yes there is a really good chance that the stock bota ones will break off. i broke my plastic ones on my rhino with one hit of a stick. the bota ones are also very small and only cover just a little bit of the out boot and no coverage for the inner boot . mine cover the out and inner boots that way nuthing should make it's way to the boot and there is really no way to bend them. i'm in the process of changeing the design again that way it will give a bit more protection when backing up . the changes should be made to the next sets i cut out.i still have 4 sets of them boxed up and ready to go out .i had some free time and took advantage of the nice weather to kinda get ahead of myself that way you get them sooner .i'm still waiting for someone with a rtv500 to make me some templets of the a-arms on it that way i can get to making them for the 500 also. some people just opt out of installing the bottom plate and they just mount the front plate and thats fine if you never run ofer stumps or rocks. the bottom plate if installed will take the hit rather than the a-arm taking the brunt of the impact. if you ever do hit something hard enough to bend mine just ship them back to be and i'll fix them for free just cover shipping . not that i think they would ever break but you know how it goes anything man made can fail . even the best welder in the world can have failures.there are only 4 top welders in the country that i know of and at christmas time i get post cards from the other 3.lmao (that was a joke )lmao. i'm in here to make stuff that last and make it cheap enough for it to be affordable . if i was to charge the going rate for a wellder it would be 75.00 an hour plus materials and gas and electricity and buffing pads and other things i use to make them that would run the price way up between the cutting wheels buffying pads oxygen/acetelyne and the eletricity steel plate and fuel to go get the plate i end up working for 2 or 3 dollars an hour to make these things. i don't complain because to me it's just a hobby and the wife says i can make all the stuff i want just as long as it doesn't cost me anything in the end. when people contact me in other forums i tell them they have to come to this forum to get them i don't deal with anyone else other than members from this forum. i have been told to just make a bunch of sets and put them on ebay but i refuse to do that because then they wouldn't be coming in here and seeing what all this site has to offer so i stay in here and thats all.i do not own an rtv and never had i work with members to get measurements to make what they need.i'm here for you guys and plus this is a familly place we are like familly nobody argues or rags out other guys and gals it's just down right friendly.
Peanut, How do I order these? I will need these in my timber patch. Thanks