MowerGuard from Slipplate.


I just ordered a case of Mowerguard from SlipPlate.

What is MowerGUARD?
MowerGUARD™ is a NEW, easy to use product designed for lawn mowers, garden tools and other lawn maintenance equipment. It uses SLIP Plate® technology, providing a reduction in the build-up from dirt, grit and grass normally found on mowing equipment. Using, a natural mineral, graphite, it creates a barrier that is hydrophobic, and will reduce grass, which is 85% water, from sticking to it. It is also a dry film, that will not wash away, drip or cause harm to landscaping vegetation, or slick spots on your driveway as happens with wet lubricants that petroleum based.

I'm not sure when it will show up and when I'll get around to applying it but it looks like something worth trying.

Anyone else ever tried Slip Plate on their equipment?
I look forward to your 'product review' as I've only heard this mentioned a few are the first person I know of that has purchased their line.

There is a similar product called fluid film, that the commercial guys rave about.

Personally, I'm not convinced it helps. If paint wears off my deck after 1 mow, then a dry film isn't going to last long atall.

It's been a couple years. Any reviews yet?

I got some Fluid Film myself and love the stuff. Mith mentioned dry film but this stuff doesn't seem to do so (at least for a long time). My ZTR used to get clogged up all the time when I got into wet, heavy grass. I was having to clean the deck out about 10 times per year. I put Fluid Film on the underside of the deck last fall and didn't need to clean it out once this year. I did clean it out a couple weeks ago just to get ready for winter and what little there was in there came out very easily. No heavy scraping. I put another coat on so I'm good until sometime next year.

For the heck of it, I also brushed it on my tractor bucket and other rust-prone areas. So far, it's still like liquid and hasn't dried.
Slip Plate is a graphite based dry lubricant. I've never used it but it sounds like the powdered stuff you use in locks and such.

Fluid film is a lanolin based liquid that doesn't dry out. It's a lubricant, rust-inhibitor and water displacement product.
The mower guard stuff all flaked off after a while. I use Fluid Film on my SnowBlower chute and it seems to work well but the gravel from the road does wear it off eventually.

I'll try the fluid film on my ZTR deck next year.