I guess it is time to stir up this old thread. I just wanted to show the RTV in action again. This is our calving season- Oct and Nov with a few late arrivals in Dec.
The RTV is indispensable to me on the farm. I go and look for calves and possible trouble most every day. Then me, sis and bil ,if he is off, go weigh ,tag and iodine the belly cord of the new calves. It is handy to scout first and have the tags made up ahead of time. The mothers seem to get nervous if you handle the calves too long.
I noticed a possible mama cow laying far off by herself when I drove down the blacktop road -alongside the pasture. She had her head and ears up and watched me from a long ways off, ... she was all alone. ( she knew the sound of the RTV and I knew the look she had). I get over there and the other cows are in the pasture 2 patches over to her right . She has gotten up by then and is walking and looking all around and goes to join the other cows in that over the hill, unseen pasture. I go there too and see her looking over fences there ...just walking and looking- no luck . By now I know her number and know she does indeed have a calf. missing now and it will be dark before too long. In the first pictures, I go back to where I first saw her and start looking in the clean pasture... no luck.. get up on a hill and cascade with the binoculars along the treeline/creek... nothing.... then again.... is that a dark spot???? drive closer... yes, it's a dark spot.... park the RTV and get on foot... approach.. It's a sleeping calf... I do my best impression of a baby calf in distress for a few minutes... then I see the mama coming .... more impersonations and she is close enough so that I can circle around behind the calf (so he won't run the wrong way) and I wake him up.. Make him holler and the mama says that's my baby ! I get him under the fence and drive them to the patch with the cows so he won't stray back. A happy ending with a warm milk supper.
The last picture is of me sitting on a duct taped calf (different one) in the cargo bed of the RTV. Sis is driving the RTV and the calf is being carried to his mama. She decided she wanted to eat at the troughs and then couldn't remember she was a first time ,new mama. ( she was kept at the barn for that night with him and now she says " that's my baby !"..