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  1. R


    Makes me want to spit nails. Power and Corruption. Wish there was something I could do to help! Hang in there!
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    JD 4440 engine oil preasure

    Sounds like an engine a friend of mine did. Std bearings on a 30 under crank. We shimmed it and invented shims and never gained much. Finally he tore it down and miked the crank. Put the 30 under bearings in and everything was happy. The inserts you replaced were stamped std? Did you mic the crank?
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    Praying for all you guys!
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    Anyone have any feedback on the LS R series tractors?
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    Uncle Wayne

    Hope things go well. Did he get a second biopsy? Anyway, We'll be praying. Dave
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    My weekend hauler

    Plenty to be proud of!:)
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    First mow of the season

    Not enough green here to turn the donkeys out in lawn. Maybe next week.:)
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    Drive Shaft Info

    Since the splines don't have to slide after assembly, why not just use RC640 or 680 Loctite on them and be done with it. If you ever have to take them apart you would have to warm them up, but they wouldn't rattle. I've done this to worn out flywheel splines on up to JD R's and it always held!
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    is this a clutch problem ?

    If you have oil on the clutch, a little slipping should burn it off. If it seems to get better, keep slipping until it's about normal. If not, well, have fun.:)
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    Used Bradco 609 backhoe

    That thing looks tough, like it wants to tear up side walks or roads!:hammer:
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    New Toys!!

    Sounds good to me! Is that a disc-bine? I'm pretty sure that rake will flip over so you can ted with it also. Three cuttings in three years? Should be more like at least three a year, or at least thats the norm around here. Until I got my own equipment, all I ever seemed to be able to get off...
  12. R

    Back Blade - King Kutter vs LandPride ?

    That Land Pride looks about as tough as my woods and the center sections look about the same. The main differences are that my blade rotates and it will offset in either direction. Some models of KK and land Pride might also do that.
  13. R

    MF 39 Corn Planter

    Can't remember the company, but one of the big suppliers sells the auger parts you need. You just stick it on and spot weld it in place. Maybe me or someone else will remember where to get them. Can't even remember what they're called, maybe flights? Google up Washburns.
  14. R

    Back Blade - King Kutter vs LandPride ?

    I think they all have 2 or 3 grades, although you might have to special order the higher grades. I know the heavy duty KK and Woods are tough, but don't know about the Land Pride. Seems like the KK was very solid and rigid and the Woods blade was a little loose and klunky, but both were very tough!
  15. R

    Back Blade - King Kutter vs LandPride ?

    No ones said anything about Woods. That's what I got after I got tired of breaking or bending the cheaper ones. Whatever you get, whether bolted, pinned or welded, make sure it's strong enough to take some abuse. That center pivot is important.:)
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    say it in THREE words

    Beautiful, light snowfall!
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    Who should suffer the loss?

    I'll bet that bale didn't get wasted on the truckers farm. Part of the fringe benifit plan. I also seem to end up fixing my own fences and no one has ever offered to do the repairs, including an incident last summer with a company somehow got 2 strands of high tinsel wire, about a hundred yds of...
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    Testing alternator???

    Thats the right way to check the alt. Anytime you disconnect the bat with the engine running, you make a spark or spike, which can blow some of the electronic parts!
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    I've just been using my dog for backup. He's getting a little pissed at me!:angry3: Glad to hear there are more like minded dogs around!:respect:
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    PTO attachment for skid loader

    I don't have a skid loader, but do have a couple implements that use large hydraulic pumps on the pto which pump fluid directly to motors on the implements. As long as the pto is turning, the motors run. These systems run, and are isolated from the tractor hydraulics. One ditch bank mower does...