
I'm not sure about everybody...but I'm here when I can be!

I have been so busy with projects, complete paint jobs, wrenching on others machines and eeking out a living I only have time to read up, digest and respond if I have the time!

Wow! Where'd everybody go? :wtf:
Good question. :confused:
I've noticed some days we have lots of posts and others we have folks reading but not posting. Our member numbers have been growing steadily so I'm hoping for a more consistent batch of daily posts.
Maybe we need a contest got get em posting.
Any ideas?
I'm with Mark. Too many things going on right now. Since I visit most of Doc's forums, I barely have time to just read everything. I post when relevant but honestly don't have time for idle chat.
Yep I hear ya. :pat:This is definitely a busy time of year for most. Not only for farming but for landscaping as well. Up here in the north we do things as the weather permits and right now the weather is great.:letitsnow:(NOT) I'm sure the stories and pics of what everyones's doing will come when things settle down a bit. I have the time :starbucks:usually so I'll try to keep giving some reading material even if it's kind of trivial.

By the way. I've been idle for the last few days. Blew a lift cylinder and still waiting to get it back. After seeing what's involved in replacing the seals I think it's probably something I can do myself in the future. Figure this is also a good time to change over a few hydro lines that are looking a little worse for wear. Maybe give it an oil change too. Can't be too fussy about maintenance.
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Great. Look forward to your tidbits. :D

That reminds me, I have to change the oil in my Kubota in the near future.
Yup, busy time of year right now. All pretty mundane stuff too.

Did get a bit of time on an 80' crop sprayer, but thats about as exciting as it gets.
Well there ya go. That wasn't so bad was it? Don't have to say much, when you come into the house and have your dinner and sit down with a cup of your favorite beverage (tea is ok too) just check in and say hello. First thing I do at nite when I finally sit and relax. Didn't come in til about 9:00 tonite, the weathers be so nice and a ton of stuff to do.
Didn't come in till about 9:00 tonite, the weathers be so nice and a ton of stuff to do.

That's about the time I came in too. Too many things to get done and just not enough time. Also, I'm getting slower as I get older and it takes me longer to get started and takes more time to get things done.

Had a 70 foot, 3 foot daimeter dead pine in the yard that got cut down on Thursday, I've been cutting it up and hauling it away for two days. I should finish raking up about a million pine cones and a ton of pine bark tomorrow morning and then we start burning at the first opportunity. Or perhaps I should start with patching the holes in the yard that it made when it hit the ground. Between it and me we've left the yard a little bit scarred.

Still need to finish mowing and spraying my pasture. Got board fences to fix and rehang a gate. I need to get that finished if I'm going to get goats on there this year. The vegetable garden is going strong but still needs to be worked on. Need to get over to the farm and finish putting up 150 bales of hay from the first cutting. I have to put gopher bait out in the hay pasture. They delivered the rental machine today. I need to get that done before they come to fertilize next week.

Oh, and did I mention that my good wife came home from Lowe's with gallons of paint this week to start "freshening" up the house. In that long suffering tone of voice that woman can adopt, she tells me that she'll do it on her own but we all know how that goes. It usually starts with, "Frank, I can't get the lid of this darned paint can". You gotta love 'em.

So you see, I have time to glance through the posts and see who's on and who's doing what but I don't have time right now to sit around and BS. I wish I had.

