IMPORTANT All Compact Tractor Review members please read ...

I think this site is going to have problems for a very long time. Unfortunately by the time anyone gets them straightened out must of us will be gone.
Sorry you feel that way. If that is the way you feel, go away now, quit your bitching and let the rest of us move on.

These are trying times for all of us. We're doing everything we can to retain the knowledge-base that we created on CTR. Doing so has been a personal (and financial) burden for a few of us. If the efforts are not to your liking, do one of 2 things. Chip in and try to help or go away.

I really hate to say what I just did as I've known you for years but I'm disappointed with the members who think this whole forum thingy is free, seamless and is here for the sole purpose of your personal gratitude.

Look, Neil took care of us and gave us a home for years. Greg (aka Doc) is now taking the reins. Give him a chance to make this work.
Sorry Fred (as well as the rest of the membership of CTR/NTT).

I'm going through a personal crisis right now. My tolerance for BS is ZERO and I'm therefore not friendly.

I'm going to take a break. Y'all hold down the fort and I'll be back soon.

Many ,many thanks to the Big Cheeses of this forum. (You are a big cheese too Zoom!) It is nice to have a "home" and I appreciate everything ya'll are doing for us!! If you were to "quit cooking supper" there would be a lot of hungry folks out there. Anyway,ya get what I mean. I'm like glue or may sometimes be considered a pesky strip of duct tape that sticks to your shoe.... I'm sticking around through thick and thin! Thanks again for taking us in as it is nice to have a place to hang your hat. Bordercollie
Thanks for the kind words Bordercollie.

We have now merged the CTR Kubota RTV Owners forum with NTT Kubota's RTV Owners forum.
Some of the CTR posts are not formatted just right and you will see some code that you nromally do not see in posts here. This is due to the differences in forum software that is used here vs CTR. We got a lot of the info but no matter what we did the pictures would not come with the posts. So, I'm asking that you recreate the important posts with pics as you have time. What is important? That is up to you to decide. I suspect other members will ask for or you will want to post for your own reference down the road. Feel free to cut and paste as needed from the CTR posts so that you don't have to type all the info in again.
If I can be of help in this effort just say the word. I will do what I can to help the effort along.
Thanks All for your support.
First of all.......BC.........THANKS FOR ALL THAT YOU AND DOC HAVE DONE FOR US........Patience is a virtue that is often and most easily the first gone.......For me, here at kidding time I am soooooo sick of goats........One mamma had to have a vet out to hook up a harness to the kid and get it out and now days later the kid is still having lung problems and the feet will have to be splinted cause they got all swollen from being in the birth canal to long, became swollen, and then the kid started walking with pasterns broke down..........Another momma, one of the totally high powered worth LOTS of money, started having problems a week before birth.....Had to be fed with a huge syringe every 6 hours. Finally she had 4 but one had a cleft palate and had to be put down......The other 3 are billies and doing fine.......BUT......momma died yesterday, despite days and days, hours and hours of vigilance with lots of time, energy, and money spent.............NOW 3 BOTTLE BABIES every 4 to 6 hours.............

What I am trying to say is.............I am gonna do something besides goats for new to me 79 Troybilt horse needs a carb rebuild, new tines put on, and cleaned up........

Get out and hang with your fine kids...............God Bless.......Dennis
NOT to throw a wrench in the works but when I came on today, had to totally log in, didnt recognize my password, went through the email bit about new password and then change back to the old one...........PATIENCE FOLKS........Dennis
NOT to throw a wrench in the works but when I came on today, had to totally log in, didnt recognize my password, went through the email bit about new password and then change back to the old one...........PATIENCE FOLKS........Dennis
Thanks Dennis. Wise words. We worked to accomplish what most CTR folks said they wanted, and that is all the old posts from the CTR Kubota RTV Owners forum. Now, because we got them some issues with CTR members passwords have been giving many a hard time. We understand your frustration and will be happy to help you get your account back to working order. But like Dennis said, it will take patience, and give us a chance to help with the process. :tiphat:

If you cannot log in and need to contact me to have your password reset or your account checked use the "contact us" button at the bottom of all Net Tractor Talk screens. This will get an email to me and I will help as I can. Please type in your password exactly as you want me to change it as I will cut and paste it into place in your account.
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Sorry Fred (as well as the rest of the membership of CTR/NTT).

I'm going through a personal crisis right now. My tolerance for BS is ZERO and I'm therefore not friendly.

I'm going to take a break. Y'all hold down the fort and I'll be back soon.

You don't have to be sorry Brian I can take it. If I was out of line then so be it. We all have a personal crisis to deal with now and again. The military gave me one back in 1963 and every day of my life since I have had to deal with it. Being former military yourself you may have some to deal with also.