Didn't come in till about 9:00 tonite, the weathers be so nice and a ton of stuff to do.
That's about the time I came in too. Too many things to get done and just not enough time. Also, I'm getting slower as I get older and it takes me longer to get started and takes more time to get things done.
Had a 70 foot, 3 foot daimeter dead pine in the yard that got cut down on Thursday, I've been cutting it up and hauling it away for two days. I should finish raking up about a million pine cones and a ton of pine bark tomorrow morning and then we start burning at the first opportunity. Or perhaps I should start with patching the holes in the yard that it made when it hit the ground. Between it and me we've left the yard a little bit scarred.
Still need to finish mowing and spraying my pasture. Got board fences to fix and rehang a gate. I need to get that finished if I'm going to get goats on there this year. The vegetable garden is going strong but still needs to be worked on. Need to get over to the farm and finish putting up 150 bales of hay from the first cutting. I have to put gopher bait out in the hay pasture. They delivered the rental machine today. I need to get that done before they come to fertilize next week.
Oh, and did I mention that my good wife came home from Lowe's with gallons of paint this week to start "freshening" up the house. In that long suffering tone of voice that woman can adopt, she tells me that she'll do it on her own but we all know how that goes. It usually starts with, "Frank, I can't get the lid of this darned paint can". You gotta love 'em.
So you see, I have time to glance through the posts and see who's on and who's doing what but I don't have time right now to sit around and BS. I wish I had.
Whoever said that being retired is the same as having nothing to do ought to be shot.

I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. If I'd known that retirement was this much fun, I probably wouldn't have gone to work in the first place but, then again, that wouldn't have been retirement that would have just been laziness.

Gotta go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow and start all over again.