Here's a "Talk About Anything" - II

Bordercollie: "That's what I was afraid of .. hummmm..... I think I might go crosseyed with that"

I almost do. If you zoom in to all all those rocks you will see O's (for good ore) and W's (for waste) I have to sort them, then break any O's that are over 18 inch before they go to mill.

That is quite the story about your home. lots of history there. Nice to see it preserved!

Have you been using your Roxor much lately? haven't seen anything new posted about it from you.
Bordercollie: "That's what I was afraid of .. hummmm..... I think I might go crosseyed with that"

I almost do. If you zoom in to all all those rocks you will see O's (for good ore) and W's (for waste) I have to sort them, then break any O's that are over 18 inch before they go to mill.

That is quite the story about your home. lots of history there. Nice to see it preserved!

Have you been using your Roxor much lately? haven't seen anything new posted about it from you.
Oh yes indeed, Just nothing out of the ordinary happening with it . Everyday, I use it somewhere here on the place. Just sort of boring lately - not that I want anything to happen to it ha just saying that it's been basically carefree so far ;) I need to spray more fence line so will probably make my last go of fence spraying this week for the season ( to avoid erosion because cows tend to walk along the fence at times especially if there appears to be a trail) I just changed the oils . I bought one of those pumpers that fit in the jug to change all of the underneath: manual transmission, transfer etc.. areas . It wasn't time really but now it's done. :) All looked good. I do need to post more over there .
That's what I was afraid of .. hummmm..... I think I might go crosseyed with that... maybe I'll just try to be careful . Thanks for the view ItBmine.
Doc, I know what you mean. but this getting old is for the birds so I plan on keeping my U35a while. Plus, if the old home place in Ark. goes thru with being sold, I need something to keep my mind off of what I'll be missing over there. I plan on bringing Mama's and Daddy's little '94 Toyota pickup over and getting it to run again - (It's just like mine too) . Gotta have something to do- beside fence/farm stuff. Something that "not" work.
That's right ItBmine 1842. Mostly cypress with plaster and tall ceilings in the old part . The floor joists are pegged together .Long story but the govt eminent domained thousands of acres during wwII around here to build an ammo hideout and since the house was 60 ft over the line they "drew" , They were going to tear it down . The Bil's dad moved it with a turnstile , mules. and logs those 60 ft (before bil was born) because it was the only home they had. All the chimneys fell along with the plastered wall and ceilings. The bil and his family lived in it that way until the late 60's when the dad passed. When he was a child, water would freeze on the mantle during the winter (here in Miss). Now though, he restored it and we all live here and work on the farm full time after he retired. :) God is good.
Tell us about the AR “old home place”.… reminds me of our AR old home place when it sold (Montgomery County… lots of our family history in that area…Tacketts, Nicholsons, Driggers, …)
It was built by a doctor in 1910. When the flood of '27 happened, he road around in his horse and buggy to those that were fleeing the rising waters and administered to them . Yellow Fever etc was rampant there since the flood stopped only a half mile from the house (at the first hill from where the Delta stopped). From the first though, it was his home and office. One of the closet doors has the heights of different children scribed by pencil and the dates . Hard to see now because the wood has darkened.
My Aunt and Uncle took care of him as he aged and when he died around 1950 or so they got it. All cousins grew up playing there including me as we lived just down the road. My Mama and Daddy bought it from my cousins while they took care of my Aunt and Uncle in later years after moving back for that from La. The house was in a state of decay so I put in 2 showers, handicapped toilets and other stuff. This was many years ago. After the tornado a year and a half ago, I had a new roof put on it with insurance only covering a 1/3 due to depreciation and my deductible. I bought the Milwaukee saw that Aurthuritis talked about and whittled downs the 2 trees it blew tore down by the roots to just about nothing. The biggest tree had to be cut from both sides with the 16" saw because it was so large. It laid across the cyclone fence so I could not cut as close to the stump as I wanted but I prayed about it and the Good Lord awakened me one morning as to how to get the stumps back in their holes. It worked. of course. .. with no chains nor ropes.
It holds a lot of memories for me especially after my parents became older and for example, seeing Mama make me a glass of tea, working in her flowers , cooking , and Daddy with his Parkinson's progressing would still try to bring me a glass of that tea as I mowed the yard on a visit. He would then sit on the truck tailgate and watch me.
Anyway, I planned to burn the remains of the stumps out but the old neighbor's kid wants it as is so I'm letting it go and keeping my memories close to my heart. . That huge tree that can be seen over the house is dying and I just can't keep it all up. As well as other things. edit to add that there was a big rain last trip over and I was able to burn the top end of the tree visible with some shop trash wood that I had piled on. so that part is gone. KIMG0447house.jpeg I am letting go.
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OK..SouthEast Arkansas then…. My family is all around Hot Springs, Glenwood, Caddo Gap and SouthWestern AR.
SELF FEEDING CHIPPERS: After the amount of small branches we've had to clean up this year, we were considering a wood chipper. But not one of the cheap ones where you are feeding a branch directly into the cutting wheel. This type of chipper sends a lot of vibration to your arm and shoulder. Just the place I want to avoid shaking too much. So we looked into self-feeding chippers. You drop a branch into the hopper and the unit pinch/pulls it in, saving your arm and shoulder. After shopping around, I found a unit that would work on our tractor's PTO. So after all that, at dinner tonight, my Wife says "wouldn't it be easier to just toss the branches into the woods?" And while her timing stinks after all that research, she has a point. So I wanted to ask you property owners....have you tried a chipper and do you still use it?
I have a Wallenstien BXM32 chipper shredder and I love it. It's rated at 3 inch and one inch on shredder but I've put bigger through it. It's not a self feeder per say.....but it does. I just drop the limbs in and they are gone. And the shredder is awesome for leaves. It has a snow blower type chute and it turns leaves to dust and I blow them back over lawn. Free fertalizer.

