Wow! if it's not too much trouble I have a non-Mahindra what I can to help with any and all tractor or loader questions
I'm thinking about opening up and cleaning the AICO two lever control valve on my early-1980's Great Bend loader. The curl leaks down gradually when I leave loaded forks elevated in front of the bucket. I know, this is stress beyond what it was designed for.
The loader is model GB-20. Great Bend (Kansas) folded and BushHog owns the trademark, but BH doesn't have any specifications or parts lists for the old GB's.
Do you know if that valve is still supported with parts, and where to find? Or the cost for an equivalent new valve?
Here's a photo showing how the valve is installed. It is bolted down to a flat plate.
Also over in this thread by another poster, he has photos of his control that is identical to mine except his installation used the side ports, while my in/out are on the front of the valve.
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this mystery!