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That is very true Two Guns. The humidity is something alright. When folks I know go North to ski, they say the same thing-- How it is such a "dry" cold there compared to here. Heat many days is almost like a steamy shower in the summer. Bordercollie</p>


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yea the cold down here is alot diferent from them northern states from what i hear. down here even though it's not raining and you might have sunny skys you still get that damp air into your cloths and it just chills you to the if it was a dry cold i think it would be alot better i guess . i really don't wanna go up north to the -'s to find out i'll just take their words for it.</p>
You hear that ONFOOT....Us Canucks complainin' 'bout the cold when those poor folk down in Louisana and Mississippi are shiverin' to the bone. Gonna start up a collection to send some 'mukluks' and hockey tuques to keep 'em warm. </p>


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That's a GOOD one!! Like I've said before "We almost pass out when we get a few inches of snow every few years" Everyone gets so excited and they close all the schools!!! ;-) Haha Bordercollie</p>


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i know you guys must think we nuts down here complainin about the cold it does sound funny but i guess it would be the same way if ya'll was to come down here in august or july and deal with the heat. but that coldya'll got is the kind that you lose body parts if they ain't covered. down here the body part only gets smaller when you don't cover it in the winter.</p>


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[quote user="bordercollie"]</p>

That's a GOOD one!! Like I've said before "We almost pass out when we get a few inches of snow every few years" Everyone gets so excited and they close all the schools!!! ;-) Haha Bordercollie</p>
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yea i like the snow it's like a free bee from nature . something we hardly ever get but you guys up north see it as a problem .</p>


[quote user="Kubota Kanook"]</p>

You hear that ONFOOT....Us Canucks complainin' 'bout the cold when those poor folk down in Louisana and Mississippi are shiverin' to the bone. Gonna start up a collection to send some 'mukluks' and hockey tuques to keep 'em warm. </p>
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Who's complaining? I love the cold! :) It's the heat I can't take. So I guess we all end up where we need to be, eh? But I do understand the difference between damp and dry cold. Water conducts heat about 222 times more efficiently than dry air. So when the humidity is high, you lose body heat far more quickly and easily than when the humidity is low. We used to live in Halifax, Nova Scotia (just north of Maine, and surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean--for the Cayjuns), and I can tell you that 0F in Halifax feels considerably colder than -40F here in the Yukon. Hard to believe how much the humidity matters until you have tried to keep warm in both conditions. And I spent 3 years living in Augusta, Georgia, so I can also testify to the effect of humidity when it is hot. You guys in the South can keep the humid heat! I am happy to live in our dry cold! :)</p>

Does anyone know a place to order one of those bottle refill adaptors online? A friend at the local propane place says you cain't buy them in Texas. We don't use a lot of them but do have 5 or so empties around the place.I do have one of those heaters that screws into one of the bottles.</p>



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On Foot:</p>

We visited Nova Scotia several years ago. What a beautiful place. We visited Halifax,thentraveled north to see the tidal surges at Fundy Bay and then on to Truro. The Novia Scotia people were very nice also.</p>

Keifer, a RTV wannabe</p>


[quote user="Keifer"]</p>

On Foot:</p>

We visited Nova Scotia several years ago. What a beautiful place. We visited Halifax,thentraveled north to see the tidal surges at Fundy Bay and then on to Truro. The Novia Scotia people were very nice also.</p>

Keifer, a RTV wannabe</p>
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The Canadian Atlantic provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island) are indeed a beautiful part of this old world. And Halifax is a jewel of a city, its setting, bridges and Victorian architecture reminding me very much of San Francisco on a miniture scale. We spent about 15 years living there and came to love the city and the people.</p>

Yes i have one becaue we have very cold winters here but i do have to full cab. it is a curtis tuck away heater. it works GREAT I purchased ti from Kubota</p>