Thank ya'll Shinnery and Dennis. I am going to start saving and put stuff away for hard times . judy
Finally , I got the paperwork ! My Kubota RTV is now, officially, paid in full .She drove even better and the air felt so good hitting me in the face- free and clear. ) I'm going to hold on tight to the former payment and not go into debt with what I feel is coming in the economy.
No more payments....Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! (double Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) !!
Congratulations Judy!!!
Be thankful the RTV isn't built like a 1970's car.If it were, it would be time to scrap it and buy a new one. Many of those old cars only lasted as long as the payment book.
Maybe. But we used to have a 69 Pontiac Le Mans (3.5 L) that my wife bought used before we got married, and we sold it in 1981 when it had 178,000 miles and was still going. Only one major repair: the timing chain slipped and had to be replaced, at about 100,000 miles. I drove that car through many a blizzard and in -30 to -40 temperatures in the winter and 90-100 degree weather in the summer in Northern Montana. In 1981 we bought a brand-new Jeep CJ7 that didn't even last half as long as the Pontiac before starting to fall apart. Then in 1992 we bought a brand-new Ford Ranger that was a lemon. First the starter died. Then the front U-Joints died. Then the fuel pump died. Then the second starter died... As soon as the warranty was about to expire we traded this in for another Ranger that lasted quite a few years without problems and that we sold before leaving Alaska in 2013. My wife instead had bought first a Jimmy that was nickel-and-diming us to death with lots of minor problems. She traded it in for a Blazer, and that was OK until the gas tank got rusted and began to leak. These were all vehicles of the 80's and 90's. We sold the Blazer (after changing the tank) and bought a Ford Escape in 1998. We still have that and it runs great but only with ethanol-free gas.Congratulations Judy!!!
Be thankful the RTV isn't built like a 1970's car.If it were, it would be time to scrap it and buy a new one. Many of those old cars only lasted as long as the payment book.
I am looking forward to having my 2013 F 150 paid off. Unfortunately it's not going to happen any time soon. I still owe almost seven grand and am paying 400 dollars a month.
Yes, hard times are coming. With You-Know-Who in the White House we can all look forward to a repeat of the Carter years--only much worse because of the tsunami of illegals and jihadists that will overwhelm us. Anyhow, congratulations, BC!
Disclaimer::::::: No flame intended......
A Civil War would require two elements of our society willing to bleed for what they believe. Not happening......![]()
Well seeing everything I own is breaking ,might as well throw in a flat tire from dry rot.But this time I cant afford to replace it but found a perfact fix for the poor man out there.Remove tire.Patch hole in tube if you have 1.Sand inside tire and addd a nice heavy duty patch over the tear.Mine was from dry rot and I could put my finger through the hole.While I had the tire off I inspected to see which one was going to let loose.Thought of patching them but would have been a lot of work.So The tire sat on the work bench for a few days as I wasnt doing well.Got to thinking about it and what pops up on the TV? A commercial for Flex seal.I thought 15 bucks for a can of that or 130 for a new tire.I went the cheap rout as times are togh.Well tube was patched then added the heavy duty parch to the rip which was about 3 inches long.Let the glue dry then took the flex seal and sprayed the whole inside of the bad tire.I applied 3 coats which built it up about 1/8th of an inch.Put it all bavk together and it has worked fine even with a full load of fresh cut maple.Figure thats about 800 pounds.Its been holding for 3 weeks with no issues.So if you have a tire that is leaking from dry rot get a can of flex seal and apply 3 or 4 coats of flex seal(which drys to rubber) then add a tube.Ill keep you all informed as time goes on on how it holds but so far so good.If you havnt used flex seal it is a great product!!!!!