bending the door on 1100


Your door is probably perfect... It's your cab thats wacked...AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

that is what i believe,,,,,It will be a tough thing to get fixed. I doubt they will want to replace the rtv for it either.

If i can uncurl the door and get it to seal without looking like a rig job,,,i will be happy. I'll inspect the next one better before handing over the cash!


Still sounds like a WARRANTY issue to me. IF the dealer is worth a dam@, they will contact the factory for a fix...or replacement. If they won't, try another dealer. If nothing works, remember that word-of-mouth advertisement can be real effective.
Also if nothing works...I'd think about an ad in the local mullet-wrapper. (Of course, with a copy sent to the dealer.)

"Thinking about buying a RTV?
Let me show you mine,
before you make up your mind!!"
I guess your is different than mine. The black plastic forms around the door frame. The weather strip attaches to the door edge. The clip is 1/2" ( that holds the weather strip in place ) , the attaching soft seal is 3/4" ( attached to the clip ) When my door closes it squeezes the soft seal approximately 5/16" forming the seal. If your weather strip is different from what I have explained check if there are two or more variations.
I checked both doors and they seal perfectly. I use the old dollar bill clearance check. If it is loose the bill can be moved easily indicating an incorrect seal.
Hope this helps.
The cab can't be wacked as they are built / welded in a jig.
Also my headliner is 1/4" short of contacting the interior door frame consistent on both sides.


The cab can't be wacked as they are built / welded in a jig.

lol,,,huh? sorry,, i worked in manufacturing all my life. You'll never convince me.

I took the door off so I can put it up against the other one to see if they match. I am going out right now to drive around with no door. Waiting on help to get here so we can hold it up to the other door. :17875:


well,,the results,,,,,

Kubota has realized there is a problem with some doors sealing. My dealer informed me of this today. I went to get my manual for the 1100 I had ordered,,, and he gave me a new door seal to install. He told me the price of a new door seal is $90. He also said he was told we could bend the plastic door with a heat gun if we had to.

Now that is not really the news,,although the new seal worked and my door is done.

The news is,,,when he gave me the seal,,he also gave me a kit that kubota sent to the dealer to fix problems with doors leaking. The kit consits of 2 pc (1 for each door) of approx 1/8 inch dia rubber cord about 2 ft long. It came with install pics which were puzzling to me and the dealer.

We figured out that the procedure to tighten the seals,,,is remove the door seal in the spot where it leaks, or is looser,,,place the rubber cord inside the seal,,,reinstall the seal. What it does, is push the seal away from the door,,toward the door frame. I did not use it since the new seal was not deformed like the original,,and i no longer have the large space between my door and frame any more. If you have a seal problem, ask your dealer about this kit.

I am happy my dealer took care of it with absolutely no delay or arguments. 1 vote of confidence for Compton Power Equipment in springfield, ohio.

I was positive a new seal would not fix it, but I was certainly wrong!


Active member
Ah, the simplest fix is always the best.
It's why I always check the fuse first. Learned this the hard way as a lad. Pulled a stereo out of the car and tore it apart only to find it was the in-line fuse.


Senior Member
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Ah, the simplest fix is always the best.
It's why I always check the fuse first.
Razerface could have probably used that info before heading to the dealer for the seal. It would have been embarrassing to find that after all these posts, it was just the door seal fuse. :yum:


the fuses! :bonk:

I still may bend the door a little,,,but it will be when I have nothing else to do since the seal does work good now,,,it just isn't perfect,,,,,,


Thats a jury rig fix.

I would want a new door.

If they made some bad doors they should replace them....don't let them off the hook.

Probably down the road you will be sorry for this kind of chit repair.

By pass the dealer and call Kubota and demand a new door. I sure would if it was my new unit.


I replaced my drivers door because I wanted the sliding window on that side.

They came out with that sliding window the next year after I bought mine.

They sold it to me at there cost to keep me happy.

Only took me 10 minutes to replace it.


Thats a jury rig fix.
hey Art,, I did not have to use the cord to fix my door. The new seal fixed it. I was just passing on the info about the cord that the dealer gave me from kubota,, in case other people needed to adjust their seal. It actually would work for that if you want a harder pressure in a particular area on the door.

I am happy the new seal fixed mine. It extends out where it was supposed to,,while the old seal was deformed and folded over,,pointing down instead of up at the doorframe.

We have determined the doorframe is formed differently on that side, but apparently "in tolerance", since the new seal reached it. I was prepared for a fight,,but my dealer never hesitated to try and solve the problem. I am happy with the seal on the door now.

I mention still wanting to bend the door because i could make it "just a little more perfect" if i did,,,and I am curious if it could be done.

LOL,,my wife just shakes her head and walks on,,,,,,according to her,,,,I tear everything apart after i buy it. Sigh,,she does not understand the need to have things "right".


As long as you are happy with it is all that matters.

All am saying Kubota said they made some bad doors....I would want a new one myself. But thats just me.

After warranty is out and it starts to give you any problems what are they gona do for you then?


I do not have a bad door. I had a bad seal. I just "thought" i had a bad door. Some doors may be bad, per dealer,,which is why they made the kit.