Miracle Calf
..The weekend following Thanksgiving we worked cows and it took all day. We looked at the numbers of those worked and realized we were a cow short.. It was getting dark though so we didn't look for her , thinking she was hidden in the woods with a new calf. The next day, we found her- she was standing beside her calf. It was at least a day old and had never stood up to nurse.so we loaded it up and brought it home to the barn and brought the momma on the trailer. We gave the calf some shots and a bottle hoping for the best.. the following happened....
I've been working with the calf the past 2 weeks. In the beginning, it would drink from the bottle while laying down and then plop over and sleep the first couple of days. I had several nights of wideawakes because I knew I had a very short time to get it standing up .. I had the answer when I woke up one morning and went to work rigging up a hoist for the "little" over 100 lb thing. I came up with the contraption in the picture and worked with his legs , turning and keeping him on dry hay daily when he was let down . Up an hour 3 times a day in the beginning and increasing time up as days went on. One day, I was exercising his legs back and forth and had very little response ( no pulling back). I was getting discouraged because I have been on the failure end of this situation more than once in past years. I was already on my knees and I said "Lord what am I to do"? "Should I keep trying or should I give up"? " I need to know Lord ". then, a definite breeze blew over me and I knew to keep trying.At that instant, I looked at the calf and his once half open eyes were bright and full- his head was up. I knew without doubt to try another week .
The vet came by to check our remaining bulls that are for sale and although he didn't look at the calf he gave an educated opinion about it being impossible to overcome such oxygen deprived injury (birth trauma)- no leg movement etc.. . I told the vet I was giving him another week.. He told me" Knock yourself out and good luck". I said again, I'm giving him another week.
When feeding him in the sling I ratcheted him up in the sling with a come a long, I would pull back on the bottle and get him to move his legs and before long, he could lunge for the bottle. Use those muscles I told him.This process has been going on for well over a week.He got stronger and stronger.
I positioned the mother cow's food pan so the udders would be near his sling . I shoved him over to sniff them and she kicked a bit but not too bad. Then he latched onto one and then another and she let him nurse.
Since it had been around 2 weeks since his birth, I wasn't sure how much milk she had so after he was finished , I offered him half a bottle and, as he was sucking it down, I reached over and undone his sling. He gently took baby steps and followed me across the stable. He stayed on his feet about about 10 minutes with no support. He fell and couldn't get up on his own but he is improving every day and there is genuine hope for more improvement. He has come so far. I think with more therapy he will continue to improve
I believe in prayers ,miracles . Yes I do - thanks to the Lord. That wind blowing over me at that moment was amazing ...I knew what it meant and was for me to understand His answer. judy