we are in the process of calling all the news agencies and newspapers about it.thet lawyer told us to sell the house and get out of terrebonne parish because they will come after us too.it's so dam sad that the one that is in office that was in charge of cleaning up the coruption was his attorny ,for some reason he don't wanna touch the case.people say call your representative but he's the one that is in charge of handling this.i found a lawyer 230 hours away and he wants me to mil him all the info i can find on it. just do an internet search for the coruption in the terrebonne parish junenile detention center. it will turn your stomach at what you will read.this is why i really can't post much right now because i'm trying to get this taken care of. my sonasked me to talk to a guard for himand i said why don't you ask him my son let the words slip and said (shit man thats a blowjob) i never cryed in my life til that day.i quit smoking for 7 years but i bought me a pack of cigs on the way home now i smoke two packs a day.