Transmission issues on new-to-me 900.


I couldn't resist a deal and wound up with another RTV900. My previous is an 08 that runs and does everything it's supposed to and the new problem child is an 09 with a rebuilt D902 in it with a gimpy transmission! I would like to get the 09 going and had a few questions about where to start here. Just got the service manual, but these VHT trannies are new to me. I'm no stranger to turning wrenches and I'm not afraid of it, just need a little direction.

The machine in questions starts right up, shifts into all of the gears, but has little to no pull in any of them. It revs up just fine, fluid is clean and full and it's not puking anything anywhere. I can get it to run in low revved all the way up, but I know the pumps have to be cavitating so I quit doing it. The filter gets warm in no time. The brakes are free, rolls fine in neutral, and I have disconnected the hydrostatic release cable to make sure that wasn't it. I've compared everything with mine and it all looks the same. I tried adjusting the servo with no luck. All of the cables seem to be doing what they're supposed to and it does TRY to pull in all of the gears, it's just not strong enough. I'm inclined to change the fluid and filters for giggles, but the guy I bought it from has quite a few of them and knows what he's doing. I assume he used super and not regular. It's got kubota filters all the way around as well. It's only showing 647hrs...but she's been used. It was cheap enough that I have some room to play, but it's not nice enough to put a couple grand in the transmission. If I am missing something, or can do it (again not afraid) I'd love to dive in. Any help would be appreciated. Long time watcher, first time go easy on me! :) Thanks ahead of time. ~Tom


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I assume he used super and not regular. It's got kubota filters all the way around as well. It's only showing 647hrs...but she's been used. ~Tom

Welcome to the Forum !!!!

Ok, I would contact him and ask him EXACTLY what fluid he used. It's a big plus
that it has Kubota Filters. Another thing. How many hours does he have on this service.
If you can not find out. The very first thing I would do is service the machine. That way YOU know what you've got.
Then I would worry about ajustments and such. And that there, is in your manual AND there is some threads in this forum on that subject.

Now I don't have the perfect answer. But that is what I would to for starts !!! And you know, they have now Super UDT 2 FLUIDS.
Also, you stated that the fluids look good. When I change our hydrostatics, they still look good also, but really, they are needing changing >>>>

.............. two guns:harley:


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Welcome htr4. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I do have a question.. I "wonder "why the engine was rebuilt with only 647 hrs? Is it the same original engine or was a used one slipped in with another transmission or the same?
I agree with Two Guns on the changing. I'm thinking there could be something in there clogging and restricting the filters.. Filter is getting too warm ? so that is where I would start after warming it up a bit- change filters and sudt2. Get a clean container and see what comes out... I am hoping the cause isthey didn't change the filters, just the fluid... that would be a simple fix.. Also where is the fluid on the stick ?. It would be interesting to see what is on that magnetic plug too.... collie
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I think I remember reading here somewhere that someone had a rear hub loose and stripped the splines, might be worth a look.


Thanks for the responses everyone. I'm not entirely sure the 647 hours is correct as my 1800 hour machine looks much better! Lol. I wasn't too concerned about it and can probably make money on it the way it sits...but I can't live with having something in the garage that doesn't work. After this weekend I'll buy some new fluid and filters and go from there. I bought the machine from a commercial clearing company who buys about 30 of them a year. They aren't easy on them by any means. Actually, the motor was replaced and not rebuilt. I have the $3400 receipt from it last year. What I paid was way less than just the motor, so I'm not too concerned about it. It's a beater machine, it's never going to be a beauty queen...but i would sure feel good about myself if I could get her in motion again. I have checked the splines, it's all there and working.

If I start it, put it in low and stand on the go pedal, it revs up and waits about 5 seconds before it feels like it starts moving any fluid in the trans. Fluid level is right in the middle, if not a touch higher than middle, and looks clean. I will replace it anyhow. I'll keep you all updated as I start tearing things apart. Thanks again!!


