Homemade RTV Console

Bordercollie, you continue to impress me with each post you share. How about I name you as my RTV mentor. I'll promise to be a good protege'. This is no laughing matter, I'm serious!
Looking real good! I didn't mentally see how it was going to work/fit until that last pic.

BC - I see the wing-nuts from the O-Clamps. Do you have lock washers or LockTite on them? I don't trust wing-nuts on overhead applications.

Thank ya'll for the comments.I appreciate them. That's a good point Bczoom. Once I get it finished, I will use lock washers or else some of that nail polish of Two Guns. I don't need anymore hard licks on my head:hammer:. I plan on mounting my rear view mirror near the center of the console using one of the clamps also. I think I may get to work on it today since we aren't working cows today as planned. It is a nice day but the b-i-l's back is out.
I did use fiberglass and resin on the console and rounded the edges with a sander beforehand to give a smoother transition. Now I just need more paint coats, hook up the wires and to finish the binocular bin.. I may leave it open or else I will put a door on it...hummmm.I might find a salvaged one ..... bordercolllie

edit: I need to add that I have the Kubota non insulated plastic roof so there is a room around the ROPS for this to fit. Also the sides of the ROPS are less than 2" but more than 1 1/2" so I am guessing 1 3/4" Nothing a little insultation material of your choice won't fix.
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Your overhead console is looking good. Tahanks for sharing and posting your pictures.
Keifer, a RTV wannabe
Thanks Keifer . We worked cows the other day after all and I still need to do a little work on the console before I mount it . Today though, I was able to hook up the speakers to the radio and test the antenna's performance with a spare battery. It worked great. I tested the dome light and also made the binocular bin and painted it black. . We are about half through AI ing the registered cows so I hope I can get it finished right away,but I still need a trip to Lowe's to get a little more bed liner spray paint. Won't be tomorrow though because we are working the registered bulls. .Maybe Monday..
I need to edit to clarify the ROPS size statement: My front and back ROPS are 2", the sides are , I think, 1 3/ 4 " . It's the 2" O clamps that may need a little insulation in order to fit the side pieces. The O clamps will fit 1 1/2 " or remove the insert and they will fit 2". So what I am doing is adding a little something to the 2" clamps for the 1 3/4" side ROPS to make a snug fit. bordercollie
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Greetings all.

This is my first post to the forum. I bought my RTV 1140 last fall and the very first thing I did in September was build a console suprisingly similar to Boardercollie's.

(Although his workmanship is better.) :tiphat:

Adel clamps were used to mount the box so there is no drilling in frame. Switches have safety covers. Cheap automotive map lights round out the features.

I use this vehicle for law enforcement work at our local county fair for patrol. My console controls and houses the lights, PA, and VHF scanner. I have included photos of the other lights as well. I just found the similarities to Boardercollie's idea interesting.


Mounting bolts for canopy doubled as mounting bolts for the LED worklights. These lights came from Northern tool and are very bright worklights with low current draw and are very durable.


I mounted the same LED lights as "Alley Lights" on each side so I can have 360 degree lighting where ever I pull up.

This is a great forum and I read a lot of posts before buying my Kubota. Thanks to all for sharing your experiences so those of us new to the equipment can learn. I wish Bordercollie and the rest all the best.

Cherokee Driver
Welcome aboard Cherokee Driver and good to see that you do quality work. Border Collie and others do fine work also and am glad that they and others come on here not to just get a thread count high to lift their credibility/ego but to pass on REAL information........God bless.....Dennis
Welcome Cherokee Driver. That is a nice console you have. Also thanks to Squerly and Dand D for the nice comments.. :) I bought my o clamps that Zoom mentioned from these folks http://www.ebay.com/itm/DJ-LIGHTING...798?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a17d02e86 They just slide on the ROPS and are tightened on it at the desired position.Then the piece you add is attached with the wing nut. I love these because I can mount my console along it's rear and ,with the clamps in the loose position ,lower the front . This allows me to hook up the wiring and just swing it up when finished and then tighten the wing nuts on the side clamps . This way, I can troubleshoot possible problems with out taking down the whole thing. bordercollie
Welcome Cherokee Driver. That is a nice console you have. Also thanks to Squerly and Dand D for the nice comments.. :) ...Bordercollie

Thank you for the welcome. This seems to be a tremendous group here. Very positive attitude and constructive. I browsed here for quite some time getting information on my purchase and doing so was very helpful. The active members, such as yourself, are invaluable to those like me, with little background and knowledge. Thanks for sharing your experience and expertise.

