Here's a "Talk About Anything" thread

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Ahh CA ...everyone including me and you are entitled to our opinion. I heard the bizarre numbers from two different sources. I can't guarantee that makes them right but it makes them worth posting even if not enough to change the election, that is not the point. The point is WTH is going on with state elections having these quirks that does make one wonder about the validity of the election. I wish those were the only quirks. Another point I did not even bring up cause I only heard it from once source is that over 600000 ballots were put in with only Biden selected on them. No one else. I suppose some might go to the polls and only vote for President but a huge number like that with ballots marked and mailed in from people who did not request a ballot has to make one go hmmmm.
I guess none of it matters. Biden will be swore in.

I sure do not feel I am QAnon

QAnon is a disproven and discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against US president Donald Trump, who is fighting the cabal.Wikipedia
California, please stick around, This is one of the very few forums left where you can voice your opinion and say God bless America.
I do think along the lines of Doc but I still appreciate your thoughts . Now, I believe that the next few weeks are going to be very tense and anything could happen. I've been studying this a long while. We need to be prepared... the virus over the entire world, mayhem in many places .. Just be prepared and as always whatever your particular political affiliation you are always welcome at my table.
oh Come on California.. :pat:
Be a sport. Us Old Trumpanzies will be few and far between according to the DNC come next week.
We are proud to have ALL members here ! No matter what their political, religious, or ethnic belief is .
Ive got friends who HATE Trump.. but we are still friends ,,
Have one friend who is a TRANS .. she/he thinks I am NUTS ! But we are still friends .
Ive got a customer who is a strait up Devil worshiper !! But Ive been servicing their home for 25+ years !

We can ALL still get along .,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We ALL have one thing in common .. WE ARE AMERICANS >
If we all believed the same way life would suck !
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...a huge wrong was done... News today said 130 per cent of dem voters in AZ voted for Biden. 130 percent. How do you get a number like that. Never ever has 100 percent of any party voted for one candidate but 130 screams of cheating. As does the 220 thousand more voters in PA that somehow voted. How can any state have more voters than they have registered voters? ... DC is so crooked they turn their heads the other way. Supreme Court included.
Doc those numbers are some author's imagination. Calculated to discredit democracy and free elections. Quoting them you amplify those who would mislead us. Its that simple. That wasn't news'' that you repeated, it was baseless propaganda and very harmful.

If you trace back to cited original sources for all those claims of outrageous voting behavior, every one will trace to untimately 'I read it in Facebook and Facebook would never lie', or similar. There simply isn't a basis in reality for any of the claims.

Ok that's the hard reality. This election was as clean as any. Biden's vote exceeded Trump's by several million and 'a huge wrong was done' is repeating baseless propaganda, that's 'news' from inside an insulated bubble.

Now for my theory re the cause, I think Trump borrowed so much Russian money that he can't resist Putin's orders. The most recent example is the US intelligence reports of unmistakable Russian hacking into US agencies including DOD etc. Trump's response is to weakly say well it might have been the Chinese. That's not a Commander In Chief posture when facing a danger.

And another theory - Putin was head of the psychological warfare division of the old KGB. And many of the misleading Facebook, Twitter etc threads were traced back to being authored at a branch of Russian military. I think their strategy is to create chaos here to weaken us, one element of this strategy is starting lies to get us to fight one another.

For both of my theories, only the future history books will have the real answers. For me I don't see any alternate scenarios that explain what is going on.

I don't believe that all those judges in recent cases all conspired together, or joined some kind of Qanon inspired movement to take down American democracy. Just the opposite, each upheld the Constitution when confronted by propaganda-driven lies.

Judy, Doc, everybody, I think of you as friends but I sincerely believe you have been lied to.
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