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We actually do have 2-- 500 gallon propane tanks.. You ought to see the bill when we have them filled up. The delivery trucks only put in about 80%, I guess because of expansion. Anyway ,one time one was empty and held well over $1000.00. There was a slow leak in the farm tank cut off and we had to let it get dead empty to change it. Our propane tractor -if run all day long -can use close to $100 or more of the stuff. The thing about the propane during a hurricane ... People will have a hard time stealing it if it is big and real heavy and won't get old. but once it's gone's gone. with no way to refill under those harsh conditions. I know that even way up here, we had to protect our diesel fuel and rationed our generator use according to fuel consumption for 10 days.... We have the propane tank at the house underground so it won't be in the way and I was lucky enough to get my new grill in the outdoor cooking area run off the that big tank. No more running out of gas while cooking.! But I have to make dog gone sure I turn off the gas!! or it would be the dog house for me.!! The only people I know that have natural gas generators have a meter and don't run the risk of running out of fuel but only out of money to pay for it as the supply is unlimited. I like the idea of the diesel generator since our propane supply would be limited in a crisis to what is in the tank. As for diesel, it could possibly be got from neighbors etc. if you ran out. Just have the best of both worlds and some of each... Bordercollie</p>


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[quote user="tommy 20/69"]he ordered two deisel engines one for a crane and the other he gave it to me it's brand new never been fired over i wanna make a generator out of it.</p>

does anyone have a generator that runs off of propane if so how is it on fuel econemy?? </p>


Are you going to try to turn that diesel into propane????

My dad has a generator that runs off propane. Although he's never had extended power outages, he's never had an issue with usage.</p>

If I recall, the propane version uses about the same <span style="text-decoration: underline;">dollar amount</span> of fuel as a gas generator of the same size.</p>




I installed the heater offered by Curtis Cab called "Tuck Away Heater". It works OK but it seems to take a while for it to start putting out "good" heat.</p>


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i plan on keeping it a deisel engine but i would like to check into them propane generators too that way i could have a gas one apropane one and a deisel just incase it would ever come to a major disaster where certain fuels are hard to find i could still have a choice of 3 fuels to burn.i would like the deisel one because it something ever happened that the other fuels was a no go i livefew hundred yards from a 1000 gallon deisel fuel tank that if needed i could tap into and get fuel like i need .it's a local goverment tank but if it ever came to the point of me havein to get fuel out of it that would mean things are pretty rough down here.</p>


as for as the curtas cab heaters i hear lots of people claim they just don't heat up like they should there was a guy on tractor by net that i think got his to work but i forgot what he did to get it to put out the heat he might be like the semi trucks and you might have to put a partial cover over the radiator to get the temps you need</p>
[quote user="Tact"]I installed the heater offered by Curtis Cab called "Tuck Away Heater".[/quote]</p>


Yup! Thats the name on mine now that you mentioned it..My 3 Kubotas all have cab heaters..RTV, tractor and F3060.The heaters in all 3 seem to need the rpm to be up in the 2k range before they start dumping heat. For the tractor and F thats no issue as they hand throttle in that range for snow blowing in the cold weather. The RTV being a foot pedal is more prone to run below that rpm range but I installed a hand throttle and keep it at about 2k rpm (just tach) when snow plowing with it. But even so, the tractor and F do get more cozy in the cab on those cold days. Mind you the RTV cab is bigger and less air tight (not like those nifty 1100 cabs).</p>


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[quote user="bordercollie"]</p>

We actually do have 2-- 500 gallon propane tanks.. You ought to see the bill when we have them filled up. The delivery trucks only put in about 80%, I guess because of expansion. Anyway ,one time one was empty and held well over $1000.00. There was a slow leak in the farm tank cut off and we had to let it get dead empty to change it. Our propane tractor -if run all day long -can use close to $100 or more of the stuff. The thing about the propane during a hurricane ... People will have a hard time stealing it if it is big and real heavy and won't get old. but once it's gone's gone. with no way to refill under those harsh conditions. I know that even way up here, we had to protect our diesel fuel and rationed our generator use according to fuel consumption for 10 days.... We have the propane tank at the house underground so it won't be in the way and I was lucky enough to get my new grill in the outdoor cooking area run off the that big tank. No more running out of gas while cooking.! But I have to make dog gone sure I turn off the gas!! or it would be the dog house for me.!! The only people I know that have natural gas generators have a meter and don't run the risk of running out of fuel but only out of money to pay for it as the supply is unlimited. I like the idea of the diesel generator since our propane supply would be limited in a crisis to what is in the tank. As for diesel, it could possibly be got from neighbors etc. if you ran out. Just have the best of both worlds and some of each... Bordercollie</p>
<div style="CLEAR: both"></div>


alot of people down here are trying to get away from natural gas run generators because for katrina they all went out and bought them nice home emergency natural gas generators but for gustav they was out in the dark because some houses and companies had alot of damage so the gas company and fire department went around and turned off the gas to some places because of leaks . it was ok for the people up from the leak but if you lived on the downside of the leak you had a very nice and expensive paper wiehgt to look at because they had no gas comin through the lines to run it. thats why i want a regular gas unit that i have already and a desil and propane. i figure a 8000 watt generator couldn't use that much propane if i just run it 10 hours a day and the deisel is readily availible if needed for an extreme emergency.</p>