Haha CD we are glad to have you too. All the folks here are great. The sour grapes don't hang around or if they do , they turn into "niceys" . The members are forgiving even when one messes up like I have before. It's one heck of a family. :) :doggy:bordercollie
RTV Console Finished..

Well, I finally have pretty much finished my homemade console. The cows and nice weather has made it a long time in coming since I do my paying job first and my "habit" last. It was a lot of fun but exasperating not having the time to finish it for so long.
I have several pictures showing the way it can be mounted to the front roll bar with the clamps somewhat loose - allowing it to hang downward and making it easier to hook up the wires. Everything is very tight room wise so if you should decide to make your own, do a dry run because those bolts on the roll bar do stick out and so do the indentions in the plastic roof. Everything went like clockwork though-only having to turn around one of the front bolts in the ROPS that was a centimeter too long for my ends. It was fine then.
I appreciate having my weather radio back(fm also) I had it in the dash of the '05 and speakers under the hood of it. I also like the binocular bin. I think it will be real handy for my small binoculars and a note pad/pen. I ran separate wires to each work light , the radio , the sprayer hook ups in several locations and the sunglasses/light combo. I still had a couple of the 8 switches I didn't hook up The switch panel wiring was in two sections so I put each section on a fuse so I could run several things without blowing one. The map light in the sunglass holder is nice and has its own switches but I wired it with the switch panel because it was there and simple to just plug it into the panel. I will still use it's push on switches but it will only be powered by the main switch if the control panel.
So basically , I had the radio and wood for the console and had just bought the control panel anyway so I mostly have less than $30 in the 5 clamps, $22 in the sunglass holder, $10 paint , the resin and whatever else I forgot about. The already bought switch panel was $50 or 60 . This is going to work for me just fine and I hope that if you attempt this , that you will enjoy it as much as I intend to. I like saving $$ so I am willing to have a homemade looking console. Heck, it works and I've got some change in my pocket. :) Good Luck, bordercollie
edit: I will be replacing the wing nuts with just nuts because those things hurt if you hit em with your head. Mostly though it is out of the way ;) collie


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Sweet!!! The only issue is that I can't hear your stereo when looking at the pics. What's up with that??? :confused2:

I was thinking of those wingnuts and was going to say something earlier... but I didn't. Sorry you whacked your head. Since you're switching to regular nuts, can I make a suggestion? After you put the nuts on, cover them with something like Plasti Dip. http://www.plastidip.com/home_solutions/Plasti_Dip This is the stuff that's a rubber coating like you would find on pliers. It'll protect the threads and such but what's more important is that the exposed bolt threads don't rip into your head. I've found this type of product in hardware or car parts stores for pretty cheap (it doesn't have to be Plasti Dip brand) and one container will do a whole lot of coverage so have some other projects ready as it's shelf life once opened doesn't seem to be very long (weeks or a couple months before it starts drying inside the container).

..... don't know how to say this, but this takes my breath !!! Really ...
I like that !!!

Will second what Hard Time said: PROFESSIONAL ..... PERIOD !!!!

Love that light, I gotta get me one of them.



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Thank You Two Guns , BCZoom and Hard Times.:tiphat:
Two Guns, That light panel/sunglass holder was salvaged from a Mazda 626 if I remember correctly. I wanted one small enough that it wouldn't be too large and this was it. It is much like the ones on Honda accords but this one was cheaper for me at $22. Zoom, I will sure try some of that liquid tape the next time I see it in black. I was told that on some things like pvc glue, if you put the lid on securely, and turn it upside down it will keep much much longer.... if it doesn't leak out. I will see if that is true. Thank ya'll again for the kind comments.
:) bordercollie
Bordercollie, that console looks so GREAT that you may consider that to be the prototype for your new manufacturering company "Bordercollie's Extravagant Consoles". I'd recommend you not use the console and either send it to me for safe keeping or place it under glass with a laser beam protection system surrounding it. I strongly suggesting you just allow me to be it's caretaker. If you choose to place it under glass, that means I'll have to purchase one from "Bordercollies Extavagant Consoles" or make a sub-par one based on the design drawings you send me!!!!! :myopinion:

Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!