why I have been quiet

Hey, Kenmac, greetings from another one in Alabama. I'm just east of Athens. What part of the state are you in?

And welcomr to NTT!

Well, when it rains, it pours. Mom fell and broke her hip. After a week back in the nursing home, Mom pasted out and went back to the hospital. While reviewing an old cat scan, a lump on her left kidney was noticed. It could have been there for years. The surgeon wants another cat scan in 3 months, stating kidney cancer grows slow. Mom came back to the nursing home, then 5 days later Dad fell and off he went to the hospital. He had been complaining for a week about his back hurting. X-rays revealed a fracture on his T12 vertibrae. He came back to the nursing home yesterday wearing a back brace. I am going round and round with Chase Bank. They have a home equity loan out on Dad's house. Since my brother is in it and I don't have money to pay the notes, they are 4 months past due. I have a $6980.00 check waiting for Chase to sign for Hurricane Ike damage, but they insist the note be current before they will endorse the check. I have hired an attorney to help get my brother evicted from Mom and Dad's house so I can sale it. :pat:
hugs, Brandi
Lots of hugs for you Brandi. I feel for you girl. Man oh man. To be going through all this with your parents and to have a dead beat brother causing problems instead of helping like he should. I'm at a loss. No much one can say to help, other than you and your parents are in my thoughts and prayers.
Best Wishes and more hugs!!!!
Thanks for the hugs, thoughts, and prayers. I think some seat time on the Big RED Beast is in order for tomorrow.:thumb: They are a few stumps out in the pasture that have been calling my name. Maybe even might make it to the shooting range to throw lead at a target.:bangin: Just need some "me" time. Sunday I head to Dallas for a week of sheetmetal training. Funny thing about the training...........I have been doing sheetmetal for 30 years and now will finally get "formal" training.:pat:
hugs, Brandi
Lots of hugs for you Brandi. I feel for you girl. Man oh man. To be going through all this with your parents and to have a dead beat brother causing problems instead of helping like he should. I'm at a loss. No much one can say to help, other than you and your parents are in my thoughts and prayers.
Best Wishes and more hugs!!!!
Yesterday I was woke up by the nursing home stating Mom was not eating. They had two suggestions. A feeding tube or Hospice. I said feeding tube. It was scheduled for this morning. Before I could get down there, the nursing home called me and said Mom was being taken to the emergency room. I got there this evening to find Mom's whole kidney system is infected and failing. So i will find out more tomorrow when I talk to her doctor, but it does not look good.
hugs, Brandi
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I got up early to hopefully see Mom's doctor when he made his rounds. He told me Mom has a urine infection that caused septic shock and started shutting down her organs, the kidneys first. But they have her stablized now in ICU and she will be there awhile and then go to a long term care hospital. I'm going to work tonight. Thank all y'all for your prayers, thoughts, and concerns.
Oh yeah, I got by the nursing home to see Dad this morning. He was down in PT doing okay.
hugs, Brandi
Bindian, prayers your way. I know the feeling of not knowing where ya need to be when.

My own Mom has been going down-hill fast (yea, with Alzheimer, too) since my Dad passed in Dec 04. Fell, breaking a hip, (due to nursing home neglect) about 6 weeks ago and pretty much gave up right then. Now she's not even interested in eating or drinking anything. She went back to the hospital today about noon.

(Not trying to hijack yer thread, just to let you know you are not alone.)
Larry (uredneck) and Brandi, more thoughts and prayers your way.
It sure is tuff taking care of ailing parents but you guys set a high standard for the rest of us to follow. Good job to both of you and thanks for sharing. I do believe our collective prayers for your families really do help in some little way.
Thanks, Doc. Your right, just knowing that we have people like you that will take the time to pray, and actually do care, helps more than one might think.

I have not been around for awhile. I am truly sorry to hear what is happening to you and your family. My positive thoughts to you and yours. Remember hang in there, keep your friends close and keep on hugging. Jay

I have not been around for awhile. I am truly sorry to hear what is happening to you and your family. My positive thoughts to you and yours. Remember hang in there, keep your friends close and keep on hugging. Jay
Jay, Doc, & Urednecku,
Thanks so much.
I visited Mom today. Basically she is the same. She is getting meds for pain and low blood pressure. The nurse explained that severe demenia comes with downward spikes and plateaus, with no upward spikes. We have been seeing this. She will not get better. I will try to get the nursing home to bring Dad over for a visit, as Dad wants to see Mom. He also wants his keys to his car!:pat: He was in the dining room this evening when I arrived and I gave him a dromstick ice cream cone, which he ate all of. He is looking well, but needs a new hearing aid. It is hard to talk to him without him having a hearing aid. He is very alert.:cool:
Keep the prayers and kind thoughts coming. It means alot to me.
love and hugs, Brandi
thanks for the updates - you're still on the prayer list.
Sorry to hear things aren't going well with your mom - hope things in the rest of your life have picked up some.
thanks for the updates - you're still on the prayer list.
Sorry to hear things aren't going well with your mom - hope things in the rest of your life have picked up some.
Thanks Erik.
Mom was moved back to the nursing home on Thursday. She is in the same room with Dad. Dad is glad she is back with him. Dad was watching Fox news last night when we visited them. Mom seems to realized what is going on, but cannot communicate it except in her eyes. Mom looks better with more fluid in her from the IVs, but her right arm and hand is swollen. She is now just on anti anxiety and pain meds. Hospice care is onboard and will have a nurse stop by once a week and caregivers come by 3 times a week. This is in addition to the nursing home help, so I feel comfortable everything is being done that can be done for Mom's comfort. Christina and I will go to the funeral home today where Mom and Dad own four plots down in Houston. Dad bought them back in Feb. 1959 for $415 for all 4 plots. They sale for $3800 each now. So hopefully I can get funeral arrangements pre arranged for Mom for trading in 2 of the plots for her funeral.
hugs, Brandi
Long story short. Mom passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon. My truck broke down around 12 noon yesterday. Christina and I went to the nursing home last night to break the news to Dad. Before we left, Dad asked when the service is, so he knows what is happening. I will know details of the funeral this afternoon after 2 P.M. and will let y'all know ASAP. Below is a photo of Mom back when she was a teenager. Pretty hot looking back then.:wink: Yesterday afternoon, between making phone calls, I went outside for some fresh air and got on the Big RED Beast. Booger came a running when he heard me firing her up!:cool: I drove around the property with Booger running along side, then I took a few minutes digging bank sand out ofthe gully bend. That sure felt good.
hugs, Brandi


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