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Htr4, If you could find out about the filters and sudt, you might could save that money on the change. Me, that is where I would start.... If whoever changed it was thinking about something else, they could have left that plastic sheet on the filters etc.... I am just doubting they would have put another engine in if the transmission was acting like that......
Do you have a shop manual? It could be a pump , but just trying to start at the cheapest point with the filters...
If you don't have a manual you can get them reasonable -on cd -on ebay or else I can fax a few of the pages to you.
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From my understanding, this happens when the swash plates get hot and warped inside the valve body. My 05 has this hesitation and was told by the dealer they need to be replaced. I think it is fairly simple other than splitting the tranny :( Can't remember the member on here that fixes these machines for a mining operation, if he would chime in I bet he could be of some great help.


Well-known member
Definatly a tranny issue.Could be a warped plate,bad pump or bad valve body.You can always do like me go up to a dealership who works on them and pick their brains.Im not bashful and do it all the time.Why should you pay them for the labor when you can do it your self.Any dealer worth a damn will give you any info you need.There are some out there that only care about money and wont help you out ,but there are some who will give you several suggestions and things to check.


Ok quick update here, because I HATE when people don't update their posts. I pulled the two filters off and the suction side has what looks like the filter turned inside out...who knows if they ever changed it. The fluid looks a little milky, so I suspect water intrusion at some point. I'm headed to my local dealer tomorrow to pick a few filters and some new fluid and see what happens. I apologize it's taken so long, it's been a long couple of days and haven't really had time to take a look at it until tonight. Hope all is well!


New member
Glad that it seems to be falling into place. Don't skimp on the fluids or filters and I bet you are gonna be home safe. The SuperUdT2 stuff is worth the extra bit of money, especially in your case as it would seem your fluid is totally shot. Perhaps getting some el cheapo stuff, run it for a while, using it as a flush and then put in the good stuff.............God bless......Dennis


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welcome to the forum

thanks for sharing your input and issues you are having with the rtv. you never know how this exchange of information might help someone else.

hope the cure to the tranny problems is both simple and inexpensive.

one can never have too many rtv's. lol

keifer (aka keith)


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Htr4, If you could find out about the filters and sudt, you might could save that money on the change. Me, that is where I would start.... If whoever changed it was thinking about something else, they could have left that plastic sheet on the filters etc.... I am just doubting they would have put another engine in if the transmission was acting like that......
Be sure and get enough sudt2 to change the fluid in the front end and knuckle cases. It probably hasn't been changed neither.. A long necked funnel or a clean piece of hose on one will make changing the front diff easy. My diff holds 24 oz and I access it through that flap there under the hood- near the horn. The filler/measure stick is the turn kind and you can reach it by just sticking your hand in there on the top left facing side of the the place like where a winch would go.. the knuckle cases don't hold as much but I would get an extra gallon to cover all 3 and have some left for next time... I just changed mine on the 4th .. bordercollie


Ok, after a long sleep in the garage the new 900 was asking for some help. Finally, yesterday I had the parts on hand and the time to do it. I drained the nasty mess of garbage that they called hydraulic fluid out, wiped the drain plug off, and replaced both filters. Filled it back up with super udt 2 and hope for the best. Fired her up, let her run for a minute or so, checked my fluid, and hit the go pedal. It pulls great and runs like a dream fact it runs so good my 08 feels slow. I'm so surprised I can't see straight. I keep checking the fluid and it's still clean, though it will be changed a couple more times to be well as diffs. Thanks for all the replies. Turns out $100 in filters and fluid will change things more than you think! After draining the tranny I suspect that the poor machine got swamped at some point. It was still very milky when drained. I assume this is why the motor was replaced, but can't be sure. Going through everything else for water intrusion this weekend. Thank you for all of the help. Cheers to all!

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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That is great news! Thanks for coming back and updating the thread so others will know what worked.:wave:


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Congrats!!!! That sure makes that 09 a GREAT buy!!!!!! Now you can set up a competition track for the 08 and 09 and have a ball. :thumb:


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Would it be a good idea to run it for a little while then replace the filters and oil again. That way you would have a clean system.

D&D Farm

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Fantastic for YOU Bud...............So much better than just tearing into it and finding nothing; but to try the logic/mechanic way and it almost fixes itself........God bless.....Dennis