One day at work


This rtv came into the shop leaking fluid from the bottom of the trans. and wouldn't move. This is what we found. OOPS!


sorry the pictures didn't load the first time, let's try again. I'll have to work on it, I get an error that say they aren't valid files.

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
Gold Site Supporter
You may need to save them to your desktop and then save them as a JPEG for file type. Some cameras use their own file naming and this site might not recognize it. Might also have to resize them if the pixel count is too high.


Gold Site Supporter
Gold Site Supporter
I'm having the same picture problem.- It says the same thing and my pictures are jpeg. I'm using the same process I've been using though-could it be something with the new server???? .. bordercollie


Thanks mule. I was trying to download from our server at work. A bit of a learning curve. The pixel count is too large on the pics and avg of 4 to 5 MB each. I'll have to try and resize them when I go back to work on Tuesday, sorry guys


Senior Member
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Picture test. JPEG @ 228KB

Both my kids race in Soapbox Derby. This year, my daughter came in first in Super Stock and my son came in second in Stock. With that win, my daughter is now going to Nationals. :)


  • CIMG8867.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 254


Gold Site Supporter
Gold Site Supporter
Great picture BCzoom!! They make a fine set of kids! Thanks for testing the picture posting too . I am able to post pictures now too. bordercollie
Last edited:


Thanks BC, Nice car, bet your kids are really excited about their standings. Good luck on ya'lls next race!
Hope none of you run into these issues! I downsized the photos due to load times.


  • Picture01.JPG
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  • Picture02.JPG
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  • Picture04.JPG
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  • Picture05.JPG
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  • Picture06.JPG
    43 KB · Views: 221


Active member
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Could that be a case of trying to engage the differential lock when they were stuck and the rear wheel was spinning?


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
could also happen if someone was stuck and had the tires spinning then they hooked up on a root and grabbed all of a sudden.


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
how much is it to replace that houseing cover? if you are willing to ship it to me and pay for the materials i will fix it for free. can't help you much on the gears but i'm sure i can take care of that whole in the case for's up to you.i ain't out to make a million dollars here just here to help someone out.just give me a pm or you can talk about it in open forum just incase others wanna see the work.but the offer stands .i'm here for you guys to help you in anyway i can my only request is to one day pay it farword.


Thanks alot peanut, fortunately we charged the jobsite responsible for this damage. You are indeed a good person to offer such a deal. The housing was in the 700 range if memory serves me right. Where I work we "rent" these and other pieces of equipment out to jobs and fix them when they return. I believe that Spud was right that they tried to engage the diff. lock while stuck and spinning in mud. The 2nd, 5th, and 6th pics are pieces that actually lock the diff.


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And if I saw this damage, I would be unhooking the cable for the diff lock permanently and let them get a tow out instead. Too easy to damage the rear diff and too costly to fix me thinks. Let them walk the next time they get stuck. Reduce the chance of machine damage by idiots.