Problem with my Scag ZTR


Staff member
GOLD Patron
As some of you know, I've had my Scag ZTR for 5 years now. It has worked flawlessly, until now.
Last night I went out planning to accomplish the last mow of the season, start her up, pull out of the pole building and lift up on the knob to engage the mower deck ...and nothing happened. The blades did not even try to turn. I played with the emergency break, which has a safety switch in that it cannot be engaged and the mower deck running, plus there is a seat safety switch in that the mower deck cannot be running when you get up out of the seat or the mower dies. I presume it is one of these safety doohickeys that is stopping it from running.
Anyone know a way to check these out or have a clue as to what else I should try to further narrow down the problem?
the Dixon I used to use had a connection under the switch for the blades that would occasionally pop just enough loose to stop working. There was a second connector behind the seat that would do the same.
Doc, to troubleshoot the switches I would disconnect the wires and manually test them with a jumper wire. Be careful that you don't get electrocuted or short the wrong wire.

I would start with the safety switch first and then try the main switch.

I'm no expert though - that's just what I would do.
Thanks Hardy. That makes sense. The mower deck is not even start up.
Try checking the fuses.
Another good idea. I've never seen the fuses on the Scag, never had a reason to look. I'm glad I saw your post before going out to check it out. Been busy moving web sites. I hope to get out to the Scag later today or tomorrow.

My ZTR (not a scag) also has a safety switch somehow connected to the lever that's used to loosen the belt for removal. Mine has a stand-up deck so for quick belt removal, there's an arm that loosens the belt for removal from the engine. If I don't put that handle fully into the locked position, it won't engage the blades.

You can probably test the seat switch quickly. With the engine running and you're moving, sit up (off the seat). If that switch is working, the engine will quit.

For the emergency brake switch, something similar may happen. Try engaging the emergency brake when you're moving. My guess is the engine should get killed.

To turn on your deck, is it a mechanical or electrical engage from the seat? Do you pull a little knob (ele) or do you pull a long lever (mech). If the former, check that switch.
Good thoughts Brian. I do pull to turn the mower deck on. It got dark so quick on me tonight I didn't have a chance to check it. Hopefully I can get home earlier tomorrow night.
Might also check the belt....if it slipped off or broke just as you quit using it last time, the clutch would engage, but you would never know it. (That happened to the drive belt on my Dixon while my brother was using it.)
Doc, on your Wildcat there is a brake safety switch and a seat safety switch. Both connect back to an interlock module. Either will prevent the Scag from engaging the blades. According to the electrical schematic, there are 2 20 amp fuses which are a part of a sealed fuse assembly. Then you also have the PTO clutch, which has a 600V 2 Amp diode connected to it.

I would check for power at the PTO switch on the red wires, there may be up to 4. The darker blue wire on the PTO switch energizes the blade clutch.
Might also check the belt....if it slipped off or broke just as you quit using it last time, the clutch would engage, but you would never know it. (That happened to the drive belt on my Dixon while my brother was using it.)
You're right Larry, a belt missing and you'd never know whether the clutch engaged or not.
Good stuff Larry and Jerry. First thing I checked was the belts. One spot had a bit of grass build up so I cleaned that out and checked that they were a okay. All is good with the belts.
You are right on with the safety switch Jerry. If today goes right I should be able to tear into it tonight. I'll post a follow up once I know something.
Thanks all!!!!!
Well, I'm embarrassed. Here it is Friday and I have not gotten a chance to so much as look at the ZTR let alone check it out. I made that internet DNS change last night that I thought was simple but took up most of my evening and it's getting dark so darn early.....I could go on but no one wants to hear excuses.
I'll be visiting friends and granddaughters in Cols Fri and Sat Sunday will be my next window of opportunity to see what I can figure out. I'll update this thread as soon as I know anything for sure.
So what did you find out Doc? I see that you got a bill for the repair in another thread, but I don't see what you said as the cause. You shouldn't keep us in the dark like this.
I'll fill you in up to now I checked the fuses and the switch at the clutcch. That test was questionable. My SIL's uncle works on ExMarks and Scags but he is 100 miles away. I put the Scag on the trailer and met the SIL halfway one day last week. I just got word today how much the total repair was. 340.12. They asked if I wanted him to do a once over and I agreed as I had not had it to the shop ever. It was just barely ready for a hydraulic fluid change and an oil change. I had him do both of those and anything else he found. The initial problem was the pull switch which turns on the mower deck. He had to order the assembly for it. I'll have the receipt in hand either this weekend or Thanksgiving day so I'll be able to pass on more details then.
it was 63 degrees here last Sunday so I finally was getting in my final mow of the season. The Scag was running great when again the mower deck just stopped. I had been mowing about 1 1/2 hours at the time. :confused:
I talked to the guy who fixed it and he's surprised. He tested the fix and it worked for 1 1/2 hours before failing. Just today I took it to an authorized Scag dealer about 40 minutes from my house. The repair guy was deer hunting so I won't know anything until later next week.
Got the Scap back today. $400.61 to replace the clutch and switch. It seems the clutch was overheating and would eventually burn out the switch. Works okay. I mowed some today with frost still on the grass. It was 43 outside, so not to cold but the house had kept some of the grass in the shade and it was still frozen. I just mowed where I was putting lights up and stringing cords around needed mowed bad.
The Scag is put away until next year now.