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A Boy Scout leader told me recently that they had refilled a number of the little propane bottles from a 20 lb tank and stored them in their pull behind enclosed camp trailer. Later when they went on a weekend campout they found a number of the small bottles were empty. Seems as though the sealing gasket hadn't resealed when they refilled them.They bought brass caps for the ends of the refilled small bottles and haven't had any more problems.</p>

Keifer, a RTV wannabe</p>


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Yea Tommy you are right!! That goes for any disaster most any would render any kind of lines useless.I bet you could call the local propane place and they would tell you what average use is. I even googled usage when we were buying a new dryer to compare gas use vs electric.We bought one of the gasoline miller welder/generator a week before Katrina but it wasn't delivered until things were back to normal . So we used the old gas Kholer . I think it was 10 k and used about 1 gallon an hr --it was old and not efficient-- and haha didn't have a muffler..we finally put an old tractor muffler on it. The neighbors a mile down the road were sure glad!! I read somewhere about a an output difference on the propane vs diesel but don't remember much about it. Might find out some info in a Northern Hydraulics catalog??? Bordercollie</p>


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Very good idea!! Those caps are great to have on hand too in case you need to take a heater out of the house for cleaning. I had to take out a heater in my parent's house when I put in a new floor and the line cut off didn't seal completely. (Those radiant heaters need blowing out when the flames start getting tall too). Does anyone remember what size cap the small bottles take so I can get some to have on hand even before I buy the heater? Bordercollie</p>


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This is a heater listed under "12 volt heater "at Amazon. Appears to be well rated and costs $160. It 's heat comes from the engine heated water like in a car. Bordercollie</p>
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i need a few of them caps too maybe check a hardware store or even lowes . that heater you posted does it fit under the dash or in a glove box?</p>


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I think you can buy those brass caps for the small 1 lb disposable propane bottles at outdoor supply stores.Gander Mountain and maybe Dicks Sporting Goods might have them. Cabelas have them - called MacCap's at 9.99 for two, in their catalog.</p>


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thanks i'm gonna see about getting me a few of them i have noticd that one time after i used a bottle it started leaking after i took it off so i ended up just leaving it hooked up to the stove til it ran out</p>


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Lowe's does have the caps for the gas lines They are where the brass stuff is near plumbing. I bought a few for the house connections way back when. I plan to get some to fit on the small bottles to have on hand for when ( if ) I get one of those Mr. Heaters... I don't have that heater I posted a picture of but; from what I read ,it is very small and should fit most any where .The defroster hookup for it is extra but wouldn't need that without vents anyway unless one wanted to rig something up. Bordercollie.</p>


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Last year, purchased two of the Mr. Heaters .>>>> theBuddy Heater, and the Big Buddy heater >>>>></p>

As ya'll know, we don't have a cab, just glass front window and sliding back glass.... But we have thrown a canvas cover over the cab, and put them heaters in the cab with us, and it WILL keep you warm, and it can be freezing out there, but it will keepone comfortable. Nope, it's not airtight, but it's better than damn freezing . I like it that way .Edge of a field, it raining, cold, trying to sleet .... and a deer steps out on the side of that field, just ease that barrel out and squeeze. Feels good to squeeze the trigger in comfort !!!!! </p>

All one needs it the one heater, the smaller Buddy Heater >> it will do just fine >>>> The Big Buddy Heater, is for bigger applications like a cold area of a shop / building >>> big deer stand >>> etc ... etc >>>>> </p>


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no twoguns you know dats illegal right???or atleast down this way it is they say you can't be sitting in the seat or on the seat of any atv/utv and shoot at any game. now i think it's ok to sit on top of or in the bed of a utv and take a shot.</p>


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It's ok Tommy,</p>

Law says can't shoot from a moving vehicle. Andone shall notshoot from a public road. Don't say anything in law book about shooting from seat of a RTV >>>>I read the law , nothing in there about RTV in the shooting section of the law book. </p>

Plus my buddy, I'm legal, as orange as the Kubota is , it'sall timelegal, it always has it's " HUNTERS ORANGE " on >>>>>>>>>>></p>

Tell you something else I read while in the law book a reading ....</p>

In Louisiana, you bite somebody, enforcement can charge you with assault ( a crime or violence against another person ) >>>> BUT, if you bite somebody and you have false teeth, they can charge you with Aggravated Assault, they consider " false teeth " to be a deadly weapon, so the law says you will causeserious bodily injury to another person .,,,,, and that isa serious crime. Crazy, but true !!!!</p>


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yea they got some funny laws outthere.your right about the orange bota i think you got enough orange for everyone.</p>

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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You boys talking about freezing in the bayou crack me up. I ride my RTV without any roof or windshield till it is down around zero and don't need no heater. Now if I am going to be out a long time I do dress for it but a quick trip to check cameras or whatever just bundle up and go slow. No high range in cold weather. It is the wind chill that will get you! That and snow or sleet hitting you in the face.</p>


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Our cold is a different cold, down here, it is so humid, that one can not put enough clothes, the cold just goes threw a clothes. I've had many folks tell me that singledigit cold here is much different than a single digit cold upin other places. When I used togo up to some cold states years ago,I didn't get as cold ....</p>

Our heat, is different that it is anywhere else in the U.S. >>>></p>

Just seems funny, don't it !!!!</p>



...... two guns </p>