may have missed it in all the post but how do the stick stoppers do when one goes thru mud - do they accumulate the mud against the rubber boots and then tear them like the polaris "mud guards" do?
Don't have a clue what Polaris mud guards do.
But I have NEVER, EVER, had a problem with the stick stoppers.
Ours has never tore anything. They have done nothing but help.
I know for a fact. If it was not for the stick stoppers. I would have
kept mine in the barn replacing boots.
I don't know of anyone in on this forum, or any other forum, that
has put their machine in as mud as we have in these swamps.
I also wash the mud out from my machine when needed.
Think bordercollie, peanut, and maybe some others can verify this.
Gumbo mud in Louisiana is some of the ruffest mud in the world. It
will stick to you in certain stages. That is why we try to keep out tires wet in gumbo. The more they roll, the more builds up. It will build up on your tires (and feet) on machine where they can not even turn. And some cases, it only take less than 10 feet. They have even built up so bad, that it's pushed fenders out of place. BUT, in return. When gumbo dries. It is there. Set up like a rock. So with all this being said. I can honestly say, our gumbo mud
DON'T get behind the stick stoppers and tear boots.
............. two guns