hey Art,, I did not have to use the cord to fix my door. The new seal fixed it. I was just passing on the info about the cord that the dealer gave me from kubota,, in case other people needed to adjust their seal. It actually would work for that if you want a harder pressure in a particular area on the door.
I am happy the new seal fixed mine. It extends out where it was supposed to,,while the old seal was deformed and folded over,,pointing down instead of up at the doorframe.
We have determined the doorframe is formed differently on that side, but apparently "in tolerance", since the new seal reached it. I was prepared for a fight,,but my dealer never hesitated to try and solve the problem. I am happy with the seal on the door now.
I mention still wanting to bend the door because i could make it "just a little more perfect" if i did,,,and I am curious if it could be done.
LOL,,my wife just shakes her head and walks on,,,,,,according to her,,,,I tear everything apart after i buy it. Sigh,,she does not understand the need to have things "right".