Judy, for me, stopping the lightning is impossible. I mean, my Bud at the bottom of the hill is one of these engineers that KNOW all there is about a subject. When he built his house he ran a fire extinguisher system throughout, put in a cistern system in addition to his well and the city county system, and of course lightning protection just after the meter. His house is in the middle of a 1/4 mile in diameter meadow with all of these little antennas and devices on top of his roof line along with the two cupolas........Anyway, within 6 months of moving in, he had had 3 lightning strikes and by golly, he was protected...........Then, the ol Devil hit him with a direct hit on his well 200 feet from the house......seems it traveled through the WATER!!! Through the plumbing and came out in his kitchen to zap his high dollar stove, frig, and dishwasher.......Who is to say......????
For me, I have put in two well pumps now over 15 years. I didn't know they have some kind of device/fuses built into them to protect from lightning strikes. Seems they have like 2 or 3 of these fuses and after that many hits, it allows the CHARGE to get to your pump!!! Kinda the same I guess, as those things one puts on your fence charger to protect it from strikes coming through the fence line and destroying the device.....lol....which I have replaced 3 chargers over the years......
I guess we all have our lightning stories and they are just litanies on how HE protects us physically from getting hurt; but not in the pocketbook.......I guess it just proves once again that our life is much more valuable to HIM than those things.......God blesss, Judy...........Dennis