Well, I finally had my first mow of the season today. The ground is still too soft to use the itty bitty New Holland. So I had to resort to using the Craftsman riding mower. The mower would not start. The bendix inside the starter was gummed up. All it would do is spin without contacting the flywheel. That happened before and it was a simple thing to fix, but I didn't remember exactly what I did. I took the starter off, saw two bolts on top. That must be it. Just remove them, slide the thing apart and lube it up. No.........that allows the bottom to pop off, you know, where the brushes are.

So the bottom popped off and hit the floor. All four brushes came out of the slots they reside in. No problem. put them back in slide it all back together. Something doesn't look right here. The brushes are recessed too far. Pull the brushes back out. Hmm......there is a recess in each slot that looks like a spring may have been in there. Look on the floor, yep there is a spring laying there. Finally find all four springs and put them back in. The springs stick up a little bit above the slots. But the brushes have to go in there too. Okay, I have to compress the spring with the brush, times 4. I don't have that many hands. Dozens of thoughts went through my mind on how to fix this mess. I could try this.........no. I could try that......no. I tried to hold one brush down with a utility knife blade and line another one up, hold it down. CRAP this isn't working.
LIGHT BULB went off. Take 2 blades out of the utility knife, hold one brush/spring down, cover it with one of the blades. Push the next spring/brush down and slide the blade over and hold that one down too. Secure it with a spring clamp. Do the same thing with the remaining 2 springs/brushes. Slide the rest of the starter down on top as far as possible, remove the 2 spring clamps one at a time. Slide the assembly together some more. Pull the knife blades out and finish sliding assembly together. Bolt back together.
NOW twist the gear on top so it moves forward enough to spray in some lube on the bendix gear. Work it a few times and re-install starter. Connect cable at the starter and at the battery. Fire it up and go spend the next 2+ hours just mowing half the lawn.
Once it dries out, I'll use the New Holland and have ALL the grass cut in 2+ hours.
I know, I know
The grass was high and thick from all of the rain we've had. I had to take it real slow. The neighbor had her lawn service over this morning. They abandoned her yard after only cutting half. It is just too wet and soft yet.