RTV insurance in NY


I spent about 8 hours at St Lawrence power and engine show today, had fun and seen lots of old friends. I think I will go tomorow also and watch the big tractors pull.</p>


Fred, if you spent 8 hours at the show today, did you make it back for your birthday dinner? Happy birthday anyway! And happy father's day tomorrow. Glad you had a good time. I looked up the location of the show, and might still make it over. I'm 5' 4", 61 yrs old, brown hair (under the Kubota hat). </p>

Forum - I also had a great day - the first time I've had a chance to work with the RTV. Got more work done in 7 hours than I would have got done in 2 or 3 days without it, and hardly broke a sweat. Even cooked dinner for me and my wife afterwards. I've been getting used to the transmission, my hills, and what I can do. </p>

I really want flat mirrors left and right. I have to take the RTV onto a 60 mph highway (on the shoulder), and I kind of depend on my mirrors for that. I've been waiting for Nick-America to post his pics, but I'm afraid that he's under water with all the storms and flooding they've had out in the midwest. I've done some searching on the web. Found a couple that might work. Didn't find anything at my local NAPA store. Did a search on Tractor Supply site, and didn't find much either.</p>



River: Its only 4 miles from my home to the show. I will be there today and will be hanging arunod where the tractor pull is. That starts at 10 AM and goes until 5 PM. I won't have the Aussi hat today.</p>


River: No matter if you didn't make it. They are having another one in August. The show in August will feature old farm days. Where they harvast corn with the old time equipment and thersh oats with a belt driven threshing machine. Going to those shows sure do bring back a lot of memories. It was hard work back when I was doing itbut it also made for some good memories.</p>


Deerlope - </p>

Sounds like you had a good time. My wife and I got an offer we couldn't refuse from out friends - boat ride down to Brockville to see the tall ships. I would have liked to be in two places at once :)</p>
