So what do you guys do?

I'm 51 years old now and I've been on a tractor since I was 6 months old with my dad. We at one time years ago had Black Angus and Polled herfords and I worked on a big dairy farm along with driving Bus and heavy truck and cutting 500 cord of firewood a year. I become a crane operator and Heavy truck driver for 14 years now, but in April of 2010 I quit being an operator when dad passed away. I am now at my request off for the winter to spend time with my wife. yea thats right my wife! My lifes partner and soul mate, she has alzheimers but . . .we still have a lot of fun. When i return to work in April I will return as a driver/trainer, equipment trainer and maintain a warehouse when not on the road teaching the trade to newbees. When i'm on the road my hearts still at home with my wife and tractor. Well thats me. . .GOD bLESS . . . John :thewave:

I'm sorry to hear about your wifes condition. I lost my Dad and my Mother in Law both to Alzheimers as well as watching our pastor and close friend go down with it. It sounds like you are trying to spend as much time as possible with her as time marches on. This is a very wise thing to do.

Myself as well as my wife of 36 years are still both blessed with excellent health. I try to make the most of it and not take it, or her, for granted.

May God Bless,
Nice to meet ya John. So sorry to hear about your wife's condition. That sounds horrible. Glad to hear you are making the best of it. Way to go. :clap: :clap:
Welcome to Net Tractor Talk. I'm glad you found us and let us get to know you.
Enjoy and post often. :thumb: :D
John, sorry to hear about your wife's condition. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease, not quite so much for the person who has it but for the loved ones who look after them. My wife took care of her uncle and and looked after his business affairs for almost 8-years.

As for me, I'm a retired petroleum engineer, more specifically a project drilling engineer. I worked all over the world. Man, it was a blast. I retired at 52, almost 12 years ago. I've always been a big city boy. I'd never lived in a town of less than 200,000 people. My wife was also a petroleum engineer (reservoir engineer) and when she retired we moved back to where her family was in East Texas. Now, this big city boy wants to tell you that he never cares if he ever sees the big city again. My wife's folks have always raised beef cattle, and still do, and we live on 13 acres about 10 minutes from the "home place". I absolutely love the country life. Like California, I call myself a "gentleman farmer" which means that I work my butt off on two places and never make any money at it but I'll keep on doing it as long as I can drag myself out of the house and on to that tractor.
I have been a truck driver working for the same company for 37 years hauling chemicales and plasic resins.I deliver in a 275 mile radius of central Ohio.The days are long, ending with 60 hour weeks. However the rewards have been great. Weekends are for R&R, having a few cold ones and doing chores with the John Deere. My wife ( retired from the same company ) help with the mowing with her little John Deere LT 160
Welcome to Net Tractor Talk Prostar. :tiphat:
I figure I've passed you or been passed by you on the road a few times in those 37 years. My Daughter lives in Marysville, and we lived in Columbus for 20 years. Now we are in the sticks of SE Ohio (right on the Ohio River), but we still get up your way to visit with our grandbabies and our two daughters & their husbands who all live in the vicinity of Cols. We have a birthday for one of the grandbabies next weekend at a Chucky Cheese. Haven't been to one of those in years.
I suspect you've never delivered to my town Reedsville Oh, but maybe you've been to a State Park close by Forked Run State Park.
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Thanks DOC for the welcome. I am still tring to learn the rules here. I was transfered from Syracuse, N.Y. to Columbus,Oh. in 1978. Moved to Marysville in 1987. Could not and would not move back into a city. My wife retired from Ash---, in Dublin, and work for the same in Grove City. I am not familiar with your area,as most of our customers are in the north. I am sure it is a beatuiful area where you live. My wife is a voulinter at the Marysville Hospital. Pro Star is the model of the truck I drive.
Took Manufacturing Engineering Technology at the Community College, Electronics Repair with the Navy. Have work for Eddleman Cycle and Machine Shop, Cannon Mills, Nuclear Turbine Plant, Wix Filter, Reinold's Alum., Security Automatic Sprinkler, Arnell Homes, James Kluttz Architect, Built houses, barns, farmed, did plumbing and electrical work for my self and James Kluttz.. Then did contract drafting before I retired. Took up welding back in the 60's built trailers, repaired farm equipment.
Here is one of the trailers I built.

Here is a house Fred and I built for James Kluttz.

We built the blue one and the screened porch between, I helped build the red one before we moved the office into it. This was built on a 40 acre dairy farm, a good part of the farm had already sold before he bought it.
I'am still building, if I ever get far enough a long on my project I will post pictures.
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Hi all!
Those are pretty cool Don. They ought to handle high winds and storms pretty well. I work as a fleet mechanic for a fortune 500 company here in Louisiana. I work primarily on Chevy pick-ups, and now starting to work on the Kubota RTV's. I "got a deal" on a Pasquali 993 tractor, really cool little tractor. Then I realized how hard it is to get parts for it. But it definately is a head turner here in the south. My dad said it's the ugliest thing he has ever seen! That may be why I like it..... it's different.
I am a Crop Duster, Farmer, raise Angus Cattle in the Panhandle of Oklahoma and Texas. Its dry dry dry here, saw alot of Corn burn up last year and not looking much better so far...
I farm about 200 acres with 20 head of cattle in my spare and work for a large large landline phone company when I'm not farming or attending school sporting events.
I'm currently a Quality Assurance assessor at the only nuclear electric utility in Arkansas. A degree mechanical engineer. Have a 135 grass/cattle farm in west-central Arkansas raising a small herd of registered black angus cattle. I've also farmed my entire life, consisting of soybeans, cattle , and hogs.

I'm fortunate to have two of the popping Johnnies I grew up driving; 620 gas and a 730 diesel. I also have a '78 model 2640 JD and a '99 model JD 6410 cab tractor. The 730 and the 6410 are the only new tractors my Dad purchased. My best friend and Dad passed away in 2008 from Alzheimers.

Four years and two months and hopefully I can retire at age 55 to play with my cattle full time and trout fish.