Respectfully Galen, it's not about the number of cheap, downscale models they plan to import. To me, it's all about what's behind the brand. It's about brand positioning, perceptions and reputation in the American market. But I won't continue to belabor the point. All I can say is that ALL of the reasons I became interested in Mahindra and ultimately bought a Mahindra run counter to the new direction in which M&M and M-USA seem to want to go.Doug, It is only one model, They are not abandoning the rest. And by the way I also saw the Indian Mahindra made replacements for the 10 series tractors. It looked good.
It's kinda like having chosen a BMW (or Volvo or Audi, etc.)... and then finding out that BMW plans to start importing Yugo's next year and have them wearing the BMW badge. It kinda kills the brand image and level of respect in the marketplace if ya know what I mean.
