why I have been quiet

Brandi, my condolences to you and your family. :( Very sad, but as the others said, she is in a better place now. Very tough to let go though, we understand. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I fullly understand how firing up ole red and puttering around can so help clear your head and give you that boost you need. Hard to explain that to anyone who does not tractor ... but tractoring is peace time. It's you and your thoughts and the awesome machine that lets us accomplish so much. I'm glad you had the time to do that, and that booger came along with you. He knew you would like the company. Pets know more than we give them credit for.
Hugs & Cheers. :beer:
Jim, Jay, and Fred,:wave:
Thanks guys. I will miss her, but really with her severe dementia, she has been gone a while.
luv,hugs, and me, Brandi
Thank you so much. The prayers and thoughts are what will get me through this in one piece.
hugs, Brandi
Brandi, there's not much left for me to say that the others have not said. May God bless, you and your family are still in our prayers.
Thanks guys:wave: for all the prayers and words of encouragement. I got some "seat time" in Friday before dark. I starting burning three large brush piles Friday afternoon and digging up a large pine stump:cool: in between tending the fires. I "condensed" the piles around midnight:eek:, Friday night, (Christina even helped by spotting unburnt logs with my flash light to pick up with the thumb!:cool:) and we also spent two hours Sat. morning rearranging the remains of the fires. The Big RED Beast needs a good bath now as the photos below show. Booger was in fine form and was always nearby.:respect: I even took a photo of him guarding the Big RED Beast!:yum::yum::yum:
I would thank each and every one of y'all seperately, but I am just too frazzled to do that. Since I have worked nights for so long, it is hard to sleep all night now and am getting around 5 hours of sleep a night. But I pray I can take a good nap this afternoon.
hugs, Brandi


  • 11-21-08 Booger guarding the Big RED Beast.jpg
    11-21-08 Booger guarding the Big RED Beast.jpg
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  • 11-21-08 Big RED Beast therapy.jpg
    11-21-08 Big RED Beast therapy.jpg
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  • 11-21-08 Bir RED Beast on burn pile duty.jpg
    11-21-08 Bir RED Beast on burn pile duty.jpg
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  • 11-21-08 Booger strecthing in the sun.jpg
    11-21-08 Booger strecthing in the sun.jpg
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  • 11-21-08 Burning brush piles.jpg
    11-21-08 Burning brush piles.jpg
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  • 11-21-08 Digging stump busy work.jpg
    11-21-08 Digging stump busy work.jpg
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Mom's service was the 25th. The weather was a perfect cool chamber of commerce day. Thank God for my son and daughter and Christina. They took care of Dad and his wheelchair. Dad threw up before we left the nursing home and had to have a change of clothes. He threw up again as we got to the cememtary and after the service while driving to the gravesite. I was just a wreck. I thought we would be late to my own Mom's funeral. We made it just in time. After that it was a blur. We got home and I was a zombie. I felt better yesterday, but still a little numb. I went to Top Flight Equipment to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. While there, they gave me a card that the whole staff signed. I cried as I read all the thoughts they penned in the card. It is a great feeling to have friends like this in the tractor business!
I was feeling better last night as I started cooking. But I cried when I heard White Christmas beening played on TV just now while watching a Turkey Day parade.
So anyway.........Happy Thanksgiving :tiphat:from Booger, me, and the Big RED Beast!
hugs, Branidi
Branidi, I know all about how quick emotions can hit you, and how you can & will hear or feel our loved ones that have passed on, at unexpected times.
You'll be in our prayers as we all just try to keep on keeping on, and remembering our loved ones during these difficult times.

Hugs to you, and

I slaved all day in the kitchen. My daughter went to get Dad. He got in the truck and rode all the way back up here, only to tell us he didn't feel good and didn't want to get out of the truck. I was just finishing getting dinner ready. Everyone was outside trying to get Dad out of the truck when I went out.
I saw how pale he looked and told everyone we were taking him back to the nursing home. I told everyone to eat as Luke had to go to work at 4. I rode in back as Christina drove. I was really frazzled again and worried about Dad. We got him in bed and I said I would visit tomorrow. He grinned his famous big grin and said Ok. I called Dad's nursing home nurse and he said he checked Dad's blood sugar level and it was 210!
We came back home. My brother and his wife was gone, along with Luke. I was glad my brother and his wife had left. But, Rebecca had ate with them and Christina had to go to work at 5. So I ate Thanksgiving alone while Rebecca laid on the couch.

hugs, Brandi

You may have been alone physically :(, but spiritual you were not. I believe that there are quite a few individuals out there who were with you on "T-Day". I can personally relate to spending holidays alone with only the dogs and cat(s) around to share the experience. It does suck that you could not see the "fruits of your efforts" personally with your family. My positive thoughts to you and yours. Hang in there, keep your friends close, and keep on hugging. Jay
Late as usual for me...:hide: I hope things are getting better and you are at piece now. I am sure things will be tough through the holiday's. This will be our first without Grandma and my wife's granny (who is 95) had terminal cancer... I guess we can all help hold each other up this year.:tiphat:
Thanks and I am hanging in there. So hang in there up there. Any more word on one of those spare buckets in 78 inches wide?
It seems there is more drama is in my life, well, at least a friend's life. My friend George owns a Mahindra 6000 4WD. Bless his heart and say a prayer for him. Tragedy struck him. Read below.
hugs, Brandi


Woman Killed: The Liberty County Sheriff’s Department is investigating what appears to be a fatal accident. Around 11:30 a.m. Tuesday morning George Moye called the sheriff’s department saying he had accidentally hit his girlfriend, 45 year old Christine Martin, with a tractor. Deputies found Ms. Martin had been pushed into a piece of metal pipe, caught between the tractor and pipe. She was pronounced dead by Pct. #1 JP Bobby Rader. An autopsy was ordered.
Yeah, I wanted to be at the funeral for him, but it is at 11 this morning up in East Texas and it is a two hour drive from home. I just won't have the time after working all night to get there in time, which is an hour and 15 minutes to home.
hugs, Brandi