Taught school for 33 years before I retired in 2006 and now work part time as a computer repairman. Raised in a small town but always out to visit Grandma at the farm my great grandfather first bought in the 1890s. Dad bought it from her in the 1960s. I used to hate working for him, because he never believed in power tools of any sort. (Try chasing a cow around a pen with a 5 gallon bucket and a hand-pump sprayer.) He was also an engineer, so every job took three times as long as it should. Married a farmer's daughter almost 37 years ago.

Learned the joy of tractors from my father-in-law.
At age 50 (now 56), with Dad in declining health, decided I should do more for the farm than just deer hunt, so we built our retirement home out here. (I had to promise my wife that I wouldn't make her chop cotton like her Dad did before she would agree to it.) Run a few cows and horses and still do my deer hunting. Now I just love farming. I was patching a 30 ft. section of barb wire fence a few weeks ago. Was hot and frustrated, then I just busted out laughing at myself. My Dad has to be rolling on the floor laughing up in heaven because I am out there willingly doing what he had to make me do when I was young.