Homemade RTV Console

Bordercollie that console is super, I love it. Must have taken alot of time, effort and mental thought to construct. I am sure you will enjoy it for a long time.
Thank You Two Guns , BCZoom and Hard Times.:tiphat:
It is much like the ones on Honda accords but this one was cheaper for me at $22. Zoom,:) bordercollie

I own a Honda Accord EX. Could but will not rob !!!! To nice of a car.

BUT, Mrs. Two Guns has a Mercury Marquis, wonder if it will work, she might not even notice. Hey, that just might work....:hide:


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Thank ya'll Pepr, Oldhat and Twoguns. I enjoyed working on it . I ordered the sunglasses/ light off of ebay. Two Guns, you are right about those Accords My niece rolled one . It went rolled over sideways 3 times and she walked away- her school books were strewn all down the way all windows broken .Side airbags and God's hand - what else can I say. Fantastic cars. (the engine was still running too) . By the way, how'd you get that picture of me in your last post? ;) bordercollie
This is a Bump. The console has held up well. 9" deep including what covers the front roll bar. The wing nuts were changed out after the pictures were taken. I have yet to bump my head . It is sure handy having all the lights in the control panel alert me to 12 v controls left on. bordercollie
Mark, Now that I am using the sprayer and am back again on the roto wiper project, those switches are real handy, I hate working with cows after dark because it is a good way to get stumbled on but the flood light switches help then too. I have used the dome light a few times. I prefer daylight. Thank goodness that border collie Belle can't reach the switches for the radio though because she likes to listen to some weird stuff. :) bordercollie
Good work BC. It is much more fun reading these threads now that I have an RTV900 needing all this neat stuff. :D
Haha Mark. You are so talented that I am sure you could whip one out that would put mine to shame. Doc, you are right about that. I don't think I would do anything much different with mine but maybe put a lip on the binocular bin because going lickady split across a pasture will sometimes make the contents bounce out when I go airborne- haha -or at least hit an ant bed or unseen washout and bounce hard. I may add that later but so far it has happened only a time or two. :). bordercollie
LOL The Hardest part is getting motivation to do it .MS has been raising hell with me and my motivation is lacking.Maybe after the first of the tear ill make it an all winter project.
If for some reason I dont get back Have a very Merry Christmas and a Great Ney Year. Huggssssssss)
Thanks Mark. I appreciate that very much and the same to you. Just let me know if I can give any encouragement. Main thing is on the bin- allow for the roof's recessed indent behind it,the box will bump it if it's made too deep and then will throw you off. And the speakers - allow enough room to get past the rops. The only way I could handle this myself is with the clamps zoom recommended. I just hooked the front up and let it swing down to hook up all those wires. Then, I just pushed it up and tightened up the others. bordercollie


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Very handy. I love all the switches, they look GREAT, but what are they all for?
Very handy. I love all the switches, they look GREAT, but what are they all for?
Doc, I love gizmos..
I have the add on lights all wired to separate switches,then the sprayer connections - I have 3 of them- all wired separately, a switch for the radio and the dome light and a couple of spare connections. I plan on putting my flashlight charger on one of those soon. If I ever need to add a strobe, I will be able to just plug it in to the pig tail plug at several locations and push the switch as needed. Thanks :) bordercollie
I love gizmos to. :D Very Kewl. Good work. A strobe would be to kewl in there. Course your cows might not think so. :yum:
If bordercollie doesn't mind, I'd like to propose that all that have built something up there toss theirs into the mix. That will give those considering building one some ideas.

Below is a pic of mine.
Basically, a large sheet of plastic formed to the angles of the inside of the ROPS. I used regular muffler c-clamps to attach it.
Switches, 12v power outlet, a couple speakers, GoLight remote, stereo visible. Between the ceiling and the roof is an amp for the stereo.


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Zoom: I respectfully invite you to post a few more pix showing greater detail of your roof installation, particularly the points at which the plastic sheet are attached to your ROPS and the methods by which you ran and protected your wiring. This is a great thread.
I don't have a very good photo selection on the roof but let's see if this helps.

Using the picture I posted a few minutes ago (post #55), the plastic sheet is mounted using standard u-bolts. There's 3 clamps on each ROPS rail that runs front to back. On the drivers side, you can see the nuts coming through a) between the switches and the speaker and b) near the bend on the nearside of the GoLight remote. The 3rd set is towards the back but not visible due to the speaker.

Wiring between the roof and ceiling panel is nothing fancy really (and is a bit messy to be honest since there's wires running in all directions). There is a main fuse between the roof/ceiling panels that is easily accessible from the drivers side. In the picture below, you can see the conduit I ran to get power from the battery to the overhead. It's the conduit that goes from straight above the battery, takes a bend and goes up the back mesh panel where one of those 1" reinforcing bars is in the mesh. Attached using black zip ties.


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The picture is over 8 years old. It was just after I bought the RTV so everything was new. It doesn't look like that anymore... :(
Wow. Very Nice Brian. 4 speakers. I bet that stereo ROCKS!!!!! :D

What type of plastic sheet did you use? Did you have to paint it with black mat finish or did you buy it that way?

I recognize most of what you have on the sheet but the gizmo in the middle has me scratching my noggin. What is it? Looks to be a toggle switch but you have all those other switches so why or what? :confused:

You guys sure got me thinking on ways to spend money. As if I did not have enough winter projects. I have a bathroom addition I had planned to finish after the holidays but now I don't even want to work on that. :yum: