New member, any 1100 owners in N. IN?

Praetorian, I can speak towards the RTV 900 first service. I would expect the 1100 is the same.

The operating manual specifies the first service at 50 hours. There are some checks and adjustments which typically are very limited impact. The engine oil and filter are changed. along with the two transmission filters. The transmission oil filters replacement is messy since you will lose some oil during the necessary quick replacement as the result of no check valves to preclude oil flow from the transmission case. There is some limited greasing of items on the unit.

The Kubota filters and oil are expensive. The 100 hour maintenance interval will excite you when paying for all of the oil and three filters (approx. $130+).

Hopefully this information will help you.
Can anyone tell me what's involved with the first service on the 1100? I'm wondering if I should negotiate that into the deal before I pull the trigger. If its not that expensive I'll probably hold off because this will be over 2 hours round trip for me!

Hi Praetorian, I don't have an 1100 but can tell you that SUDT2 is expensive and so are the hydraulic filters for the 900. Maybe they will throw the necessary items in with the deal and you can do it yourself if you don't want to make the long trip. Depending on what you want to replace fluid wise, I am guessing 150-200$ but you can go to Messick's site and know exactly what the fluid /filters cost. Good Luck! bordercollie

edit: I see Pepr and I are close in the estimates> Our posts must have crossed. :) bordercollie
You will love the 1100. I had one of the early 900's and really liked it. Sold it and bought an 1100. Love the cab with heat and a/c, keeps the dust out also. Makes a good air conditioned dove blind in early sept. when it's still in the 90's
If you deal for the service I would ask specifically for Super UDT instead of the regular UDT hydraulic oil. Super UDT does make a difference and most here on this board will go for the Super every time. It is worth the few dollars more.

I actually have one Kubota dealer in my area who does not carry Super UDT. :eek: I won't deal with them anymore. They don't know what they are missing. The guy at the counter said UDT is expensive enough so they don't bother with Super UDT. DUH. :bonk: You'll see stories on here of noticeable increase in power and smoother operation due to Super UDT.
Can anyone tell me what's involved with the first service on the 1100? I'm wondering if I should negotiate that into the deal before I pull the trigger. If its not that expensive I'll probably hold off because this will be over 2 hours round trip for me!

Negotiate, That is a BIG PLUS !!!!
On this note, tell your dealer to let you have the filter and fluid at cost, at lease
for the first 50 hour ditty. And you will do it yourself. It's no big job.
The oil does not have a big mark-up on it anyway. The stuff is expensive from the start. DO GET THE SUPER UDT !!! And don't go with any other filters.
Buy only Kubota filters for the transmission. It' ok to use Wix on some other high quality filter on the fuel, but when it comes to that tranny, Kubota is the
only one that will let the fluid flow properly and give the best performance. It's been proven, any other, no matter what brand, will not work properly.

Make him throw you in a High Rise. Tell him that is the deal !!!!
They can do it. Get hard on them.

And I read where you had to "sell your wife on the deal"......+

Tell her you will let her sit in it on Sunday evenings. With the keys in YOUR
pocket !!!! And / or , you will let her help keep it clean when needed !!!

........... two guns


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Is the extended warranty worth the money?
Good question. I can't say I know the answer.
Are you a betting man? I bought my RTV used "AS IS" and had no issues with it. If buying new I feel the warranty gives me assurance that if I got a lemon it would show itself during that warranty period so I rarely purchase the extended warranty. Companies do make a profit selling these extended warranties so it is safe to assume the majority of RTV's sold will not need the extra coverage, but there is always the few that do. If you have one of those you would be glad to have that extra warranty. It's a gamble either way.
Well I talked to the dealer and got him to throw in the filters and oils for the 50&100 hour service! Oh and two SMV triangles. And a full tank of fuel. And free delivery.
Awesome!!!!!! Sounds like you nailed down the deal.
When will it be delivered?
Sounds like your on a roll.
Great dealing . Two Oil & filter Services. That is
Hey, make him put that on PAPER !!!!

Now, buy you a high rise intake !!!

I did NOT buy the extended warranty. But I do carry Full insurance on my machines !!!!

They give you one year. If you run the RTV, you will find a bug in one year anyway ....

......... two guns


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The high rise was already included! I learned my bartering skills from my Dad (RIP) and he'd be proud! It will be delivered next week and I even get to sleep in the house!
You done good. No, you done DAMN GOOD !!!!

And get to stay sleep dry !!! That is a big plus, don't care where your from ...

Don't worry about sleep, you will not get any until the RTV shows up .....

Just part of the ownership thingy !!!

........ two guns


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I'm so excited I can't stand it!

Luckily I took pictures of it when I test drive it, so I can stare at those for a week!

Also I read in another topic about radios and cutting into the factory harness voiding the warranty, well I found a company that has nice radios with a kubota plug already wired into them! A lot nicer radio for less money than the factory unit! Even the top of the line was only $325 shipped and it has Bluetooth, XM and all kinds of other features built in!
This is the options I went with.....

High rise intake.
Turn signal kit.
Rear work light.
Rear window screen.
Front mud guards.
Warn 3.0. W/ remote
Strobe light kit.
Rhino lined bed.
Sweet setup!!

When they included the oils, did they give you at least 4 gallons of the UDT/SUDT?

Who's installing the winch?
I would love to say,,,,,, " IT TIME FOR A COLD ONE"

But don't do that no more.

It was nice thinking about it though !!!! :tiphat:

Send us some of them " Test Firing " Pictures !!!! We would love to see them !!!:nopics:


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