IMPORTANT All Compact Tractor Review members please read ...

I wonder if a reboot would help? If it did it would make no sense to me ....but stranger things have happened.

I have to log in every time also......I even checked the remember me........double checked and still have to log in.............I have eudora as my email just like larry.......It is now 9:40 p.m. 2/7/10
This is wierd stuff..Now that the picture viewing using IE8 is fixed some of the users get logged out on exit.. In my case using vista/IE8 everything including staying logged in is working fine. NO PROBLEMS HERE ANYMORE????
Was logged out at this return tonight. Noticed that when I clicked on a thread that it logged me in. Went to home page, back to here, logged in and clicked the remember box and all seems well..........Thanks Guys.......Dennis
I will mention this 'remember me' problem to vbsupport today. It sure does not make sense to me, but what else is new. LOL.
VB support suggested that it was a cookie issue since I changed our domain cookies. All have been constant for the past few days. Is anyone still having to log in each time? If so please give as many details as possible and we'll try to get to the bottom of this.

Any other members with a different member name on CTR vs NTT? or different email on file for both sites. We need to know now as setup is being done for the conversion this Saturday. NTT will be down from approx 11pm Friday until Saturday 9am or therebouts.
We are still having troubles with staying logged in ...
Even if the " Remember Me " box is checked, get off the site & close out.
Go get back on, gotta log back in >>>>

..... two guns
Its the site cookies.

I Use Firefox. I went to Mozilla Add-Ons and got one called 'Remove cookie(s) for site v 0.52'.

That did it, I haven't seen 'need to log in' again after running that add-in. To use it, right-click while viewing NTT and you will see 'Remove cookies for this site?'. Click yes.
Thanks CA.
I hope that does it Two Guns. I know you and Larry are still having this issue. I've asked on another site and they came back with cookies.
VB said to clear cookies and restart your browser. If using Firefox try what CA said. Please keep us posted. There is nothing I can do from my side as we cannot duplicate the issue.
Doc.......THANKS for what you do and all of the time you are taking on this......a couple of thoughts:

This is prefaced by my own ignorance perhaps.

1. Using a different browser than what automatically opens and comes with windows is NOT an option for many folks on here. LOTS of folks feel great if they even can get the internet up or perhaps even turn on the computer.........Not that we are ignorant, but have just never been taught. For instance, how many folks on here KNOW how to clean up their hard drive let alone the utility to do that or how to defrag.........

2. When saying something like "delete cookies": perhaps one could give a step by step as to how to do this. Like go up to tools there at the very top of the page, now in that window go down to the bottom and click "internet options", now down to "delete cookies". One might even suggest what else to do while you are there, such as "delete files" and "clear history".

3. Perhaps all of this could be condensed in a new thread such as "logging on problems" or "picture viewing problems" instead of spread out all over

These are just thoughts............NOT CRITICSM.......I could never do what you do and I thank you so much for the time and trouble.........A HUG TO YOU........God bless......Dennis
Good thoughts Dennis. I'll be the first to admit that many times we take for granted that everyone knows where cookies are stored on their browser and knows how to clear them or knows how to use another browser. At the same time I've seen members upset by giving to much detail and folks have been accused of talking down to them.

So there is no perfect / obvious answer.

To clear cookies in IE go to tools / options. to clear cookies in firefox go to tools / clear recent history.

Their is no perfect browser. IE frustrated me more often than not. I had other members tell me about firefox. It's not perfect but it works well.

If you are interested in trying out firefox (IE will still work, this simply gives you an option) is what you do:

Go to and search for "firefox" & "Download".

A link will be near the top that is mozilla (the non profit org that created and updates firefox). Click on it and select download firefox.
Remember the directory (aka folder) that you save firefox in. Once firefox has downloaded you go to where you downloaded it to and double click on it to install it on your computer.

The install is pretty straightforward. Accept defaults and let er rip. Once done you want to start up firefox. The last install window has a check box that you want to check so that firefox starts after you click finish. Be sure to check it.

Once firefox starts up it will ask you if you want to import your favorites from IE. Say yes to this. Firefox calls them bookmarks instead of favorites but they are the same thing. The favorites are just copied and will still exist in IE. It will also ask if you want to make firefox your default browser. Say yes to that. IE will also make this check and you can easily change back to IE if you ever want to.

Now, I bet that fixes the log out issue some have been having; at least I hope it does. :thumb:

If any of this does not make sense please feel free to ask for further info and give as much detail as you can on where you got stuck.
Good luck.

everything seems fine now.......I stay logged in and i can see all of the pictures, Before I try and adjust the site anymore I will let all the bugs get worked out.......thanks for all of your hard work to get the site up and running.............

If you would, please give some of the memeber instruction on how to RE-SET their passwords & such.
For I had to do it myself, for some reason or another. This happened yesterday, so during the transfer, some folks got zapped on their log on names & passwords ....

But there are some out there, that don't know what has happened .. and don't know what to do !!!!!

thank you,
two guns >>>>
Geesh. Brian please tell them the steps you went through. Guessing this will affect any prior member of CTR.
Sorry about all this fellows. This is a side issue none of us saw coming.
PM me or email me doc AT and I can manually reset your password. Type the password exactly was you want it and I will cut and paste it into place.
If you enter your ID and password and get the screen that your ID and/or password are incorrect, click on the part of the paragraph that says something like request your password get reset.

It'll then send you an e-mail with instructions to get it reset and a new password (which won't be an easy one to remember but it'll work). Sign-in with that new password.

Once back in the forum, go to your user CP and click on "Edit Email & Password" You can then reset your password back to something you like.
I think this site is going to have problems for a very long time. Unfortunately by the time anyone gets them straightened out must of us will be gone.
The combining of two separate forums is difficult. Doc and Neil (and others) are working hard on it. Unfortunately the software differences between these two is problematic to say the least. Stick around, we'll get there.