RTV Gun Carry....What to use?

Hit a fox at 200 yards with a .22 LR with iron sights? Holy smokes! Can you make shots like that regularly?

Thanks............hate the bragging that goes on sometimes so was just trying to advise on that little rifle.............That shot was probably like a hole in one for sure..........I do use that rifle and my old Marlin .22 on pretty much every tree rat that I come across. Especially around the house.

I truly hate it when they get in the attic and then wake you up at 2AM with sounds that take you back to where you don't like to go.......Things in the wire or in the brush crawling towards you......... A 30 to 60 yd shot is pretty common I guess.

My little girl border collie is the best squirrel dog going. She will sit under a tree and then rotate around the tree with the rat. Funny to watch as they go from tree to tree.........She gets real mopey when I ignore the situation and don't get the rifle to help her out..........

Anyway, for me, iron sights are just fine for most of what I do. Gives everything an even chance..........lol.......especially the older I get and the blinder........God bless.....Dennis
I picked up a cat or shall I say a cat showed up one day a few winters back when it was well below zero.I got him to stick around by feeding him and eventually coaxed him into the house.Now he is a house pet.He is fully clawed which i usually dont allow in the house but he has been very good on not tearing up things.When i decide to let him out (not often due to a few eagles flying around here) but when i do let him out he rounds up all the tree rats (chipmunks and red squirrels) for me.Since ive had him I havnt had a rat on the attic.He earns his keep unlike my kids lol.
And on iron sites.Its a plus or minus for me.Im right handed and blind in the right eye so its hard for me to shoot quickly on any rifle.Some rifles I have with tall scope mounts I can still shoot right handed and aim left eyed but the others i have to shoot left handed and go slow.I cant do shit left handed its just not a natural feeling even with several hundred hours practice left handed is uncomphortable for me
off topic i lknow i havnt been to active here but read daily.Im always lurking so i dont miss a thing.I need to start posting 5 or 6 times per sentence to get my rank back lol.
You all are still the best and this is still the best forum around IMO and I belong to way to many forums.
Yeah Mark......those saved ones are the most appreciative.........figure out what you want to keep them around.........kinda like my 5th wife........lol........God bless
Some coyotes have been bold enough lately to come out of the brush during the day. So I'm now carrying a tack-driving (with reloads, otherwise it's a scattergun with commercial loads) Browning A-Bolt Microhunter .22 Hornet with a nice Nikon scope. But I haven't been able to pop a cap yet. Now that snake season is approaching, I'll carry on the Kube also a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum loaded with birdshot shells instead of the 870. Carrying two long guns without a rack, just leaning against the passenger seat is not advisable or they'd rattle against each other. So the 870 has to stay home.
The '05 model 900 that I bought in January had the racks shown in the picture I'm trying to post here. I don't have the vendor information now since the "Beast" is still out in West Texas until I make it back out there. They work well.

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Check out the thread I just bumped about the gun rack that has worked so well for me all this time........God bless....Dennis
This depends a lot on your personal situation (private property vs public lands vs game warden access, etc) but having a rimfire .22 in possession during some hunting seasons (deer) will land you a hefty fine/jail term in some locales.

Leaving any firearm where an unauthorized person can access it is criminal in all states. Bring it into the house. Why would you arm the sneak-thief who is about to break into your home?