RTV insurance in NY

My State Farm home owner's policy covers the ATV, tractorand RTV for fire and theftonly. They can only be used as work machines, this means the kids and others don't play on them. If I let the kids or friends drive them I would get a separate policy.</p>


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Heck, as cheap as these insurance policies are for the off-road RTV's, one should just go ahead a get a fullcoverage policy and be done with it. That way, yourbutt is covered all around. It's just that simple !!!!!!!All the ones checked into is less than $100.00 per year. That's a small price to pay on such a expensive investment as we all have in the RTV's >>>></p>

<span style="font-size: medium;"><font color="#ff0000"> <font face="JohnHancock">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</font></font></span></p>


Doug, as an Independent insurance agent, I would encourage you to only accept advice from an agent in your home state. What is in another state's Progressive (or any other company's) policy may not necessarily be in a New York policy. Costof different limitsof coverage can sometimes be minimal (i.e.,$1,000. deductible v.s. a $500. deductible or higher v.s. lower liability coverages. Do Not assume! Ask specific questions, such as some posts herein have suggested. Don</p>


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[quote user="forest dweller"]</p>

My State Farm home owner's policy covers the ATV, tractorand RTV for fire and theftonly. They can only be used as work machines, this means the kids and others don't play on them. If I let the kids or friends drive them I would get a separate policy.</p>
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You may want to double, triple, quadruple check that...</p>

PA requires ATV's and UTV's (and your RTV) to be titled, registered and insured (but there's some exceptions for farm equipment).</p>

As soon as PA required registration and plates, they're registered vehicles and no longer qualify to fall under homeowners. I had State Farm when PA started this. It was a mess but State Farm cannot put ATV's or UTV's under homeowners in PA.</p>


I did do a triple check with my agent. As long as they are used for farm or work purposes and didn't go off my property they are covered by my home owners policy. I didn't register them for plates with the DCNR because they aren't used off my property.After reading the posts some time back I went and rechecked with my agent and the dealer just to make sure this was correct. I haven't seen anything documenting otherwise. </p>

forest dweller</p>


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Not wanting to showany disrespect to any insurance company, insurance agent, or anybody in general. </p>

BUT YOU BETTER HAVE EVERYTHING IN WRITING !!!! PERIOD >>>>>>>> That covers everything !!!!!</p>

Verbal B.S. from a agent will not cover yourbutt !!!!! MAKE HIM PUT EVERYTHING DOWN ON PAPER !!!!!</p>

If he just tells you something, and it quite is not what he says, ( they make mistakes also ) YOU are the one that is paying for it, not him. </p>

