lawyer around town and not one would help us. so now i have to drive 200+ miles away to the next town to find one.everyone around is all connected with the courts.the new lawyers told me to contact the news agencies and news papers to try and get as much attention to this as possible.but he alsowarned me to start lookin for another place to live because they will come after us for anything that can after the story comes out.
.... ever talked to the FBI, oh yes, they listen.

.... Scream loud and with authority. Get their attention. Do it with the right media group, they will be scared to even come close. When you do it Tommy, hit them with all the papers and news groups. Do it right the first time, they will never touch you my friend.

Don't give up >>>> NEVER


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