I Got a Short Email back From Him Eric with a pic . He dont say anything other then There eygptian Ak,s
Pics look Perty Decent . He has 2 AK,s wants 500 a piece both come with 2 - 30 round clips . Theres a 3rd gun in the Pic so not sure if its for sale or not . I Got no clue if there werth it or not . Its a local seller looks like . The Pics to big to Send But heres a small one . I aint sure what the gun on the left is . What Ya think . thanks Bob
Pics look Perty Decent . He has 2 AK,s wants 500 a piece both come with 2 - 30 round clips . Theres a 3rd gun in the Pic so not sure if its for sale or not . I Got no clue if there werth it or not . Its a local seller looks like . The Pics to big to Send But heres a small one . I aint sure what the gun on the left is . What Ya think . thanks Bob