For I know this for a fact !!!! AFTER the incident, the agent saying " well, I thought it was covered by this or that "don't get it covered. I paid dearly for this lesson.....DEARLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ass now has EVERYTHING in writing, has WAY more insurace than needed !!!!! And ALL IS IN WRITING !!!! THAT'S A FACT >>>>>></p>

~~~~~~~~~ jamie</p>



Your right about getting it in writing. I will have to stop in and ask the agent to show me on my policy where it has me covered. If not give me something for my records.</p>



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Here's the site for PA's requirements on titles, registrations and insurance.</p>


If you fall into their "exclusive use" for agriculture or business and it stays on your land, you're probably OK.</p>





I called my insurance agent on Monday after the guy from Snell's (dealer) left my brand new RTV 1100 in my yard. Agent had previously told me that it was insured by my homeowner's policy for use on the property only, and then only for liability, fire, and theft. Physical damage is not covered. My dealer had told me that the Kubota insurance policy ONLY covered physical damage to the machine, and would cost $176.76 per year. He didn't know if I could continue to carry the insurance after the term of the Kubota 0% loan. Anyway, bottom line, I purchased a separate policy from my agent. It is from Progressive (got a multi-vehicle discount because I also insure my boat with Progressive). Coverage is:</p>

Liability - $300,000</p>

Pedestrian PIP - $50,000 per person</p>

Aggregate pedestrian no-fault benefits</p>

Supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist - $300,000 per accident</p>

Medical - $5000 each person</p>

Comprehensive, $500 deductible</p>

Collision, $500 deductible</p>

Accessory coverage (plow) $4000</p>

Total cost: $159 per year</p>

A no-brainer, and I already have insurance cards, similar to what I have for my cars.</p>

Doug, in St. Lawrence County, New York</p>


I stopped by my local DMV office today to find out if I can or should register it, and what my rights and responsibilities were. DMV said they had no jurisdiction over vehicles like the RTV, and that I should go see the State Troopers. So I did. The trooper I talked to did some research and told me that they treat vehicles like the RTV as farm equipment like balers, etc. (not farm tractors, which ARE registered) I am allowed to drive it on the side of the road, but not in a lane of traffic. Also it is not required to display a slow-moving vehicle triangle.</p>

So I feel good about all that. (I'll get a SMV triangle or two tomorrow anyway, just to increase visibility.</p>

Thanks for all the good input from all my friends on this forum.</p>




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[quote user="river"]</p>

I purchased a separate policy from my agent. </p>


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<span style="font-size: medium;"><font color="#ff0000"> <font face="JohnHancock">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</font></font></span></p>



<p style="padding-left: 30px;">I also have a Kubota farmtractor which I sometime have to use the road to get from one field to the next and I will assure anyone that it is not registered.The RTV is also consider a tractor because I tow trailers or wagons with it from one field to the next. </p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"></p>
<p style="padding-left: 30px;">Doug: You should go ask a different trooper the same question.</p>


I should have said that the trooper told me that MOST farm tractors are registered. Sorry, I was trying to get a lot of information out in a short time. BTW, to the best of your knowledge, are you required to use SMV signs on your tractor when it is on the road? Your mention that your RTV is considered a tractor because it is used to tow farm equipment makes me think I need to go back to the trooper barracks to ask further.</p>

Thanks, Doug</p>


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But I thought that ALL tractors or equipment of that caliber that travels on roads has to have the SMV signs.Thats the Law. I know here in most, if not all southern states, a tractor can use the road as longas it carries the SMV signs. Anywhere but on the interstate highways, where it is illegal to run tractors on. If a tractoris on a Interstate Hwy, it better be on atrailer. Here in Louisiana, the RTV is considered as a tractor. If pulling a impliment, it ALSO better have a SMV sign .....</p>

<span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #ff0000;"> <span style="font-family: JohnHancock;">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</span></span></span></p>


Two Guns : The use of SMV signs is pretty much the same in all states. The only tractor that I know of in NY that are registered are what is termed special use commercial tractor, such as a tractor/backhoe, and they display a license plate to that effect. Farmer's have enough expense without have to register their tractors. SMV signs apply to equipment that travel below a certain speed, of which I do not know. When I got my RTV the SMV sign was on the rear screen but the law says on the rear in the middle of the vehicle so I moved it thereby covering the Kubota name. Too bad I know what make it is. I am going to an old equipment farm show tomorrow and I will ask some Q's there.</p>


Doug: I am not disputing anything that you are saying as you find these things out from the NYS troopers. I will also pursue this issue further. All my on road farmequipment has an SMV sign on the rear of it.</p>


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Have a nice time at the farm show. They always have things there that are interesting !!!!!</p>

<span style="font-size: medium;"><font color="#ff0000"> <font face="JohnHancock">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</font></font></span></p>


Fred, where and what time is this old equipment farm show? I might just go too. If so, how would I recognize you? I would be wearing my brand new Kubota hat (!).</p>



The show is in Madrid on highway 345 towards Potsdambut you have to come in by the way of Canton or Bucks Bridgebecause the bridge is closed over the Grasse River. Structual pilings erroding. This is old antique farm equipment at the St Law museum. One thing that I like to see is the 2 cyle diesel engine, 2 cyclinder with 13 inch dia pistons. It starts at 9AM Sat & Sun. I am not sure what day I will be there maybe both. But it will only be for a few hours on Sat morning. The family has a dinner planned for my upcoming birthday. Sunday, weather wise looks to be a better day. I am 6'5', 65 years old and if I take my hat off I am all white hairedand will have a full brim Aussie hat on. My truck will be a white F-250 with 2 roof mounted black air horns.</p>