RTV Maintenance Schedule Chart


Staff member
GOLD Patron
For easy reference ...


Please note: this table is generic for all Kubota products. We recommend that you consult the Operator's Manual for information on your specific model.
Check PointsHour Meter Reading:
Check or Change Every Interval Shown Below
5010015020025030035040045050055060065070075080085090010001st Yr2nd Yr
Engine oil & filter changexxxxxx
Transmission fluid changexxxx
Hyd. Oil filter cleaningxxxx
Front diff./wheel case oil changexxx
Steering gear case oilxxxxx
Battery electrolyte levelxxxxxxxxx
Greasing ALL zerksxxxxxxxxx
Clutch pedal playxxxxxxxxx
Brake pedal playxxxxxxxxx
Toe-in checkxxxxxxxxx
Front axle front-back playxxxx
Clean air cleaner elementxxxxxxxxx
Clean radiator screen and
check coolant level
Fan belt tensionxxxxxx
Fuel filter elementxxx
Valve clearance checkx
Check tire pressurexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Check tire wearxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Check all safety switches for correct operationxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Replace cooling system
Replace air cleanerxxx
Check power steering hosesxx
Check fuel linesxx
Check radiator hosesxx
I am looking for an image showing where are the zerk fittings are. Will post once I find it.
I am looking for an image showing where are the zerk fittings are. Will post once I find it.
Thanks. I put the grease gun on the RTV the other day but do need all the locations. My manual is buried.
I'd be interested in that too.

I'm a great believer in grease. My father taught me. One of his sayings was, "Never spare the grease son. It's a lot cheaper than replacement parts".
I'm a little Confused.
The manual that came with my 2022 X900 says change the hydraulic tank oil at 200 hrs and then at 400 hrs and 600 hrs, every 200 hrs.
And both hydraulic filters (yellow & black) my manual calls them transmission filters at 50 hrs, 200 hrs, 400 hrs, 600 hrs, every 200 hrs.
And the transmission fluid at 400 hrs, 800 hrs every 400 hrs. the chart above says every 300 hrs.
This is on pages 52 & 53.
The manual is dated 2019, code # K7591-7121-6, the C of O says 2022,

Does the above chart need updating ??
This is the screen captures from the 2021 Kubota WSM for the RTX X1100C. I know the owners manual and the WSM differ a bit on schedule and interpretation of them.

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 1.24.03 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 1.24.14 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 1.24.21 PM.png
Another thing to check for, and I only realized this a couple of months ago. Check with your diesel fuel source and make sure they didn't switch to B20. My local station did and I didn't notice it until a couple of months ago. The X1100c still starts and runs ok, but now, I am going to be adding a splash of Power Service in every fuel up.

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 1.40.21 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 1.40.33 PM.png