RTV insurance in NY


I stopped by my insurance agent today and told him that I was expecting delivery of a new RTV 1100 in a few days and how should/could I insure it. Just wanted to start him thinking. He said that it would be covered under my homeowners policy as long as it was used in maintenance of the property and was on the property. That coverage would be for liability, fire, and theft - not for collision or comprehensive. If I drove it over the bank into the river, I was responsible for the operator-induced damage. I asked what if I drove it several miles down the road to get some trees to bring back and use on the property. He's checking on that. Asked him what he knew about registration, etc. I'm planning on bringing a brochure for the RTV to the local NYS Trooper Barracks to ask about my rights/responsibilities when off my property with it. I'll post what I find out.</p>

What are the experiences of other RTV owners in NY state regarding registration, insurance, driving on state land, etc. Any help will be appreciated.</p>

Thanks, Doug</p>


The RTV 900 or 1100 is considered to be a farm tractor and no registerion is required. The no registration has to do with the weight of the machine. I also checked this out about a year ago. Instaed of going to the state police go to the DMV and ask your ?'s there.The troopers may not be up on the new or pending laws.I also have my insured under my HO policy. You may drive it on the highway as long as you have the SMV sign displayed on the rear of it and use some common sense. You can not drive any motor veichile on state land, except maybe a park.</p>

Fred H</p>


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Looked into my files on the quote sheets thatiskept....the Progressive InsuranceCompany ,Full coverage on the RTV, will cost $81.00annually. That'swith a $250.00 deductable. Don't think that was a bad price for one who needs it !!!!! Now reason for checking into the Progressive Company, had a close friend, that his brand new four-wheeler, somehow fell off the trailer going down the road in fast motion. Yes, it completely damaged the atv. That company sent a adjuster to his home in two day, and on the spot, wrote him a check for the total amount of the unit, less the $250.00 deductable. That's what I call SERVICE. He replaced the atv with another just like it, and was outhunting happy that coming weekend !!!! I was impressed at the " hassle free service "that company provided, way they treated this situation. And to top it off, they told him to keep the " wrecked " unit..... It had a few parts that could have been used if everneeded for his newer machine ......</p>

<span style="font-size: medium; color: #ff0000; font-family: JohnHancock;">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</span></p>


Ask your Kubota Dealer about Kubota insurance. Kubota beat them all. Will cover you if you go to the moon. Price was right. Added it right on to my zero % loan.</p>

You may not think you will leave your property, but when the word spreads you have rtv 1100 w/search light you will be called out. </p>




I'd like to thank everyone for their helpful responses. I called my Kubota dealer today and got a price of (on my RTV 1100 w/Blizzard plow and a few accessories - total cost close to $20K) $177/year. He didn't know if I could continue that insurance after I've paid off my 42 month 0% loan. But he did say that it covered damage to the machine wherever, but no liability. Homeowner's covers liability while on the property. My next move will be to ask my insurance agent for a quote for liability and collision/comprehensive from Progressive. I also will be going to the local DMV with questions about where I can operate it with/without registration.</p>

I was hoping to see a new Kubota in my driveway tomorrow, but the dealer says he hasn't received the plow yet, so I guess I'm looking at next weekend. I'll keep you all posted.</p>

Thanks again all for your invaluable help.</p>



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Just might want to check really good and close to what your Kubota policy states !!!!Get all your answersin paperwork .I use my machines on many other places than ourproperty. And want all the insurance that one can get onthe machines. Don't cost nothing at all..... compared to the nightmare one can get himself into ifsomething does occur>>>>>. Also,didn't doin-depth researce on this, but I was told from several good sources thatif something happens to your machine., And you have it financed with Kubota, you will only receive the only the pay-off on the machine. So it would not hurt to do some researce onit. That's something to take very seriously, is insurance coverage. You cannot get to much insurace, expecially on a investment as a RTV. Don't take someones elses word, call & read up on this., it's might just save you a headace one day !!!!</p>

<span style="font-size: medium;"><font color="#ff0000"> <font face="JohnHancock">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</font></font></span></p>



tap rtv

New member
I'm an insurance agent in Mississippi I have my rtv insured thru progressive, down here it must be insured on a seperate policy not an endorsement on your homeowners policy like a lawnmower.</p>