Whoever said that being retired is the same as having nothing to do ought to be shot. :yum::yum:

I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. If I'd known that retirement was this much fun, I probably wouldn't have gone to work in the first place but, then again, that wouldn't have been retirement that would have just been laziness. :wink::wink:

Gotta go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow and start all over again.
Well from one Frank to another, thanks for that. That was just the kind of post I'm talking about. Probably took about a whole 5 minutes but sumed up your day pretty good and made me chuckle. Now if we could get more of us to just say a few words a day. Got the old Ford 1900 back in action today. Hydro all working good, no leaks. Oil change in the morn and then back to the ole' gals projects. I used to have 2 foot itis with boats, is there such a thing with tractors? Or is one just not enough? Hmmmm!
Good thinking Giterdone. I hope we can nudge more to post tidbits about their day ...anything to keep interest going and more folks posting.
I'm looking into a contest for the very near future. Maybe that will help.
Got a lazy start. Moved 3 tractors to roll out welding trailer. Put tractors back and swap trailer tag. Short break for breakfast and drive 30 miles to reweld tounge on gooseneck trailer, then i'll be back to mow and start rock colection for waterfall in backyard.

I'll check in later.
Finally got to use my splitter in anger last night. Buddy of mine came over and we worked our way through a truckload of wood. It was all in 4' lengths so we had to cut it into shorter lengths and then split it. Impressed with the splitter, it doesn't have any worries cutting 8" diameter logs across the grain. Didnt have to start the chainsaw, it just minces everything.

Godson's birthday today, sadly he is a little too young to help me split wood. :D He's happy keeping the tractor seat warm though, cries when you take him off.
I'm on a cool off break before lunch.

A buddy called at 7:00 this morning. He knows the rule about not calling before 8 o'clock. I don't hold polite conversations before I've had my coffee in the morning. He just does it to gig me, I'm sure, but he told me that Walmart had some .40 S&W ammo in stock so he was probably justified or at least he thought so. I rushed off to Walmart and got six 50 round boxes of Blazer Brass. It's pretty junky but at least it's now my junk. It'll do for practice. Walmart now has put a six item limit on ammo so no one can buy all they've got. I suppose that's fair. Picked up some dog food and treats while I was there. The darned dog food cost more than my ammo.

Got home and had to move patio furnitiure around to keep the good woman happy 'cos we've got about 20 people showing up for the monthly family supper at our place tomorrow. We take turns and it just so happens it's our turn tomorrow.

Had to fix the ceiling fan in the kitchen ... again. When I get time I need to replace both of those fans.

After a cup of coffee and a sandwich I'll get back to my business. That means raking and picking up the rest of the pine cones and bark. Should be finished in about 3 hours. Then I have to string trim round all the trees and fences in the yard. That should take a couple of hours. I should get finished just in time to get cleaned up and meet some friends in town for dinner.

Thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday. Oh, I forgot, I'm retired. We don't get week-ends off. My wife did mention something about washing all the windows before the tribe shows up for the bbq. Ah well, I might get a day off before Christmas.

All the best. Keep on trucking.

We have a lease for this man to graze cattle. We haven't had any cattle since Oct, so I planted some milo. Now he has broughht back the cattle, so I had to plow under the milo, OH WELL. Done this yesterday AM.:pat:
Got all the grass mowed along with weed whacking this morning. I had let things go too far around the mailbox. I was afraid the pizza guy couldn't find my address sign next time we called him. :yum:

Also cleaned up some tree branches around a lot of my trees. The neighbor lady keeps my trees trimmed so she can easily mow. She comes over into my yard with the mower about 6-10' most of the time. Who cares? She's a sweet lady.
Been very busy with corn planting & everyday farm work. Today my wife & I rode our 1100 Virago to pick up a new fuel pump for our Massey 1100. Then stopped to eat & took the long way home. In for a break from garden tilling & hoeing.
Good to see everyone having a good Saturday so far. Yep it's busy but still got time to take a relax every now and then. Got the tractor back up and running last nite so I got to do a little more digging on the side of the house to make sure all the new hydro lines and the rebuilt lift cylinder don't leak. Brother inlaw and his wife are out for a visit from Alberta. So since it's Sat I think we're going to built a fire, roast some Brats and Smokeys:chef: and possibly put down a few Wobbly Pops.:beer-fresh: I hope everyone has a nice relaxing Sunday and has some more stories to tell for the week coming. Take care all.:tiphat: