I brought up this old thread on the weed wiper because of a question on it. There is also a couple of links listed about mid thread of other posts on the same subject.
This year we had no measurable rain from the first of July until last month. 3 months and no measurable rain- so I hardly used the wiper this year.
Thankfully, the year before, between using the wiper to control the Vassey grass and other junk in what we call the back pasture- and then spraying with Pastora the following Spring, we have a really nice stand of Bermuda. This pasture was garbage just 2 years ago. ( This is the pasture pictured in one of the pictures which has the obvious green swipes where I did the test). The following months after that test, I wiped the entire pasture above 2 inches with multiple directions for good contact.
Once we got rain several weeks ago, the Bermuda greened up and really grew until last week when a late frost got it. If I had not weed wiped this pasture the previous year, it would have just been weeds growing after the drought ended. I like the weed wiper for sure. collie