Weed Wiper and RTV

Just remember about gate widths. ;) But, you will sure cover more ground with the wider one. :) Good Luck Aurthuritis ! collie
Also, I forgot to mention this
Make sure that you don't get the "round up" with surfactant already in it or it won't foam much. You want it to foam - ..collie
Thanks Bordercollie. I would have used the wrong stuff if you hadn't commented on this. I looked at a 12 footer made in Arkansas yesterday that had trailer jacks on the ends for lift. I liked it really well. if it had been a 15 footer i would have it delivered.
I brought up this old thread on the weed wiper because of a question on it. There is also a couple of links listed about mid thread of other posts on the same subject.
This year we had no measurable rain from the first of July until last month. 3 months and no measurable rain- so I hardly used the wiper this year.
Thankfully, the year before, between using the wiper to control the Vassey grass and other junk in what we call the back pasture- and then spraying with Pastora the following Spring, we have a really nice stand of Bermuda. This pasture was garbage just 2 years ago. ( This is the pasture pictured in one of the pictures which has the obvious green swipes where I did the test). The following months after that test, I wiped the entire pasture above 2 inches with multiple directions for good contact.
Once we got rain several weeks ago, the Bermuda greened up and really grew until last week when a late frost got it. If I had not weed wiped this pasture the previous year, it would have just been weeds growing after the drought ended. I like the weed wiper for sure. collie
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Thanks for the Bump.

I think I'll try to build a wiper using gravity. Maybe a 10 footer.

Might try to dream up a hitch bracket on the front of the RTV with a small hydraulic cylinder and use the RTV bed dump system to raise/lower the wiper. I've got a variety of noxious weeds I'm chasing in CRP ground so need the height variation. And after reading Collie's hassles with a mechanical system I too want the convenience of hydraulics.

What investigating I've done so far I'm thinking of buying the kit from Rogers/Rosco. I can't see anyway to save any money buying the necessary plumbing locally. I'll post a thread when I start the build.

Thanks again for guiding me to this thread Bordercollie. :)
it has been my experience that if you mount the wick to the front there will be enough transfer of chemical to the front tires from the tall weeds to kill everything the wheels touch
You got that right Arthuritis. I rigged a wick stick on the front of the Kawasaki mule when I had one of those- 15 years ago and that did happen.Also with our uneven terrain, I had uneven coverage. One rigged on the back would be my choice. Edit: Sure thing oversized, glad to share my experiences. collie
2016 weed wiping

I started weed wiping the smut grass in a few small pastures . I used a 50/50 mix of real Round Up Ultra and water. There is a definite difference in results when I wipe in 2 different directions. The generic is a weaker formula and takes more for the same results. bordercollie


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yeas collie that is my experience also. i noticed on some generic you have to look at the label and if it has the same ponds of glyphosphate as the real stuff then it works the same. on another note i liked the wiper so much that i purchased a 40 foot model to fit my tractor.
yeas collie that is my experience also. i noticed on some generic you have to look at the label and if it has the same ponds of glyphosphate as the real stuff then it works the same. on another note i liked the wiper so much that i purchased a 40 foot model to fit my tractor.

A few years ago round up seemed to lose effectiveness.

I switched to RM-43 from tractor supply or Southern States.




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Round Up has a "new" formula out. That is what I use but will check out the link Jim. Thank you.
The pounds of chemical in a brand is important as Aurthuritis mentioned. Lot of what a person sees in some brands can be 4 lb but 5 or 6 lb is better and more effective. Much of it will say 43 % but that is a value of the pounds it has . So, look at is it 43% of 4 lbs or 43% of 6 lbs..
I wiped some sticker weeds and was in a hurry and only wiped one way I guess on part of them - what a waste of time not doing that.
I buy Round Up ultra max from a farm chemical supplier- where I buy the Pastora and Grazon pd. It is more reasonable there and I get the added bonus of their knowledge. They have it in the 250 gallon totes and in 30 gallon drums also- besides the 2 1/2 gallon jugs. I intend to price it again Monday. bordercollie
the roundup resistance is a growing problem around here. the local no till farmers are having to mix a broad leaf killer like weed master with the roundup to kill the prostrate pigweed. johnsongrass has been resistant and canada flea-bane are next. i have been using with great results grazon next to get the thistle and cockle-burr and other invasive weeds. if i have problem grasses then roundup would be my first
With a 40' one your trips per acre count should be reduced substantially. Also time per acre.

yes with 40 foot i can really put the acres behind me and for cheap. it puts me into the boom sprayer category without killing all of those nice legumes at the lower level.:drive2::drive2:
RM43 label says 3.158 pound. I don't know??? It seems to work better here than the old roundup.

Maybe my weeds are puny and don't need the strong stuff. :mrgreen:
I built a 15' wiper using a Rosco kit. Used two 8' pipes and overlapped them in the middle. Carry it on a QA boom I made. Like the idea of being able to remove the pipes individually and then have an 8' boom to use on the RTV.

I wiped 37 acres of CRP to thin out Iron Weeds this Spring. Now I gotta go back in a couple weeks to get the rest and Cocklebur and Sunflower that have came in later.

I don't notice any contamination kill from my tire tracks. But I'm not driving over solid grass cover either. I used commercial grade Roundup that I bought from a local farmer.


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