Billbill1,Brandi, we lost my Dad to cancer in 1997, that was very tough to witness. Sorry to hear you're having troubles with it all, I know how hard that can be and I feel for ya. My Mother is 78 and in very good health, very independent, and fiesty (thank goodness) And I also have siblings that are little to no help when they are needed.
you're just not having a good month.
hugs and prayers - and wish there was something I could do or say that would help.
I found out last week the JP dismissed the eviction case against my brother on the grounds my Mom signed the evicition petition and she has been declared by our doctor as having dementia. So it was a mistake on my part.So I will let the state and Chase bank throw my brother out instead of hiring a lawyer as I don't feel well. My son put his 11 year old cat to sleep last Wednesday.
I took my adopted male ferret in to the vet the next day to be check out for anything he could have brought into the house. But he is all fine.
From that day on up to now, I have been having diarrhea and painful bad gas. It might be nerves, but my doctor thinks it is a viral infection.
I had a cat scan yesterday that came out good and the blood work is okay also. I now have some pills for diarrhea and a mild pill for nerves. I felt so bad last weekend, I couldn't help move my Daughter up three flights of stairs to her new apartment, as I thought I was going to pass out.
All I could do is pack and unpack boxes.
hugs, Brandi
Paul,EMOTIONAL STRESS can really sap one's strength!!!
KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT and take care of yourself...I have it on a reasonable authority...IT'S THE ONLY BODY WE GET...![]()
Thanks!I am working on taking care of myself.
hugs, Brandi
the biggest argument I've heard so far for switching to 9mm... (although .22lr works good, too)I have found that going to the shooting range and doing rapid fire drills at the 5 meters is a great stress reliever...Expensive in ammunition costs...but cheaper than therapy...![]()
Paul,I have found that going to the shooting range and doing rapid fire drills at the 5 meters is a great stress reliever...Expensive in ammunition costs...but cheaper than therapy...![]()
the biggest argument I've heard so far for switching to 9mm... (although .22lr works good, too)
Wuss.Never, never, never choose a smaller cartridge in the name of saving money.
45 ACP is my choice with a .380 bug in a thigh holster.
I would ruin my Kimber with Blazer ammo before carrying a 9mm. Too many bad guys these days on drugs.
hugs, Brandi