your fine on your X1100C. they changed to a spiral spark arrestor and there isn't any back pressure problems like the screen types.
Removed mine a couple days ago, pretty plugged up. I did the sensible thing and cut it off. No results because I have fuel contamination issue I'm working on. o_O

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2010 RTV900. What spark arrestor should I have? A screen on the end of the tail pipe, bolt up into the muffler? I don't see any sign of anything like is described here or in the manuals.
HI and welcome to the best forum around. :) On the older RTV 900s, Does your tailpipe have 2 bolts that hold it to the muffler? If it does then it can be, unbolted and pulled out to be cleaned or altered. Don't cut off the screened part though. I did that and it was no longer counterbalanced so ended up breaking out the end of the muffler. Instead, a person with a dremel ,chisel or hack saw blade can alter it.
If it doesn't have the 2 bolts showing, it probably had the screw on kind that usually comes /falls off on its own after a couple of years.
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I went out to the barn this morning and found the tailpipe did have two bolts. One came out hard and the other broke off. The spark arrestor was completely sooted up! I cleaned it, got the broken bolt out, cleaned up the threads in the muffler and the one good bolt and found another bolt in my collection and put it back together. They way I will be using this just putt putting around the yard and house and running between shops, I probably should clean this very regularly. With new bolts and a little Neverseize on the threads, it wouldn't take more that 5 or 10 minutes and I'll bet it runs better. The next time I do it, I'll stick the shop vac in the hole and vacuum anything in there out.

Thank you for the help.
Glad it worked out for you Peter James. :) I should have been a little more detailed in my comment to say don't cut off the entire inner part. I did that one time and it made my muffler end break out, over time because it wasn't balanced. The next time around I only altered the screen areas since we don't have forest fires around here. In fire prone areas , spark arresters are a necessity though and should be left intact . :) bordercollie
In view of the fact that I plan to be in the woods, hauling out brush and cut up trees and the duff on the forest floor is deep and dry pine needles and leaves, I'll leave the spark arrestor intact and just clean it frequently. With new bolts it will come out easily.