Back Blade - King Kutter vs LandPride ?


New member
I'm going to be getting a Kubota L3800HST soon and now thinking about what Back (Rear) Blades to get. Looks like my options are either LandPride or KingKutter. I'm looking for a blade that is 84" long - has an off-set capability and can tilt (though the tilt isn't mandatory).

By what I can tell - the KingKutter seems to be built better than the LandPride. My Kubota dealer sells LandPride - but the upright portion that connects to the "top link" on the 3PT is only bolted on the LP vs welded and heavier on the KK.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on which one you think is better. I'm comparing these two models:

KingKutter - PRB-84 vs LandPride RBT-15-84
No ones said anything about Woods. That's what I got after I got tired of breaking or bending the cheaper ones. Whatever you get, whether bolted, pinned or welded, make sure it's strong enough to take some abuse. That center pivot is important.:)
Good Day TK 1469. I own several pieces of KK equipment including a 60" KK box blade and rear dirt scoop. All have seen a lot of hard use with not a minutes issue to breakage.
3 years ago i cut a road through my woods about 900 feet long taking down big hills and filling in low muddy holes and the KK came through 2 fold. Price wise and it takes the abuse. I also have a KK subsoiler, 3pt hitch rake and a 72" KK rear discharge finish mower which is 4 years old now and has mowed some 5000 acres of lawn now. My opinion its good value and good tough equipment, this is only my opinion now remember. . . John :myopinion:
Redbeard - good suggestion about investigating the "Woods" brand. I'll have to check their website for local dealers.

OK - here's a loaded question:

Given everything else equal - which is better: Woods - LandPride - or KingKutter ?
I think they all have 2 or 3 grades, although you might have to special order the higher grades. I know the heavy duty KK and Woods are tough, but don't know about the Land Pride. Seems like the KK was very solid and rigid and the Woods blade was a little loose and klunky, but both were very tough!
You may want to look at a better quality of blade if you are going to be using it much, especially grading some dirt. I would be looking at at least one of these, but I'm sure that they are a lot more money.

As far as the blades that you listed, in my opinion, the actual hitch frame on the KK looks to be a bit stronger that the LP. But the actual moldboard is hands down better on the LP. A rolled moldboard is always going to work better than a moldboard that just has 2 bends in it.

Again, if it were me, I would be looking at a better quality blade of any manufacturer. When you start looking at the better quality blades, most of the manufacturers use about the same design, just a different color of paint. :myopinion:
That Land Pride looks about as tough as my woods and the center sections look about the same. The main differences are that my blade rotates and it will offset in either direction. Some models of KK and land Pride might also do that.
If "MADE IN U.S.A." means anything to you, then go with the KK. Not sure about the other brands.

As it turned out - I decided to get a good box blade - rather than a back blade. I'm going to moving dirt from one area to another and the box blade is more suitable to what I have planned. I went with a King Kutter 66" Professional box blade. I'm glad I did. It's built very well - actually much better than the standard KK box blade. The 66" width is just wider than my tractor (Kubota L3800) so it will allow me to get up close to things. Thanks to all of you for your input.

Go Orange!
As it turned out - I decided to get a good box blade - rather than a back blade. I'm going to moving dirt from one area to another and the box blade is more suitable to what I have planned. I went with a King Kutter 66" Professional box blade. I'm glad I did. It's built very well - actually much better than the standard KK box blade. The 66" width is just wider than my tractor (Kubota L3800) so it will allow me to get up close to things. Thanks to all of you for your input.

Go Orange!

You did what I was thinking when I first read the thread, great choice!