Uncle Wayne


A few months ago my Uncle Wayne had a couple of polyps removed from his throat. Tests showed them to be benign. Since then the ear, nose, and throat specialist has taken biopsies which all came back normal till last week. My Uncle now has been diagnosed with throat cancer.

According to the doctor there is some good news in this. 1. Its been caught early, and 2. of the three different types of throat cancer this one is the most easily and successfully treated and beaten.

The bad news is the hell he'll have to go through over the next few months. Surgery to install a feeding tube. Surgery to remove a lot of tissue from his throat (the reason for the feeding tube). And then for seven weeks (five days a week) radiation.

Please keep him in your prayers and may God bless you all.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I can't adequately put into words how much this means.

Tuesday afternoon Uncle Wayne had surgery to install the feeding tube. Wednesday he was allowed to go home. This morning he had an appointment with the ear, nose, and throat specialist. He will be performing the throat surgery, and he told Uncle Wayne he expected a 100% recovery following the surgery, and the 7 weeks of radiation.

I will keep you updated, and may the Good Lord bless you all.
Hope things go well. Did he get a second biopsy? Anyway, We'll be praying. Dave

He did get a second biopsy. The ear, nose, and throat specialist advised getting the second biopsy. A good idea for anyone facing this sort of thing.

Sorry it took me so long to get back and give an update, and answer your question. May the Good Lord bless you, and yours.
On Wednesday Uncle Wayne had the surgery on his throat. The doctor was very pleased with how the procedure went. He didn't have to take out as much tissue as he thought going in. He did go ahead and remove the lymph nodes though.

Wayne was doing very well that evening, well enough in fact the doctor was talking about letting him go home the next day. Unfortunately that night he started to feel like he was smothering. Quickly they discovered his heart was out of rhythm. They are not sure if this was caused by the stress of the surgery itself, or some of the medications they were giving him. But they got his heart back in rhythm by giving him something through his i.v.. They are now saying if all goes well through the weekend he can go home the first of the week.

I'm not sure when his seven weeks of radiation will start, but when i do i'll let you know. Thank you so much for your prayers, and God bless all of you.