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I have seen a couple of the best ones available made for military and for black ops and first of all they were really not that quiet, and they were only good for a few (5-10) rounds before they needed total dissasembly or at least a good cleaning. The best was not noticeably quieter then the old two litre bottle full of rags we all tried at one time or another~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~KOBE
The 45 cal one I have is not silent like in the movies but quite a bit softer than without. Pleasant to shoot without hearing protection and from what I am told not heard off my property by my neighbors. Which is the reason I wanted it. The rim fire can I have bought is as quiet as in the movies. There is a good site with sound testing info and other usefull info about silencers it is silencerforum.com I used it quite a bit before making a choice. Most of the people there are really into silencers and will give you real life info. Just like the rtv folks here do. Most can be shot dry which is how I shoot it or wet ( filled with water or gel to make it more quiet, but makes a mess) all I can say is go to a range with class 3 weapons and try for yourself