Search results

  1. PBinWA

    ROPS light bar

    You know the lights work great. I'm really impressed with how they worked out. I never use my main headlights as they don't work that great. The light bar gives awseome coverage when plowing/blowing snow at night. Even the single rear works well when blowing snow backwards in a blizzard. I...
  2. PBinWA

    Mail Box Destruction

    Glad our tax dollars are being so well spent.:rolleyes:
  3. PBinWA


    I had to do spacers on my Mahindra. :( Cost me about $80 to get the spacers made locally a couple of years ago. I leave them on year round and so far no issues.
  4. PBinWA

    ROPS light bar

    Here's how I did it. I just used some pre-dilled angle iron and square u-bolts. Quick and easy. It's been on there for 5 years with no problems.
  5. PBinWA

    I've had it with my tractor, ............

    Nice toys dawg but that really isn't that much snow. I'm probably cursing myself by posting pics from last year but this one wasn't the worst of it. At one point I started to get worried about running out of places to stack it.
  6. PBinWA

    I've had it with my tractor, ............

    When I bought my used Western Plow last year I thought about putting it on the tractor but decided to put it on the truck. The FEL is too handy for piling snow up high and now I can leave the blower on the back of the tractor. I just use the plow for doing the road and it doesn't need much...
  7. PBinWA

    Great John Deere Commercial

    I hadn't seen this before and thought it was worth sharing. :thumb:
  8. PBinWA

    chains on a B7800

    I'm in the Columbia Gorge at around 1000 feet. Last year at this time I was running out of places to put snow. This year we had about 3 inches so far and one freezing rain day and I'm not complaining at all. :cool:
  9. PBinWA

    chains on a B7800

    The "problem" with putting chains on the front is that they may cause excessive wear because the front wheels can't spin as easily. That being said I use my front v-bars a lot because the rear chains are a huge hassle to put on and make for a very rough ride. I think if you have enough snow...
  10. PBinWA

    Harbor Freight: Coupons, and recommended tools

    I was able to just save the coupon image to my computer. ;) I'll second that those little LED flashlights are great. I have them stashed everywhere and they have decent battery life too.
  11. PBinWA

    Harbor Freight: Coupons, and recommended tools

    American Rifleman has one every month now. I used two the other week and picked up an 8000lb winch and trailer hitch mount. :cool:
  12. PBinWA

    Clamp on Forks Pictures for Bonehead

    Pictures ... pictures ... we want pictures! :cool:
  13. PBinWA

    Any Firearm Guys here ?

    Hey Cowboy, Those look like good pricing on the AK's. Jump on them! :thumb: I bought an AR15 lower a few weeks ago and thought I could just store it for a rainy day but you know it's been raining out a lot lately and I keep finding myself shopping for parts to build another one. ;)
  14. PBinWA

    MowerGuard from Slipplate.

    The mower guard stuff all flaked off after a while. I use Fluid Film on my SnowBlower chute and it seems to work well but the gravel from the road does wear it off eventually. I'll try the fluid film on my ZTR deck next year.
  15. PBinWA

    Screw in Studs

    The main problem is that putting on the chains (especially the rear chains) is a big hassle. Once they are on, I tend to leave them on. Our snow conditions are never constant. We get waves that come in over a week or two and then melt away so you are going from light powder to wet flakes to...
  16. PBinWA

    Problem with my Scag ZTR

    Doc, to troubleshoot the switches I would disconnect the wires and manually test them with a jumper wire. Be careful that you don't get electrocuted or short the wrong wire. I would start with the safety switch first and then try the main switch. I'm no expert though - that's just what I...
  17. PBinWA

    Mail Box Destruction

    Sounds like a good plan. :thumb: Some people argue that mailboxes shouldn't be so tough as to cause damage when a car hits them "accidentally". I'm not one of those people. If I had a mailbox it would be made of concrete and steel! ;)
  18. PBinWA

    Pictures of tractors

    Jim - that cab is pretty nice. Did it come with the tractor or did you buy it later?
  19. PBinWA

    Screw in Studs

    I just ordered some screw in tire studs from these guys: Pricing was reasonable for~$70-85 /100 I'm hoping to not have to use my chains as much this up coming winter. The chains sure make a mess of my asphalt driveway. Thought I would pass the...
  20. PBinWA

    New 2010 SX3100 Cub Cadet Yanmar Tractor

    Very nice! :thumb: I would think it should have a 72" inch deck though. Also, skid steer mount on the loader would be nice.