In South Dakota all RTV's must be registered and may be licensed for use on public roads. I licensed mine since I do use it on the roads. I requested a policy from Progressive since they said they insure 4x4's - when I received the policy and read it, it was stated that they insured the RTV for off road use and did not cover it for liabilty and comprehensive if used on the public roads. I called progressive and ended up talking to a supervisor who stated they did not write policies for ON ROAD use. They cancelled my policy and credited my CC the same day. BE SURE you read the actual policy before you go on public roads.</p>


River I have a seperate policy on my 1100 full coverage $213/year. My insurance agent set me up with the policy and it covers the machine any where I use it. Try your local agent and if you don't have any luck I'll give you the info off my policy. </p>


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[quote user="ddttweeks"]</p>

River I have a seperate policy on my 1100 full coverage $213/year. My insurance agent set me up with the policy and it covers the machine any where I use it. Try your local agent and if you don't have any luck I'll give you the info off my policy. </p>
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If you keep your RTV off-road, one cannot beat the Progressive Insurance company. Now if one hits the road with it, a owner will have to get some other policy with some other company . That's what I've found out with my researce. I have all my off-road units with Progressive. Myself, have never had to use my Progressive policy, but know of several people that have with thier off-road machines, and that company went above and beyond of covering them like a insureance company should !!!!</p>

The time to check into your policy is BEFORE something goes wrong. That goes for everything you have insured.....</p>



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[quote user="river"]I was hoping to see a new Kubota in my driveway tomorrow, but the dealer says he hasn't received the plow yet, so I guess I'm looking at next weekend. I'll keep you all posted.[/quote]</p>


If I may ask, why are you waiting for the plow to be installed to take delivery. It's going to be 5-6 months before you need it. Why not drive it now and take it in later for the plow to get installed?</p>



BCZoom, I've asked myself that same question. The answer I came up with is that I want to make sure all is right when I plunk down my money. Also, me transporting the unit is a bit complicated, as I have to impose on a neighbor or two for use of a suitable trailer and tow vehicle. I do expect to see a new RTV 1100 in the driveway next weekend. Anyway, this weekend was taken up with putting in docks and boat lifts. We will be using the RTV in the fall when we remove them.</p>

Glad to see you're still around.</p>




Snell equipment has always treated me very well in my dealings with them and I am sure that they will do the same for you.</p>


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Isn't nothing better than a good, honest , friendly dealer !!!</p>

<span style="color: #ff0000;"><font face="JohnHancock"><font size="4"></font><font size="5">~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~</font></font></span></p>


The guy that Doug is dealing with is a good ole down home boy. He is a very nice young man that I have know since he was a baby.</p>


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yep if you can't trust your dealer then you shoudn't buy anything from him.i know i wouldn't buy anything from the bota dealer by my house. he acts like a used car salesman.lol he wanted almost 14k for a basic rtv900 and lied about how he sales them as fast as he can get them.i later found out that he has to ship them out to other dealers because he can't sale them.maybe if he came down on his price he would maove a few more.i asked if he would be interesed in putting some of my stuff on the botas on his lot and he told me it was not alowed by bota to put aftermarket stuff on their rtv's he then showed me a booklet and said bota nakes all the accessories they need . i looked at the book and wanted to laugh at what they had to offer. his loss not mine i'm in the prosess of finding a dealer who will put the stuff on at his lot and just deal with him only.i'm waiting for the dealer by the house to find my number and call me but it's gonna be to late .plus i'm gonna tell him i thought bota didn't allow the afatermarket parts to be put on.</p>

Lets try again with my post that was lost.........My insurance agent here in Pennsylvania said that my home owners would not cover my RTV and that I would have to buy insurance. So this is what he sold me.........Under Liability coverage we have bodily injury limit each person 250,000 and for each accident 500,000.....under property damage liability we have each accident 250,000..............Physical damage coverage has a 1000.00 deductible............This policy also does not cover damages from a underinsured or uninsured person or vehicle.........The premium is 206.00 per year...........OK fellow Pennsylvanians,,,,,,How does your policy's compare to this..........</p>

Rusty Anvil,,,,,,,,,,,</p>


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[quote user="RUSTY ANVIL"]The premium is 206.00 per year...........OK fellow Pennsylvanians,,,,,,How does your policy's compare to this..........</p>

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My coverage is the same and I believe my premium is very close to yours.</p>


It's always good to hear from you....Thanks for stopping by with your opinion............</p>

Rusty Anvil.........</p>