I used to burn but fire hazards have been getting too high. So now I get lots of mulch.
I have all maple hardwood. Haven't sharpened or flipped teeth yet.
Was on my phone last reply, but here are some pics I had on my laptop. Forgot how old it is because this is before I switched all my worklights to LED's.
One thing I had to do, is bolt some 4x4 wood blocks under the feet. My three point would not lower enough for it to sit flat on the ground to get out from under it with my quick hitch. But works good with the blocks under it now.


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I had a small stand-alone chipper. For me, it was kind of like a boat in that the 2 happiest days of it are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.
I either burn or toss branches back into the woods.
Well, all loaded up for the 4 hour trip to go get my Boss vee plow installed on the RTV. After many excuses and changed stories, called to confirm today and they even tried to change the price on me. So I said keep it. But then they called me back right quick and "fixed" it.
In the meantime. I called a local dealer to get a price and they never even called me back, so guess I'm making the trip.

I loaded backwards and put a piece of aspenite I had lying around over the rear window to protect it from rocks on the highway.
And in the trailer, loaded it on top of two old sideboard planks from my dump I can actually open the doors now to get in and out, LOL

I used clevis's on the A-arms so I could strap it down without pulling the suspension down.


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Well, all loaded up for the 4 hour trip to go get my Boss vee plow installed on the RTV. After many excuses and changed stories, called to confirm today and they even tried to change the price on me. So I said keep it. But then they called me back right quick and "fixed" it.
In the meantime. I called a local dealer to get a price and they never even called me back, so guess I'm making the trip.

I loaded backwards and put a piece of aspenite I had lying around over the rear window to protect it from rocks on the highway.
And in the trailer, loaded it on top of two old sideboard planks from my dump I can actually open the doors now to get in and out, LOL

I used clevis's on the A-arms so I could strap it down without pulling the suspension down.
Are you buying the Boss V plow from a dealer 4 hours away? New or used? Would be interested in ballpark price if you don't mind sharing. Thanks.
Home now. Left at 4 am, got there for 8 and it was a 5 hour install (they did go for lunch though) Here in northern Ontario Canada it was $5700 tax in , installed and I got the three adjustable skid shoes included Doc.....but they are still in the cab. I should still be able to use my receiver hitch mounted winch when the plow is off.....but may possibly have to remove a couple bolts and take one piece of the plow mount off in the summer.

Only other thing to report is my 5.0 F150 is better on gas than my VW Tiguan when it's empty......but not so much towing that plywood wall in the wind, LOL


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When was the last time you were behind two 60's/70's C10 Chev's running side by side in front of you, LOL

One was a rat rod style and ones was restored.


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