Rats & Beavers


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<FONT color=#808080>Quote from Rusty Anvil :</FONT></P>

<FONT color=#808080>Two Guns,I was watching a tv program the other night and they said that there is an epidemic of South American Neutra plaging the Louisiana swamps.....I never heard you or anyone one else from Louisiana and Texas mention this problem......How about you and your Louisiana and Texas swamp Rats (just joking)enlighten us on this subject How many can you eat at one sitting???????? Do you have any Beaver???????</FONT></P>

<FONT size=4> Eat ? , Yuk-Yuk-Yuk</FONT> ~~~ never tried, never will !!! Yes, they are problems down here, the Neutra Rats, are good target practice, shoot 'em all the time.. we leave 'em and feed 'em to the gators. Gators love 'em. With them around, nothing goes to waste out in the swamps. </P>

Beavers, yes, we have 'em too !!! Treat them like Neutra's, beavers cause more damage, the build dem dams, block up the waters, we blow dams, beaver build's right back. It's a never ending thing with them..... We shoot as many of them as we can, and let me state this, beavers are smart varmints !!!!! Just about the time you think you have the upper hand, BAM, they prove you wrong ... </P>

<FONT face=Arial size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></P>

<FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5></FONT></P>

Re: Rats &amp; Beavers

Two Guns,,,,,,</P>

Between the Neutra, Beaver and Hogs, them Gators should be fat..............</P>

Rusty Anvil,,,,,,,,</P>


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Re: Rats &amp;amp; Beavers

Don't know much about them being so fat, as they are BIG, You could not imagine in your wildest dreams on how big them critters get down here ......</P>

<FONT face=Arial size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></P>
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You just are not harassing them enough. If you harass long enough they will all leave. Try putting out several boxes of rat poison for them.


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Re: Rats &amp; Beavers

[quote user="Deerlope"]You just are not harassing them enough. If you harass long enough they will all leave. Try putting out several boxes of rat poison for them.[/quote]</P>

<FONT color=#ff0000>Hell, if we harrassed them any more, we would have to call in the Green Beret's, Special Forces >>>> Or just call in a air strike !!!</FONT></P>

<FONT color=#ff0000> And if they did just leave, they would just go to another part of the swamps, we would have to fight them there also >>></FONT></P>

<FONT color=#ff0000><FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></FONT></P>

<FONT color=#ff0000></FONT></P>
Re: Rats Beavers

Montana could use a few of those Gators Two Guns. We have pack rats that drive us crazy. They will chew up the wires in your car or in the crawl space of your house when the get in. We also have lots of beavers but they do not do usany damage since they only build dams down on the stream. They are a cross between a squirl and rat but are not real big. I have a pretty good rat bait bill every year trying to eradicate them.


Re: Rats &amp; Beavers

Them neutrea are a real pain in the BUTT.. Cant knock them out quick enough.between them and the Hogs,,My guns stay on target most of the time.</P>

Never fed a neutrea to a gator,,we have a few gators around the lake but Nuttin like TwoGuns has I'm sure</P>

Did feel one eat a neutrea one night while fishing bout 2am..happened to notice aV going across the water right toward my boat,then the water exploded..hard to tell at night but i would bet money that gator was 10-12ft long. Splashed water all over me they were so close,(hence,, Feel). talk about a SPOOKY feeling....</P>

here is a recent pic of one on Lake Fork.</P>




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Re: Rats &amp; Beavers

how many of dem nutas you got?you need to check with the wildlife and fisheries department . down here they give you like 5.00 a tail if you bring it to them "no kidding " they eat and detroy the land so much the state pays you to kill them.


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Re: Rats Beavers

Hell, the average weight of a adult nutria is 22-25 pounds.... These critter can eat , and eat ,and eat !!!</P>

And the things breed like crazy >>>></P>


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Hi, Hey Two Guns tell our northern friends how big these water rats are!! I use to see em on the side of and in the road all the time.Back in the old old days, I heard they would get caught in my Grandpa's traps near the bayou.South Ark had sloughs and bayous with beautiful cypress trees when I was growing up there( before I moved to La for a while) Bordercollie[&][&]


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Re: Rats Beavers

Here one asleep >>>>.</P>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> <FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></FONT></DIV>


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they got some that dig holes in the ditches across the street from my house and their holes buro under the cane field about 20'/30' well when the tractors come to plow they run over the ground and it caves in man they pretty damn near get stuck in the rut when it gives way.my labused to try and crawl in the tunnel after them but i wouldn't let him go in there i was scared he wouldn't come out.but man they get bigand let me tell you this you get in them swamps at night and it gets quiet and then allof a sudden they start makin their distinct noise . man if you don't know what a nutrea sounds like you will be runnin out them swamps .lmao.i guess i's a cross between a laughin hyena and a monkey.they got teethe about 2"long i would hate to get on the bad side of one. but man they out here by the thousands.


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Re: Rats &amp;amp; Beavers

Oh yes Tommy, I turn in the tails for sure, LDWF pays good, and prices are fixin' to go up to $6..00 or $7.00 per tail come April 1, 2008 >>>>>> </P>



<FONT color=#ff0000 size=4>WISH THEY WOULD PAY THAT PER EAR !!!!</FONT></P>
Local boys advise on how to get rid of Pack Rats. I recomend you do not try this since I did and it liked to kill my wife and I for two years. One told me to get some mothballs and scater them in my crawl space so I bought two big bags at Wal-Mart and scaterred them all under the house. Did not get rid of the Pack Rats but I bet he is still laughing.


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Re: Rats &amp; Beavers

[quote user="bordercollie"]Hi, Hey Two Guns tell our northern friends how big these water rats are!! I use to see em on the side of and in the road all the time.Back in the old old days, I heard they would get caught in my Grandpa's traps near the bayou.South Ark had sloughs and bayous with beautiful cypress trees when I was growing up there( before I moved to La for a while) Bordercollie[&][&][/quote]</P>

Yes Bordercollie, these rats do get giganic, folks up there would pass out >>> 22-25 lbs. is average, but as you know, there are thousands that get so, so much bigger. Big Enough to hurt ya if they ever sunk 'em teeth in !!!! Rip a leg off !!!!</P>


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Re: Rats &amp;amp; Beavers

tail me about it. i feel like goin out to the marsh wit my m4 and havin some fun .but can you imagine dragin them suckers across the marsh with mud up to your waist. atleast with the salt water you won't have to worry about the gators folowing the blood trail.lol just make sure you in salt water lol.it would be bad of you was draggin a nice sized chunk of bloody meat and looked behind you and seen a 10 foot gator lookin at you .ouch.das when you pop in the 40 round banna clip and let loose . fried gator tails for super.


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Re: Rats &amp;amp; Beavers

the way your supose to use them mothe balls is to put them in a jar and pop a few holes in the lid then place tha jar's in diferent areas around the yard . it does work for rodents . but you don't wanna put a bunch all over where your living man the smell will kill you.lol plus it's toxic as ole hell.you are supose to place the jars around the outside of the house like under trees and bushs. and refill it ever so often but they do work it even helps keep snakes away too.just plaes don't scatter them around like plant seeds .lmao.


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Re: Rats &amp; Beavers

Get a couple of small steel mink traps or smaller, or some conibear type traps, that will get them Packers' </P>

<FONT face=Arial size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></P>

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